I need help...overgrown plant


Hello everyone,

I need help! I have an overgrown plant. Let me try to make the story short. 1

I have been growing for about a year now, only auto-flowers to learn the ropes as auto-flowers are easier and noob friendly.

I have harvested eleven plants now. But I have tested LTS, Scrog, Tomato Cages, nothing at all. In a year I have done quite a few things, while still learning.

So my issue comes when my seed dealer sends me a free sample of a feminized in an auto-flower order.

But is not until I successfully cloned the plant that I found out its feminized and not auto, BIG difference.

I took four clones out, and actually, they where branches I pruned because I believe the plant was going to start flowering.

I decided to try cloning them since they qualified for a good auto-flower cloning specimen.

1) Healthy plant
2) I took lower branches who do not have the flowering signal yet
3) I did take this cuts a few hours after plant showing sex or flowering transition signs.

Yes, when I saw roots on my clones I believed I did the impossible to clone an auto-flower but not just once, FOUR TIMES!

I did bring myself down and started thinking that I was not lucky, something else was going on. The roots were long and plenty.

So I reach out and indeed they said it was a feminized seed.

Now I have an overgrown plant and if I change the lights to 12/12 this thing will grow even bigger...

As its stand, there is only about 6" clearance for my lights and its getting heat stress.

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I was thinking to clone it more but.... what do I do with the top?


I began germinating the seed on 1/1/18


Here are the four clones now on pots
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Note: I am transitioning into using feminized as I feel more comfortable now, then eventually I will move into regular seeds.

I am growing other feminized as we speak.

Thanks for the help!

**UPDATE: Change auto-fem for Feminized to make clear the distinction **
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Well-Known Member
I updated my op, the plant is feminized not auto. That's where my problem lies, I let it grow thinking it will auto-flower. :(
That's what my thinking was.. but i didn't want to go calling you a bullshitter..glad you figured it out.. when you said you cloned them and they were auto fems it really got me scratching my head..


Well-Known Member
If height is an issue and you plan on taking more cuttings from it anyway, you can cut the top off, about 5-7 nodes down, and use it as a clone. Let the plant recover a week or so and send it into flower just to finish her off.

If you take a big cut off the top and LST the rest of the plant, it should stay short enough to finish the flowering period.

It sounds like you're going to have to modify your grow setup somehow to get the light further away, but giving her a good top should do it for now.


Well-Known Member
take a shit load of clones .... SOG style and get a mother ship :D she's a beauty ..... but if not cut in half and flipped to flower like it is she gonna double in size at minimum


Sorry for this noob question, should I cut the top and try to root it? I always been so protective of the main cola...