Unconventional Organics

You reminded me of a point that I would like to make of one instance that you should not use live water and that is for cloning.
I had never lost a single clone until I tried cloning with some live water once and lost the whole lot. I normally use municipal tap water which has choramine and like I mentioned, never lost a single clone which makes sense as the microbes will clog up the tissue of a cut stem and stem rot sets in. Your well water is fine as it does not have near the bacteria or fungi that live water does. Once you transplant an established clone, you can use the aquarium water which is what you mentioned you were going to do. I just wanted to clarify for others that are reading this thread.
I add just about 10% living water to my clone bucket and get better than I do with city water
Crickets and mealworms are lower grade, I think. The soldier flies are a step up I do believe. Are there any fungal numbers to go with that Synergy brand by chance @Fastslappy
Anyone that runs a Frass company and doesn't post numbers, well, I wouldn't buy anything they do. Just me.
Speaking of meal worms I have been adding frass from Super Worms. They are much larger than meal worms and they come in fine wood chips. Once my Bearded Dragon is done eating the super worms I add the crap to my compost. I know that super worms are high in Phosphorus so I would assume so is there crap. Maybe it would be good to add a decent amount during flower.
I would watch what you add in flower, especially from the poop realm, if you want that super clean smoke, less is more. Especially late.
ive also heard its a common practice to grill the placenta and the mother to eat it. Supposed to be very nutritous. So whats with the aloe vera and transplant? what exactly do you do? im actually starting an aloe vera farm got a few pups gonna be making a variety of products. Anyways ill have alot of it ha so yea how does it benefit my other garden?

You scrape the gel from the inside of a alo vera leaf and mix this in with your foliar spray. The gel contains molecules called saponins. These are soap like substances and they break the surface tension of the water so that it coats the plant surface in an even layer and does not bead up. There are also nutrients in the gel that plants like, so you can put it in your soil.
You can give your organics a boost with water that you clean aquarium filter media in.
I have never taken ppm readings as it is impossible to burn plants or new seedlings with it.
Yesterday I cleaned a particularly dirty filter in a 15L bucket of water and took a reading.
My tap water is about 47ppm and with the filter dirt in there all stirred up and the water nice and black ppm came back at 58ppm. You see many things won't show on a ppm meter, especially organics not from salt sources. Things like urea for example. The filter washing is also full of the bacteria that further break down this food.

I am not doing pure organics so I still add my nutes and calmag as per usual.

Edit, this is not the same as the ppm of the aquarium water. That is at least 100ppm more, but can also be used.

Nitrites are broken down into nitrates that end up in the filter.
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My buddy buried their baby's placenta under a pot plant. It was the best looking plant I've ever seen. It's leaves were about 5 times bigger than any normal plant.
I pulled my mountain bike down and put air in the tires today.

I'm brewing my first batch of tea today and I rode with my tea bag to the park and used a stick to dig up the myco growing n the hardwood chips under the old oak trees. Bubbling it up with my tea recipe. When in Rome...

Old post, but one word, interesting, As a former government waste water treatment plant employee, using human waste is totally possible, and safe if done correctly. First off. You need to compost it with air AND without. You can do this by putting it in a bucket with water and urin and bubble it for a week of so, then you let it sit for a two weeks without bubble, VENTED! and keep away, you will have hydrogen sulfide gasses building, keep away from flame! then dilute 10:1 and bubble with some AACT stuff. black gold my friend.
In the unconventional organics department...
This may not be all that unconventional, but potassium bitartrate, or cream of tartar, if you know your way around the kitchen, is a byproduct of winemaking and is returned to the soil after being filtered from wine in the industry.
As such, it's not really "unconventional" per se...
This also begs the idea of wine lees as an amendment, as well.
Old post, but one word, interesting, As a former government waste water treatment plant employee, using human waste is totally possible, and safe if done correctly. First off. You need to compost it with air AND without. You can do this by putting it in a bucket with water and urin and bubble it for a week of so, then you let it sit for a two weeks without bubble, VENTED! and keep away, you will have hydrogen sulfide gasses building, keep away from flame! then dilute 10:1 and bubble with some AACT stuff. black gold my friend.
Bubbling that seems pretty dedicated, as a young grower I had heard rumours of useing human feces so I had to try it, I used old outhouse shit, I prepped holes where I had room to put a bucket of shit in then do a prepped hole above it so I planted about 20" above the outhouse shit, did 4 holes like that that yr and best outdoor I've ever done, kinda gross doing it up though. Have never repeated this process since..
Bubbling that seems pretty dedicated, as a young grower I had heard rumours of useing human feces so I had to try it, I used old outhouse shit, I prepped holes where I had room to put a bucket of shit in then do a prepped hole above it so I planted about 20" above the outhouse shit, did 4 holes like that that yr and best outdoor I've ever done, kinda gross doing it up though. Have never repeated this process since..

When you removed it from the out house you had removed the waste that had already undergone at least a partial anaerobic decomposition (digester) and then added it to the soil. Most of the matter that is "recycled" from the digester goes into he ground as you described or further mixed with nitrogen greens and further anaerobically digested under tarps.
With all the options that there are...
Why the hell would anyone compost human shit? Can’t you find a better way to play with science than with human waste? Lol dang.

I was wondering about starfish? I live in south central FL, 40 miles west of the east coast or so. Lots of beach trips with the family. Tons of starfish. I figured they’re probably loaded with calcium and nitrogen.

Also can I just grab up seaweed for my compost piles and worm bins? Or can it only be certain types, and probably needs the salt rinsed off real good ?
