What did you accomplish today?

I got some Man Gland Sauce if anyone is interested.

As good as this stuff claimed to be?

I hear ya I put an opinion out there in response to a source posted by another member but obviously when I merely stated what the source was..it wasn't factual or logical. I then posted the rest of the source which dispelled the plight they where trying to achieve..but obviously they didn't get anywhere near that. I will admit its kinda fun though! I was worried it wouldn't be because I have litteraly zero idea what's going on in the political sphere. But it turns out that's not even what politics is about, its more like shit talking and breaking the Tors of riu and not getting in trouble

Pinworm and bob should return and just live forever in politics you can do anything in there no problems

I occasionally post there to say hello to my favorite Atheist agnostic reconstructionist humanist incontinent self-applied honorary Jew. We're buddies. That section has a weird glitch tho because my posts usually disappear within a couple of minutes.
that's dopee
Have you been? Where is it?

If you go into Cape Town you can drive up to the base of the mountain and take the cable car there.
If you follow the wires down you will see the parked cars and the cable car station.

The little bit of harbour that you can see is where the Dutch landed at the cape. That whole piece was beach and you could see it looking out the door of the Castle, which is just off picture. They actually painted a mural there to show how it would have looked.
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If you go in to Cape Town you can drive up to the base of the mountain and take the cable car there.
If you follow the wires down you will see the parked cars and the cable car station.

The little bit of harbour that you can see is where the Dutch landed at the cape. That whole piece was beach and you could see it looking out the door of the Castle, which is just off picture. They actually pained a mural there to show how it would have looked.

Is that Homer Simpson in the window of the cable car?
If you go into Cape Town you can drive up to the base of the mountain and take the cable car there.
If you follow the wires down you will see the parked cars and the cable car station.

The little bit of harbour that you can see is where the Dutch landed at the cape. That whole piece was beach and you could see it looking out the door of the Castle, which is just off picture. They actually painted a mural there to show how it would have looked.
There's an arsonist afoot there; have they caught him?
I occasionally post there to say hello to my favorite Atheist agnostic reconstructionist humanist incontinent self-applied honorary Jew. We're buddies. That section has a weird glitch tho because my posts usually disappear within a couple of minutes.

Because your "buddy" has "connections". (no, not me) :wink:

Pro-tip, don't win an argument or bets with him or . . .
Probably about time to make another Neo-for-mod thread.

If you, my constituents, vote for me, I solemnly swear to uphold a fair and just system. And I swear I will not be just another cog in the machine. No no. I will get results. And they will be great. I'll get the job done. And nudes. And not rip this place apart doing it. Again. #2018
I occasionally post there to say hello to my favorite Atheist agnostic reconstructionist humanist incontinent self-applied honorary Jew. We're buddies. That section has a weird glitch tho because my posts usually disappear within a couple of minutes.
His parents are still cleaning up after him. :P

(This post will self destruct in 3... 2... 1... )
It is a good day.
Replaced seat cover.
20180403_155316.jpg 20180403_155342.jpg Found the correct tool for disconnecting the seat heater electrical connection.
20180403_155250.jpg 20180403_155204.jpg

Failed the final electrical inspection on kitchen remodel cause no arc fault. Fucking told me they had to do that," that's why it's so expensive, we have to bring you to code". Fuck you electrical contractor, you were fired cause you tried to charge a pot head who builds his own led lights for a driver that dosent exist, fuck you general contractor, you were fired cause you don't know what end of a tape measure to use, same for you mechanical contractor. I fix your fuck ups, I patch my ceiling when you can't find material to match.

It is a good day, tomorrow I fix the arc fault issue, now it's bowl30.
It is a good day.
Replaced seat cover.
View attachment 4116240 View attachment 4116241 Found the correct tool for disconnecting the seat heater electrical connection.
View attachment 4116235 View attachment 4116236

Failed the final electrical inspection on kitchen remodel cause no arc fault. Fucking told me they had to do that," that's why it's so expensive, we have to bring you to code". Fuck you electrical contractor, you were fired cause you tried to charge a pot head who builds his own led lights for a driver that dosent exist, fuck you general contractor, you were fired cause you don't know what end of a tape measure to use, same for you mechanical contractor. I fix your fuck ups, I patch my ceiling when you can't find material to match.

It is a good day, tomorrow I fix the arc fault issue, now it's bowl30.
I feel your pain, incompetence bothers me greatly.
Realized this morning that it's been a decade since I've signed up here. Not a damn thing has changed. Except negative rep. Bring that shit back I say. :mrgreen:

Been busy getting ready for the start of the season with mulch and cleanups. Trying to get a lil fishing in before the chaos.

Went to launch the other day and she turned over just fine. Minute later it just died. Tried to start again and nothing.

Figured it was a ground issue and after tinkering around a bit she still wouldn't budge. Loaded up pissed off and went home. It was indeed a ground from the Bluetooth I installed over the winter .

Fucking mice chewed it up real good like under a panel I couldn't get to. All worked out and gonna take the crappy crappie out this weekend. 25hp Max on my crappie spot so I ordered a sticker to replace the 50hp. I was eyeballed last year but they seemed non the wiser and just kept on. I feel it's a matter of time before they check me out. I'll just play dumb and say it came like that from auction.

I'm ready though. Supposed to be 65 on Saturday. Just pushed couple inches of snow on Easter. What fucky weather so far. Hopefully it stays nice this weekend.
