Well-Known Member
This ^^^ Its something your doing..did..or not doing consistently. That's for sure. It could be a bad batch of coco from the store but I highly doubt it. Could be a bad batch of nutes..I doubt it. Could be a bad meter..again...highly doubtful. It's something grower practice related.Yikes! Your plants were looking good awhile ago. I seriously don't know why you are having so many issues. Just to speculate I would say you overfed and the temps got too low. I've never had issues like your experiencing using blumats and 100% coco. I stay under 800 ppm, sometimes a little more but not by much and the 800 ppm level is during the first few weeks of flower. I start cutting back mid flower. I never flush or top water. I also use a small space heater in my tent to keep the temps up during lights off and I run the lights at night when it's colder letting the light heat the tent. The space heater runs during the day when the lights are off and it's warmed up enough that the space heater keeps the tent around 68 - 70 degrees.
Those plants are not going to recover significantly by harvest time. I hate to say it but those buds are not likely to get much bigger. Those plants are stressed out, overfed, and likely drowning in that soaking wet coco after all the water you flushed through. Never flush straight water through coco this late into a grow. It screws things up. I don't think you have enough time for those to recover significantly. You're too far along. If I were you I would yank out the blumats and hand water for the remainder of the grow with 1/4 strength nutrients.
That's pretty much all I can offer. You seem to have so many issues and as soon as you fix one another pops up. I think your cursed. Just joking but man you sure have a bunch of issues. Sorry not to be of more help but it really doesn't matter that much at this point. Those plants are already screwed. Are you positive your giving us the whole story on what you have been feeding?