Renewable Energy + Battery Storage = Fossil Fuels Obsolete, Even Natural Gas


Well-Known Member
I guess that co2 is plant food. Thanks for helping me realize that as I set my grow room to 1500 ppm which let's the temps run hotter without hurting the plants.
Maybe, but it's been shown that plants grown in high CO² conditions don't have as many nutrients.

On balance, rising CO² is a very bad thing for the environment and for we humans.


Well-Known Member
Hydro and nuclear mostly, some solar.

I'm super high but going back to my first post I suppose it was for you to specify "we".
So your co-op buys power from a larger utility that operates a nuclear plant. Will they charge you when it comes time to decommissioning it or just go bankrupt and dump the cost on the taxpayers? Don't laugh; it's already happened.
Maybe, but it's been shown that plants grown in high CO² conditions don't have as many nutrients.

On balance, rising CO² is a very bad thing for the environment and for we humans.
No the proof is in the yeild. 1500ppm is not a "high co2 condition" for a plant or a human.

Can you cite the top parameter of co2 ppm you think causes a plant harm?

The bottom is around 200ppm where your plants will actually stop growing.
CO2 has been around 280-320 PPM for the last 800,000 years or so

it has suddenly shot up to 400 PPM in the last 100 years

what do you think will be the consequences for human civilization, you learned scholar?
Fossil fuels are from plant fossils from a time when co2 levels were above 3k ppm and dragonflies had 8ft wingspan.