What did you accomplish today?

Here's a finished one. They shrink and become goofy shaped inside the shell. Texture is more rubbery compared to a regular boiled egg. Wife thinks the taste is a little weird but should be good if we devil them.

View attachment 4108314
i think i'd try boiling them, scraping all the yolks out into a bowl, giving that a quick mash, and smoking the yolks. then make deviled eggs out of that.....
Thanks. We have a few in our yard, every year. A few years ago, we watched dozens hatch out. So cool. In my lil garden, the caryopteris blue beard always has the most.

My first experience with them, as a kid,
I brought one in and kept it under my bed.

When I got home from school all of my
worldly possessions were out in the front yard. Desk, bed, clothes, everything.

They had hatched. Mom was pissed.:P
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No man, like when you make the little line on your toothbrush, with the little point.
I'll check if I can find one later.
Haven’t been around much, bought the new property decided we liked the area more than where we are so I’ve been busy packing going to move soon and then rent this place. Have to wait for a tent to finish drying before I move everything. View attachment 4108369
@curious2garden took the heater out of the tent (never went under 62)for the last week and my sr71 purpled nicely. Can’t wait to give it a try
OMG so lovely, thanks for the picture, great job growing her!