The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
I'm not in a celebratory mood today. This is a holiday dedicated to declaring our independence from a ruthless and oppressive monarchy. Yet, we are in the midst of re-establishing that oppression.
Ole King George was mad, had a blood condition that made him piss blue and go crazy. They ended up tying him to a chair with a gage in his mouth (the madness of King George), something that will happen to Donald if they ever get him into a court of law. The American war was deeply unpopular in Britain at the time and the King didn't really have power, parliament did and had so since the English civil war a hundred years before where they chopped off one king's head and declared a semi republic.

Back then they knew how to deal with the likes of Donald!
The Madness of King George" (1994) - best scene

Celebrate anyway, celebrate the fact that your country will be yours again before long and the lessons learned will not be soon forgotten, neither will the treason.

If not, America 1776-2016 RIP
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Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
I can't say it's an improper response... Stay away from Trumpers! I repeat DO NOT DRINK WITH TRUMPERS, DO NOT DRINK ARMED! Drink for recreation and enjoyment, combat is done cold sober.
i'm getting drunk whether i go to watch fireworks or not. if i go watch fireworks i will be surrounded by the enemy, armed with beers and lawn chairs...

i should probably stay away, lol...
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Well-Known Member
you motherfuckers need help. The Donald is living rent free in you heads,lol RENT FREEE:D
I just drop in to shit on Donald and those stupid enough to support him at this point. Politics is boring in Canada we have normal people ( for the most part) doing that stuff. It's fascinating to see how hate and fear drive people to cut their own throats to support Trump, some folks are real bad judges of character, or are racist who are bullshitting themselves and everybody else. Donald owns the base for a reason and the reason is pretty obvious by now, he gets the brown folks and their liberal friends and they overlook treason, corruption, abuse of power, national chaos, lying, economic disaster and incompetence. If Shakespeare were around he'd be writing plays about this shit, King Lear, MacBeth and Othello, this would be right up his ally!

It's a nice day here in Canada and I'm off to fly my drone on another atmospheric adventure, I like to drop in and make an observation or two. If yer an American, treason should be your concern and if yer a patriot, yer concern is a treasonous criminal living rent free in the white house. Don't you know a sociopath when you see one? Google it and see if Donald matches the checklist, ya don't even need to be a doctor to make the call. Do you really think Donald is gonna do you any favors? Unless you happen to live in russia that is.
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Well-Known Member
I see Putin poisoned another two people in England with nerve gas, it's amazing how bold Putin has become now that he owns the POTUS. I wonder how long it will be before he starts knocking off American politicians who displease him.

To those who think this is some kind of game, people are being poisoned and the UK was attacked in an act of war, so was America, but some people are too stupid to figure it out.
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Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
I see Putin poisoned another two people in England with nerve gas, it's amazing how bold Putin has become now that he owns the POTUS. I wonder how long it will be before he starts knocking off American politicians who displease him.

To those who think this is some kind of game, people are being poisoned and the UK was attacked in an act of war, so was America, but some people are too stupid to figure it out.
wishful thinking is, putin kills a couple of senators that are being paid and are in bed with russia. the rest of american republican politicians then realize they are fucking with satan and start walking straight again.

of course the base votes them out.

fucking moronic hillbillies...


Well-Known Member
wishful thinking is, putin kills a couple of senators that are being paid and are in bed with russia. the rest of american republican politicians then realize they are fucking with satan and start walking straight again.

of course the base votes them out.

fucking moronic hillbillies...
If some senators start talking about going after russia, Trump will attack them and they will end up dead in a nerve gas attack with nothing done about it, that will bring the rest around pretty quick!


Well-Known Member
I think the allies should expel the US from NATO until it gets it's act together and has a responsible, reliable government that is not controlled by a treasonous sociopath. Russia has an economy smaller than Italy, and Canada, the UK, Germany, and the other NATO allies should be able to deal with russia while Donald sucks Vlad's ass. Since Vlad thinks taking territory from other countries is a great idea, I'm sure China agrees and that area of russia east of the Ural mountains has several time zones of forested wilderness, just north of the Chinese border too! I'm sure with a little planing and cooperation, we in the west can help make this happen! Russia lives on oil exports and I'm sure something can be done about that too and since they use the internet to attack the west, cut it off from europe at least, let them get it through China. Cold war level sanctions would be a good idea along with the intelligence services stealing Vlad's and the Oligarch's money where ever they find it stashed in the west. That should do until America gets it's act together and deals with Trump and the republicans, cause right now ya might as well have a treaty with Hitler, as Trump's America.

We won't have to expel the US from NATO, Trump will try to pull out anyway, but I think congress would be involved. Nobody can trust Trump, what would he do if the russians nuked ya? "Hey it could have been a lot of people who vaporized NY, it could have been the Chinese, or some fat guy in Jersey, they didn't vote for me anyway and think of all that prime real estate, why manhattan was burned right down to the bedrock..."
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Well-Known Member
Just think, while those seven republican senators were celebrating the 4th of July in russia and probably looking for cash, Vlad was poisoning his enemies with nerve gas on UK soil for the second time. Maybe they should drop by the UK on the way home and have a little chat with one of your NATO allies about russia and Vlad, perhaps recalling the attack on American democracy would help too. I wonder did they have any NRA people along to act as bagmen for the cash contributions, gun rights are suppose to be a big thing in russia, except they don't exist in reality.


Well-Known Member
Just think, while those seven republican senators were celebrating the 4th of July in russia and probably looking for cash, Vlad was poisoning his enemies with nerve gas on UK soil for the second time. Maybe they should drop by the UK on the way home and have a little chat with one of your NATO allies about russia and Vlad, perhaps recalling the attack on American democracy would help too. I wonder did they have any NRA people along to act as bagmen for the cash contributions, gun rights are suppose to be a big thing in russia, except they don't exist in reality.
It makes me wonder if Vladdy has dirt on all the defenders of Trumsky. Like Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan and Trey(Benghazi!) Gowdy for starters.


Well-Known Member
What's the best guess as to when Donald Trump will leave office, either by resignation or impeachment? Bonus points if ya guess either obstruction of justice or conspiracy with the russians and get it right too.

I'll go with March 15th, figure things should come to a head about then. In spite of the best efforts of the republican congress to obstruct justice, coddle and protect him.

The first or second day of the new congress after the midterm elections, might be a good choice too, provided the country survives and the republicans are half as stupid as I think they are.

"D" is for Donald and Downfall, "D" day traditionally marks a turning point in the fight against fascism.
November 5, 2024?


Well-Known Member
EPA chief Scott Pruitt resigns amid scandals, citing 'unrelenting attacks'

(CNN)Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has resigned after months of ethics controversies, citing "the unrelenting attacks" on himself and his family, which "have taken a sizable toll on all of us."

President Donald Trump first tweeted the news Thursday that Pruitt had resigned.

There's one possibility off the table, no AG Pruitt.

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
pruitt is a pussy, he blamed it on unprecedented attacks against him and his family.

i hope the fucker goes broke and has to sell cars or insurance.

no offense to car or insurance salesmen.

well wait, fuck car and insurance salesmen.


Well-Known Member
Michael Cohen hires Clinton scandal veteran Lanny Davis
07/05/2018 06:30 PM EDT Updated 07/05/2018 07:52 PM EDT
President Donald Trump's embattled former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, who has dropped hints that he may cooperate with federal prosecutors investigating his former boss, has hired an attorney and PR man who led former President Bill Clinton's public defense against multiple scandals in the 1990s.

Lanny Davis, who spent countless hours defending Clinton more than two decades ago, said on Thursday he’s now representing Cohen in the tightening federal probe.

“Like most of America, I have been following the matter regarding Michael Cohen with great interest,” Davis said in a statement. “As an attorney, I have talked to Michael many times in the last two weeks. Then I read his words published on July 2, I recognized their sincerity. Michael Cohen deserves to tell his side of the story — subject, of course, to the advice of counsel.”

Davis was referring to Cohen’s interview published Monday by ABC News in which the president’s longtime personal attorney said he’d “put family and country” ahead of Trump. Many legal and political observers interpreted that as a signal that Cohen is preparing to cooperate with federal prosecutors investigating Trump.

Davis will be working alongside Guy Petrillo, a New York-based lawyer hired last month to replace Stephen Ryan and Todd Harrison. Both men have been representing Cohen as he deals with the fallout from the FBI raid in early April of his office and residences.

I wonder what Donald thinks of this! Looks like Mike has better legal help than Donald. I'll bet Hillary's lawyer is working pro bono for Mikey, maybe even Hillary paying his legal fees, WHAT A BITCH!:lol:
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Well-Known Member
January 20th 2021 just a guess though. I'm not really political but people bashed the last 3 or 4 potus and really thought they were going to be kicked out of office also.


Well-Known Member
January 20th 2021 just a guess though. I'm not really political but people bashed the last 3 or 4 potus and really thought they were going to be kicked out of office also.
So ya haven't noticed anything different about Trump eh... What do ya think of concentration camps for infants and toddlers? Separating mothers and young children? Deliberately creating orphans? You don't need to be political, just have common sense, eyes in your head and a heart in yer chest.

Time to pay attention to this political stuff, a woman's right to choose is on the line next and treason is on the table right now.