Trump Tweets "Get ready Russia"


Well-Known Member
I thought trump worked for Putin?

It looks like Trump works for Israel though. Just like every other dogshit zionist US President.

Trump cucked the Neoliberals and he cucked the alt right.



Well-Known Member
I don't think it was Assad's boys who did this round of bombing.
He was winning and the US just announced it was withdrawing troops.

Sounds too counterproductive...
How about instead of dropping million dollar bombs on them, let's drop millions of dollars of cash on Harlem and New Orleans and other such places.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it was Assad's boys who did this round of bombing.
He was winning and the US just announced it was withdrawing troops.

Sounds too counterproductive...
How about instead of dropping million dollar bombs on them, let's drop millions of dollars of cash on Harlem and New Orleans and other such places.
About to visit the New Orleans next month. Can't wait. always enjoy the food !!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't think it was Assad's boys who did this round of bombing.
He was winning and the US just announced it was withdrawing troops.

Sounds too counterproductive...
How about instead of dropping million dollar bombs on them, let's drop millions of dollars of cash on Harlem and New Orleans and other such places.
From what I can tell, there hasn't been a confirmation of anything. The major news outlets are simply reporting what they can verify. So far as I know, the major news outlets here are saying there are reports of chemical gas attacks, not that there is proof. Also, they are not naming Assad as the perp, just that Assad's government has launched many gas attacks in the past.

We all know that Trump doesn't need facts to make a decision. Even if he launched on Syria it would prove nothing. On the other hand, RT is claiming certainty that Assad didn't launch a gas attack. That should mean nothing but I'm of the mind that RT's and Putin's denials are almost a confirmation that Assad did it.

If Trump launches missiles against Assad, nothing of consequence will happen there. On the other hand, sanctions against Russia are already biting hard. I don't care what the justification is, hit Putin hard with more sanctions that bite. Fuck him and his toady government.

We'll know we've cracked down hard enough when @trippnface starts crying because Russia's checks to him are bouncing.


Well-Known Member
Experienced instant nausea reading that Tweet. Bolton makes me twitchy, feels like war coming. If the current situation deteriorates further, Trump will try and pull back from the brink of disaster and claim he saved the world, this, imo, is the depth of his narcissism; a geo political Munchausen-by-proxy.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it was Assad's boys who did this round of bombing.
He was winning and the US just announced it was withdrawing troops.

Sounds too counterproductive...
How about instead of dropping million dollar bombs on them, let's drop millions of dollars of cash on Harlem and New Orleans and other such places.
Careful. They'll call you a conspiracy theorist.

Funny how those chemical attacks always happen when Assad is winning and the US is trying to pull out, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
The American military industrial complex is one of our biggest industrial sectors and regularly needs to crank up the fear factor in the mass media to justify how much it costs.

War in Syria is PROFITABLE, as useful scaremongering fodder to manufacture consent to keep expanding the military budget.. We aren't there to win anything. America has 2000 troops there and they sit on the oil fields so no one can use them to generate income. They AREN'T fighting ISIS, the Taliban or anyone else.

Now shut up and watch your news, we've got boondoggles to build!


Well-Known Member
Lets start WW3. What an asshat.

And if that 25% steel tariff goes through for China have at it amigos. All of your costs on anything steel related just went up 35 to 40%. Because you add the tariff to your cost and mark up from there. That is how she goes.

For Canada its great news. We just became super competitive in all areas of steel again.


Well-Known Member
Lets start WW3. What an asshat.

And if that 25% steel tariff goes through for China have at it amigos. All of your costs on anything steel related just went up 35 to 40%. Because you add the tariff to your cost and mark up from there. That is how she goes.

For Canada its great news. We just became super competitive in all areas of steel again.
Not a lot of steel mills in Canada. But they do wreck the environment to make aluminum. ALCAN, anyone?


Well-Known Member
Not a lot of steel mills in Canada. But they do wreck the environment to make aluminum. ALCAN, anyone?
Well that is not correct. I know we have the largest most efficient and green steel mill in Canada. Personally. :D A rolling mill that can produce 900,000 tons of quality steel a year and we have been directly competing with China. And now we have a massive advantage if the tariff goes into place because we work on tight margins in Canada.

900,000 tons is max capacity which is 1.8 billion pounds a year

Millions were spent to be green. Special bagging operations (the difusion of waste), heat recapture to heat up scrap. All of this and China comes in with shit steel and claims it is as good although our tooling has always proved it is not as good.

Now USA can buy Canadian or USA and stop buying the substandard Chinese crap. BUT

For the regular guy your price of BBQs is going up, wheels, cars, the list of tarriffed is 50 pages of groups of things. Walmart may never be the same again.

But fuck them. I hate walmart and i sure as shit dont shop there. The coffin nail to business. I hope they suffer.

Sorry for the digression.

I have seen electrodes like from welding but 1 foot in diameter and 6 feet long go into an 80 ton pot of mixed steel and covert it into liquid in 90 seconds. It is like a thousand explosions in 90 seconds and the smell of steel being created. OMG I love it. The heat is insanity but it is power conversion to a useful metal. Steel is the most recyclable metal in existence and used in most facets of regular life.
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Well-Known Member
Well that is not correct. I know we have the largest most efficient and green steel mill in Canada. Personally. :D A rolling mill that can produce 900,000 tons of quality steel a year and we have been directly competing with China. And now we have a massive advantage if the tariff goes into place because we work on tight margins in Canada.

900,000 tons is max capacity which is 1.8 billion pounds a year

Millions were spent to be green. Special bagging operations (the difusion of waste), heat recapture to heat up scrap. All of this and China comes in with shit steel and claims it is as good although our tooling has always proved it is not as good.

Now USA can buy Canadian or USA and stop buying the substandard Chinese crap. BUT

For the regular guy your price of BBQs is going up, wheels, cars, the list of tarriffed is 50 pages of groups of things. Walmart may never be the same again.

But fuck them. I hate walmart and i sure as shit dont shop there. The coffin nail to business. I hope they suffer.

Sorry for the digression.
Relative to China and America, Canada doesn't make a lot of steel.

The facility you describe sounds like a modern, efficient and competitive operation and it's likely a fair guess that its biggest customer base is the auto industry.

That would help keep the price of domestic cars under control.

Notice Canada was also exempted from the tariffs on aluminum.


Well-Known Member
Exempt on steel and aluminum. The plant I mention produces more QUALITY steel than any USA plant. for your own info. And it is fact. Bethlehem steel doesn't come close :D

My point was we are going to both boom as manufacturers. USA and Canada if the tariff goes through. I would say we were about 20 percent off of Chinese pricing and now we are all in the game.

I think Mr Trump did a good thing for business. As he said he would.

But consumers might be pissed when prices go up except.....wages are going up and tax is going down so maybe not.

Fuck i need a program to keep up with it.

And if President Trump makes it so that you pay more for goods BUT your wages go up and everyone that wants a job is employed.......welcome to a 2nd term of Trump.

I just need 2 years and i am retiring so have at it. Lets boom for 2 years it would be awesome

I amended to quality steel. China can have low carbon steel it is like the dollar store of steel. Mid to high carbon steel is a lot more sophisticated to make.

And I work in the steel business so I have an idea how it works. I analyze steel patterns and trends so we can predict the future. I have a golden magic 8 ball and a crystal ball and a wicked set of dice.
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Well-Known Member
Can't see America going to war with Russia unless Trumpet Head is fucked in the head. Every time that twat opens his mouth another cunt load a shit falls out.
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