The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out



Not reporting loans to campaigns is more than something. It is a crime. There is evidence that Trump did exactly that. Is it proven? I'll be honest and say that I don't know because Mueller hasn't released his report. I do know that the Senate intelligence comittee came out specifically saying that Russia did interfere with our election and they specifically say Russia meant to help Trump. They are still working on whether or not Trump colluded but the first stage is complete. No denying Russia put its resources into helping Trump win the election.

Do better than "something". derp.
Actually the draft is out and parts of it are leaking you should do some research. It's not looking good For the last administration. I saw one leak a says the FBI broke the law during the Hillary Clinton investigation.
The rats aren't jumping ship, they are only moving to a drier part of it. The rats can't actually leave the ship; they are a part of it..... Unfortunately, so are we. The ship is this country.

GOP Congress panics and throws Donald Trump even further under the bus
Bill Palmer | 2:18 am EDT May 18, 2018

Yesterday Palmer Report brought you the surprising story of how two different Republican-controlled Senate committees opted to throw Donald Trump under the bus in two different ways on the same day. We pointed out that this could not have been coincidence, and that it meant GOP leaders are distancing themselves from Trump’s scandals because they know something we don’t. Now yet another congressional committee, this time in the House, has made a strong move against Trump.

Trump announced earlier this week that he was planning to help the government of China bail out its shady and failing cellphone company ZTE. Then we learned that the Chinese government had just sunk half a billion dollars into Trump’s real estate project in Indonesia. In other words, China personally bribed Trump to get him to help ZTE in return. ZTE is such a uniquely criminal company, the United States has sanctions in place against it. It turns out the GOP wants nothing to do with Trump’s latest antics.

The House Appropriations Committee has unanimously votedto keep U.S. sanctions in place against ZTE. This means that every Republican on the committee voted to keep the sanctions, even though Donald Trump has made clear that he wants the sanctions eased. This comes shortly after the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report admitting that Russia meddling in the election in Trump’s favor. This also comes after the Senate Judiciary Committee released the transcript of Donald Trump Jr’s prior testimony, which will help Robert Mueller build his criminal case against Junior.

So now three different congressional committee have made unmistakably anti-Trump moves in the past two days. All three of these committees are Republican controlled. Palmer Report has predicted all along that the Republican Congress would begin to move against Trump if and only if he became so radioactive that the GOP feared being dragged down with him. The Republicans clearly know something we don’t, and based on how quickly they’re moving against Trump, they must be expecting it to drop soon.​
i still see war as the correct answer for cleansing america

Those of us who can't, salute those of you who do. ;)

Or something like that. But I disagree nonetheless. It's like treating a cancer. The cure can often be worse than the disease, and you still die in the end.
The rats aren't jumping ship, they are only moving to a drier part of it. The rats can't actually leave the ship; they are a part of it..... Unfortunately, so are we. The ship is this country.

GOP Congress panics and throws Donald Trump even further under the bus
Bill Palmer | 2:18 am EDT May 18, 2018

Yesterday Palmer Report brought you the surprising story of how two different Republican-controlled Senate committees opted to throw Donald Trump under the bus in two different ways on the same day. We pointed out that this could not have been coincidence, and that it meant GOP leaders are distancing themselves from Trump’s scandals because they know something we don’t. Now yet another congressional committee, this time in the House, has made a strong move against Trump.

Trump announced earlier this week that he was planning to help the government of China bail out its shady and failing cellphone company ZTE. Then we learned that the Chinese government had just sunk half a billion dollars into Trump’s real estate project in Indonesia. In other words, China personally bribed Trump to get him to help ZTE in return. ZTE is such a uniquely criminal company, the United States has sanctions in place against it. It turns out the GOP wants nothing to do with Trump’s latest antics.

The House Appropriations Committee has unanimously votedto keep U.S. sanctions in place against ZTE. This means that every Republican on the committee voted to keep the sanctions, even though Donald Trump has made clear that he wants the sanctions eased. This comes shortly after the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report admitting that Russia meddling in the election in Trump’s favor. This also comes after the Senate Judiciary Committee released the transcript of Donald Trump Jr’s prior testimony, which will help Robert Mueller build his criminal case against Junior.

So now three different congressional committee have made unmistakably anti-Trump moves in the past two days. All three of these committees are Republican controlled. Palmer Report has predicted all along that the Republican Congress would begin to move against Trump if and only if he became so radioactive that the GOP feared being dragged down with him. The Republicans clearly know something we don’t, and based on how quickly they’re moving against Trump, they must be expecting it to drop soon.​
If they are gonna act against Trump, now is the time , after the primaries and well before the general election. It will give most of the base time to get over their sore assholes before the midterms, they have limited attention spans and are easily confused (they still support Trump). Shoes are falling from the sky like rain and Donald's many days of reckoning are nearly at hand. Impeachment is a political act without the niceties or considerations of the legal system and folks (and Donald) would be surprised at how quickly he can be out and Pence be sworn in. The cuffs will go on within the hour when he is out and the charges against Trump and his family will take a week be to read out in court. Your summer entertainment is on schedule, buy lots of popcorn and come to think of it stock up in general cause Trump ain't above using nukes and killing millions just to distract or get through a news cycle. I figure it should be one Hell of a trial and if there was any justice the lot of em would be publicly hanged on the Washington Mall as an example to America's assholes.
Meanwhile, over in China,

Chinese bank staff offered dinner and photos with Trump for $150,000

An invitation emblazoned with the logo of the China Construction Bank Corp (CCB)(0939.HK) (601939.SS) circulating on the Weibo social media platform, offered high-net-worth clients the opportunity to attend a May 31 dinner in Dallas to mingle with U.S. “tycoons”.

Among the highlights for VIP attendees would be “having dinner with the president; taking photos with the president” and getting the president’s autograph, the advertisement said.

Trump is scheduled to host a $50,000-a-head fund-raising dinner with the Republican National Committee in Dallas that night.

The CCB branch in the technology hub of Shenzhen said it had not organized the offer but that after an investigation it found that the dinner had been promoted by some employees

It just keeps getting more and more bizarre.
Meanwhile, over in China,

Chinese bank staff offered dinner and photos with Trump for $150,000

An invitation emblazoned with the logo of the China Construction Bank Corp (CCB)(0939.HK) (601939.SS) circulating on the Weibo social media platform, offered high-net-worth clients the opportunity to attend a May 31 dinner in Dallas to mingle with U.S. “tycoons”.

Among the highlights for VIP attendees would be “having dinner with the president; taking photos with the president” and getting the president’s autograph, the advertisement said.

Trump is scheduled to host a $50,000-a-head fund-raising dinner with the Republican National Committee in Dallas that night.

The CCB branch in the technology hub of Shenzhen said it had not organized the offer but that after an investigation it found that the dinner had been promoted by some employees

It just keeps getting more and more bizarre.

it's not bizarre. donald trump is and has been involved in organized crime.

republitards are some sick motherfuckers. don't have the common sense god gave a worm
it's not bizarre. donald trump is and has been involved in organized crime.

republitards are some sick motherfuckers. don't have the common sense god gave a worm

Funny how much better the nobility likes Caesar when Caesar shares the spoils. Never mind that Rome is burning. Never mind that the barbarians are within 100 leagues of the border.. Never mind the indignities and despicable acts. Never mind the fate of the citizens. This is the era of the Ferengi rules of acquisition

Invicta! Well, until the fall of the empire anyway. It was a good run while it lasted.
Funny how much better the nobility likes Caesar when Caesar shares the spoils. Never mind that Rome is burning. Never mind that the barbarians are within 100 leagues of the border.. Never mind the indignities and despicable acts. Never mind the fate of the citizens. This is the era of the Ferengi rules of acquisition

Invicta! Well, until the fall of the empire anyway. It was a good run while it lasted.

i want some of what your smoking tonight..., lol...
Actually we beat the shit outta ya in 1812, near burned down the White House in the invasion of Washington, we barbarians, been there done that ;) Yer forgetting the old confederacy they never got over being losers, which is why they still are, no invictus for them.

The greedy behave logically, not ethically or morally it's all about what they can get away with, not what is right or even sensable.
Monologue: Royally Screwed | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including Trump's shady China deal, the latest from the Mueller investigation, and, of course, the royal wedding.

This guy has something important to say if ya wanna understand what's going on in the world and country. A lesson on the importance of honesty, even if yer partisan, be honest with yourself and others. Be the anti Trump, live with integrity, not as a prisoner of past lies and falsehoods, but free in this moment and into the future. Trump needed a clean up crew all of his life, like a mommy picking up the mess behind an indolent misbehaving toddler.

Are ya tired of winning yet?
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Actually we beat the shit outta ya in 1812, near burned down the White House in the invasion of Washington, we barbarians, been there done that ;) Yer forgetting the old confederacy they never got over being losers, which is why they still are, no invictus for them.

The greedy behave logically, not ethically or morally it's all about what they can get away with, not what is right or even sensable.

Confuse not the poem "Invictus" for the Roman motto "Invicta". Though both words roughly translate to undefeated or unconquered, they have very different meanings. We would do well to align oursellves with Invictus rather than Invicta.......

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
Oh, and there's a nasty rumour running quietly through washington that melania doesn't have a kidney issue, she has pid.

Thanks Donald. :(
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
Their souls have been conquered by fear and hatred which is why they are in the thrall of Donald, no invictus for them. Donald is the captain of their souls and he is leading the conquered to Hell.

Only those who live honestly with themselves and others in happiness are truly free. We cannot be
the master of our fate,
or captain of our souls.

If we are controlled be fear, hatred and greed, someone like Donald will soon slip into the driver's seat.

My Latin is a bit rusty, shit I'm not even Catholic, but a foreign heathen ;)
Oh, and there's a nasty rumour running quietly through washington that melania doesn't have a kidney issue, she has pid.

Thanks Donald. :(
Looks like Donald "earned" that purple heart after all, he said that avoiding the dose in as a playboy while dodging the draft was his Vietnam. Maybe he should give it to his wife, like he said to a gold star widow of a green beret, " he knew the job was dangerous when he took it", so did she. Now she can leave him and will, as soon as he gets into deep enough shit and its safe for her to do so.
Their souls have been conquered by fear and hatred which is why they are in the thrall of Donald, no invictus for them. Donald is the captain of their souls and he is leading the conquered to Hell.

Only those who live honestly with themselves and others in happiness are truly free. We cannot be
the master of our fate,
or captain of our souls.

If we are controlled be fear, hatred and greed, someone like Donald will soon slip into the driver's seat.

My Latin is a bit rusty, shit I'm not even Catholic, but a foreign heathen ;)

Safe in their alabaster chambers,
Untouched by morning and untouched by noon,
Sleep the meek members of the resurrection,
Rafter of satin, and roof of stone. Light laughs the breeze in her castle of sunshine;
Babbles the bee in a stolid ear;
Pipe the sweet birds in ignorant cadence,–
Ah, what sagacity perished here!

Grand go the years in the crescent above them;
Worlds scoop their arcs, and firmaments row,
Diadems drop and Doges surrender,
Soundless as dots on a disk of snow.
Trump to demand DOJ to examine whether it or FBI spied on campaign

Here we go, will Donald make it until june 21st or go nuts on the DOJ before then. All someone has to do is spook him about iminate action by Mueller and away we go. Let's see if Mitch McConnell and the GOP leadership wanna ride this dragon into the ground, or cut Donald's throat and get off before the summer. Midterm primaries are over now, so if it's gonna happen, it will be over Trump decapitating the DOJ, he's already fucked around with the FBI and DOJ far too much already.
Safe in their alabaster chambers,
The dead can repose in peace and wither away with the ages, but we who live must struggle with the likes of Trump! That's why I practice (teach too sometimes) to help deal with the likes of Trump and those who support him, helps to deal with the stupidity. When ya practice ya tend to live in the moment and take a " long view" of time, things seem temporary at best.

Lately I've taken up a new hobby, drone flying and I'm ordering up a good camera etc for some aerial photography. I'm only covering the high points in the Donald drama these days, checking in to see if Armageddon is on the horizon etc...

It ain't Donald all the time, here is one of the things that got me into FPV drone flying with an action camera. A great showreel of the work of Nurk.
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Trump to demand DOJ to examine whether it or FBI spied on campaign

Here we go, will Donald make it until june 21st or go nuts on the DOJ before then. All someone has to do is spook him about iminate action by Mueller and away we go. Let's see if Mitch McConnell and the GOP leadership wanna ride this dragon into the ground, or cut Donald's throat and get off before the summer. Midterm primaries are over now, so if it's gonna happen, it will be over Trump decapitating the DOJ, he's already fucked around with the FBI and DOJ far too much already.

There is an interesting turn of phrase in the DoJ's response to the donald:


See it?

"the Russian agents who interfered with the 2016 presidential election".....

No equivocation there. No "suspected", or "alleged", no "attempted". This is a statement of fact. No if's, and's or but's.

Trump's DoJ just announced that in fact, the Russian's DID interfere. They didn't attempt to interfere. They interfered.