Ripped off by Green Line Organics seed bank (GLO).


Well-Known Member

$800 in cash just wanted to spread the word. Seems they like to target out of state people. I would never post anything like this or hurt anyone's rep or business, but it has been months, they have done nothing to rectify the situation, quit answering emails as soon as I provided proof of delivery of money. This is a last resort. Full details in link.

This is the first time I have actually ever had an issue in all these years with a seedbank. I am on several of the major canna forums for 10+ years now if anyone questions credibility.
Sadly I wouldn't be surprised as he was talking about selling GLO. I ordered from him once and I got my stuff but it took 3 weeks and it was shipped from within my state. I nicely sent an email about a week into it to see if my order had shipped. The reply I got was less than friendly. He was asking me why I would even question if my order was still on track. I hope they come through for you though. He had some really killer prices.
Yeah it's been since March 16th so I have decided they will do nothing to rectify the situation. I have given them every opportunity to handle this behind closed doors. I would have been happy with any seeds even if from their own stock to be honest. I am a very reasonable easy to get a long with person, but they have done absolutely nothing in the way of help. Not even reply to any emails after proof of delivery of my cash to them.

Have to throw down the gauntlet.
Yup it was a huge and very important order for me. It was a whole season of seeds. This really hurt me financially.

I have started slamming his instagram and have post son every major canna forum I could think of. That is what silent treatment gets you. One fuckin pissed off person.
Maybe send him a link to this post so they know the public is watching this and would love to hear his side of the story.
Already have sent them links to every post on every forum I did today and have posted about 100 links so far on there instagram going to keep going. I don't expect much to change they certainly haven't ever bothered to reply to any of my 10+ emails to them before resorting to this sort of shit. I think they fully expect out of state people to just disappear...
It would be interesting to find out who was interested in purchasing his company. I wonder how they would react to knowing his company's rep sucks in the community.
I order one pack at a time. For 7 years. Never sent more than $80 at one time to anyone, and am 4 for 4 w/ Greenline, last time a year ago. Hate it for you 40.

Same, never trusted these guys with anything more. I also stopped going there when they stopped taking cards, always figured I could charge back if he tried to screw me before. I’m sorry to hear that though, hate seeing that shit.
Well folks got an email. I will update this later if I continue to get any more replies. They claimed no emails from me. I sent screen shots of 10+ to two different emails listed for their company. At least I got a reply finally. I offered a chance to rectify it in some manner. We will see how it pans out.
I always stick to who I buy seeds from.
GTA Seeds have treated me very well over the years.
If I want a strain he don't have listed I email him and ask. Every time I did that they came through for me.
Hemp Depot treats me well to. I buy interesting strains from small breeders there.
Montreal Seeds those people also have treated me well.
I stick with Canadian seed sellers as I don't like seeds going over boarders. Have had to many custom letters in the past not to mention the currency exchange between the USA $ and Canadian $ in todays age.
Sorry to hear that bro I have had exactly the same worry about every order I place overseas so I've limited them to $100-$250 per order. I've used 15+ seed banks & haven't had a problem yet , glad I'm wrapping up my collection after I get Blue Magoo
Sorry to hear that bro I have had exactly the same worry about every order I place overseas so I've limited them to $100-$250 per order. I've used 15+ seed banks & haven't had a problem yet , glad I'm wrapping up my collection after I get Blue Magoo

The only problem I've had is w/ Rhino , They have so many strains listed as in stock then they send you a message the item you ordered is out of stock so try to find a replacement but had to settle for an overpriced pack of Bodhi smh
I to just do small orders, a pack or 2 at a time, if one gets lost it's no big deal, I had a order early in the month from green line and got it growing now.. hope they make it right for you 40 amps

$800 in cash just wanted to spread the word. Seems they like to target out of state people. I would never post anything like this or hurt anyone's rep or business, but it has been months, they have done nothing to rectify the situation, quit answering emails as soon as I provided proof of delivery of money. This is a last resort. Full details in link.

This is the first time I have actually ever had an issue in all these years with a seedbank. I am on several of the major canna forums for 10+ years now if anyone questions credibility.

Very sorry to hear this happened to you. I hear when you say it ruined the whole season. An order shipped domestically in the U.S should take no more than 3 days.

I exclusively use James Bean, for years now. The guy literally emails me back within minutes of placing my order and I have a tracking number same day I pay. On my doorstep 3 days later.

I read out here people waiting a month or more for an order and it's just horse shit. In 2018 no one should be waiting that long. It's no way to treat a customer.
used to use GL, stopped but tried again recently. Also have watched for posts and feedback about them. On recent order I got the same “sorry that’s out of stock” thing after payment is sent. Clearly seems to be a way of operating. Just too sketchy all around.
No word back from the girl. After telling me they had no emails from me and then me posting screenshots of it all the reply was:

"I’ve made it pretty clear on IG we don’t do email and to text the number listed on our IG. . What is your order number and the name on the order ? "

It sure would have been nice for those of us who don't ever use that bullshit that they take their help desk and contact emails posted on their websites for their customers to use down or at least tell them on the website they run and own they don't pay attention to them.

I am going to give it a few days and see if she gets back to me to rectify this. I am an easy to please person. I seriously doubt they have any of what I ordered anymore and would have just been happy with anything to replace it. The silence and no answers definitely set me off though.