Rep Annoymus Club

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Well-Known Member
I'd like to take this time to inform you of poor poor growers who don't have many rep points. They strive day in and day out trying to make ends meet, share information, and lead a productive life. For just a few clicks a day, less clicks than it takes to exit a porn site, you can make one poor poor rep-less grower's dream come true. Imagine the smile on his face when he wakes up and sees a nice steaming bowl of rep points. Can you ignore their pained tears? I didn't think so. So, pick up that mouse and send points our way.

Here at the rep distribution center, we'll be glad to accept all of your rep points that you can afford to send. Once a month, for your participation, you'll receive a PM written by the receiver of the rep and occasionally a picture.

Do it today. Your help is needed.

Thank You


Well-Known Member
A place to dry out. So the next time we get rep it will be as good as the first (well almost).


Well-Known Member
since the rep blocks stopped i am going to wallmat to buy myself some red blocks to put next to the monitor, Grow Room update tuesday!
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