What did you accomplish today?

I spent hours fucking with my sump pump last night, with multiple runs to the hardware store and I didn't really accomplish much. I had to return the pump I bought because it was missing the float and rod, but they didn't have another one, so I ended up getting a discount on it figuring I'd just use my old float and rod. Got it all set up with a new anti flow back valve, pvc instead of flex line and i put in a quick disconnect. Pulled my backup pump out, quickly cut the old lines and got drenched with about 5 gallons of ice cold water. Pulled the old pump, realized I forgot to put the old rod on the new pump and....it's too short, the new pump is about 3" taller. Umm.. waters coming up fast, so I throw in the backup pump, which immediately blows the circuit. Reset that, and then I tried to figure out the float situation. I go to move the old pump out of the way and large pieces of rust and sediment start falling off, so I start scraping it with a screwdriver and realize all the intake holes are plugged with crap. Clean them all out, pull the back up pump out, put this one in and VIOLA! it's working like a champ. Pumps the water down in about 30 mins and shuts off. Too bad all the connections are leaking like sieves now. So im headed back to swap this new pump for a smaller, and more importantly - less expensive, one and get some new lines and fittings to do it all right.

My best friend was busting my balls because I'm always talking about doing preventive maintenance to stop problems and how 5 mins worth of work would've saved me a weeks worth of headaches. Then i asked him was when the last time he did an oil change on his truck and he shut up, he's at least 18k over due
It's an art gallery, you think they'd at least get someone to paint the floor.

Have a great bday.
Ha, yeah right! its so trendy to keep it all fucked up like that. thanks !:p:p
Happy Birthday, Doc! What part of the city are you visiting? Have fun, and be safe...
Thanks:bigjoint:visiting Manhattan and Brooklyn . staying in Lower Manhattan :-P
I adjusted the timers lights are going off early tonight as we are going into 12/12 from tomorrow. Yeay. These plants are already reaching for 5 foot.

I crammed the rooted clones and 2 mothers into my veg box, the 3rd mom will have to just flower with the spillover light.
She is not really big nor trained at all. Maybe I'll give her a haircut tomorrow and see if I can stick her in the veg box too.

The new lights will be ready in 3 weeks at the most then the vegers will get their own room.
Today I became a plumber @srh88, can I have a job? I removed a Moen 1225 cartridge and replaced it without defacing or breaking the Moen faucet. Best of all I did not reverse the hot and cold, the f'n FIRST TIME!!

Now I hurt like hell, so I'm just going to crawl off and drink all the wine in the fridge ow ow ow

I have to replace the cartridge in my shower. Thanks for guilt tripping me into doing it. I just have to figure out what cartridge. @srh88 what cartridge do you think a 30 year old Moen uses?