Civil Discourse

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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Trump must be enforcing civil rights laws.

Black business ownership jumped 400% under TRUMP from 2017 to 2018.

Record black and Hispanic's employed under Trump.


I went to the reference links posted in the Black Enterprise article and the Guidant survey summary says nothing of the sort. In fact, it says nothing about growth in black business ownership jumping at all.

Also, 2018 isn't over. How could there be an estimate of the number of black business and growth of them when we are just now only in August?

You conservatives are desperate.

blaze 57

Well-Known Member
Wonderful if true, but I suspect the reporting is flawed. Perhaps a change in measurement? What exactly has Trump done for blacks that would support explosive growth in black owned businesses?
Trump's tax cuts killed of millions of white people or left them starving in the streets without homes. Blacks now filling in the entrepreneur role.


Well-Known Member
Trump's tax cuts killed of millions of white people or left them starving in the streets without homes. Blacks now filling in the entrepreneur role.
There is low nitrogen naturally processer fertilizer made from 100% plant material in that report.

I'm sure you can't understand this but if one cites an article and claims the information came from there, the information ought to be there. The source they cite doesn't even mention growth in new businesses.

Right wingers are very easily fooled.


Well-Known Member
Trump must be enforcing civil rights laws.

Black business ownership jumped 400% under TRUMP from 2017 to 2018.

Record black and Hispanic's employed under Trump.

An overwhelming majority of black entrepreneurs surveyed, 80%, said lack of capital was the most challenging aspect of running a business. According to ProjectDiane, only 0.2% of all venture capital funding was allocated toward startups founded by black women in 2016, while just 34 black women business owners received more than million dollars of funding in the last year.

As a result, many African Americans are forced to fund their own business. In fact, 70% of those surveyed financed their companies using cash, while 23% received funding from friends and family. Eleven percent said they tapped into their 401(k) plans to fund their businesses."

Yeah it's fucking rocking for the blacks.
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