Dismal intercourse

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Well-Known Member
When I was just starting out diving (as in Scuba and snorkeling) in Northern CA, I rented my wetsuits at first. You never know who had the wetsuit last time. I think the previous renter pee'd in it. I got a rash.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I have but don't like the smell that gets caught up in the steam. Only did it once, I swear.
I’m being told only within the past year or two that this is a normal thing. I just always assumed it was a faux pas. I know some people do it to kill foot fungus, but I don’t think that’s going to be a habit I pick up.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
When I was in boot camp there was a kid named "Sweet" from Green, NY who pissed in the shower one time- I remember it like it was yesterday- A guy yelled "Sweet's peein'!!" and we all got up in his shit
If I'm gonna get piss on my feet it's gonna be mine

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
When I was in boot camp there was a kid named "Sweet" from Green, NY who pissed in the shower one time- I remember it like it was yesterday- A guy yelled "Sweet's peein'!!" and we all got up in his shit
If I'm gonna get piss on my feet it's gonna be mine
Shower shoes were mandatory. Probably exactly why. Thanks, Sweet.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
One time our assistant company commander Mr. Matthews was fucking with Sweet and asked him "are you sweet, boy?" and when Sweet answered "sir, very sweet, sir..." he slapped Sweet, and got court-martialed and thrown the fuck out of the navy
He used to like to tell us "you aren't at home anymore, smokin' dope on the streetcorner with your buddies..."