HE F'n killed him!!!!!!!! Are YOU F'n blind! Yes!


Well-Known Member
Eh, just more of the same shit. We've heard all that stuff before, it's been debunked, and we've moved on to important things, like...THE ECONOMY IS CRASHING! Time for the Republicans to get outta Dodge before they burn the whole place down. We're witnessing the beginning of the end of the Republican Party. It's a good day to be alive!

Not a bad ad for preaching to the choir though, to be sure. Keeps the ad-makers employed too, so at least *somebody* still has a job.


New Member
I'm not a race baiter. What did I do that would be considered race baiting?

It's pretty cowardly to accuse me of race baiting dontcha think?

Maybe you should check yourself before you wreck yourself. :sleep:

Do leftist race baiters always become cowards, or, do cowards always become leftist race baiters? This is the question; maybe you folks can help me out with the answer. Med, Miss?

PS- I'm gonna have to dig up my "killing you softly" thread if this petty bickering continues and needs to be isolated!


Well-Known Member
Nope, you're right. "geezer" isn't a racial slur ... its an "age-ism" slur. Are you an age-ist? I mean if I called you a stupid cunt, would that be sexist? Open your eyes little girl and you'll begin to see the double standard that you are harboring.

i'll go age-ist so old he farts dust . flip flop he was for eating the apple before he was against it . he not only invented the blackberry he designed the 1st wheel latter it was discovered it should be renamed the brick and to this day is used in construction around the world , and if she called u a dick would that b sexest or just right on ******


Well-Known Member
Do leftist race baiters always become cowards, or, do cowards always become leftist race baiters? This is the question; maybe you folks can help me out with the answer. Med, Miss?

PS- I'm gonna have to dig up my "killing you softly" thread if this petty bickering continues and needs to be isolated!
coward would that b someone that supports war but hasn't signed up

Big P

Well-Known Member
big p the problem is...like mccain you are a proven liar...so everything you say is bullshit...

you wish,

how am i proven lier? you know nothing about me and where I was born and in which countries I have lived and walked the walk instead of sitting in one little town thinking i know everything like you, when in fact you know very little. just like me, except i know more than you:blsmoke:

I was born in Jordan, Lived in Saudi Arabia, lived in Iraq, lived in Lebanon, lived in the united states of america

so pls you and ****** think u can dismiss me and my views with your dribble but never the less i remain as a pain in your brain, you can never be rid of me just like you can never be rid of your own ignorence:mrgreen: atleast without my helpbongsmilie

you need me

you need me, just like you need bush

and just like you need the boogy man,

so you can have somthing to whine about, somthing to rebel against like a child trying to find thier authority, sombody to blame for your own problems and deficits.

very similar in the way arab leaders blame the jews for everything to divert thier peoples attention from their own oppression and corruption :blsmoke:

tips are you a guy or a gurl really you should let a nigga know, after all Im not into bashing women too hard as they are more sensitive and delicate than men should be

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
tips are you a guy or a gurl really you should let a nigga know, after all Im not into bashing women too hard as they are more sensitive and delicate than men should be
In the USA, saying things like this will bring on a storm of wrath from every woman in earshot, and probably any black people too. It will also discredit you in the eyes of most Americans who would read it.


New Member
I'm going to be gone a few days...so keep an eye on things for me stoney love....
Geeze, can I go with you? I need to get out more. Actually, this time next week I'll be in DC, I should probably pack my AK and clean house, but instead, I'll just do the tourist thingy and stare at all the architecture.

Big P

Well-Known Member
In the USA, saying things like this will bring on a storm of wrath from every woman in earshot, and probably any black people too. It will also discredit you in the eyes of most Americans who would read it.

actually if was meant to piss off the women.

and the word nigga means the same as dude or guy.

people who are afraid to use a word that is not offensive like nigga are actually probably more racisit than the ones who use it

similar to if I am secure with my manhood im not scared to be friends with a gay guy or ask him if thinks im cute, just to get advise form a womans point of view

just like im not afraid to say the word nigga because I am secure with my racial embracement and love for all good people

i dont get the double standard that white people think its ok for black folks to make fun of white folks and then thinks it wrong to make fun of black folks,

to me they are both fun to make fun of, :-P

but this has nothing to do with the word nigga as it is meant to mean "person" and not even be a joke or making fun of someome

but here is a good one

whats the difference between a black man and a large pizza?

A large pizza can feed a family:mrgreen:

so am I a racist now?

i actually had this racist black guy once keep fucking with me cuz i kept saying the word nigga in front of him as I do in my everyday speak. in a non racial way,

this guy was racist for real and I told him straight up he could kiss my ass im not going to modify my speak for a guy who acts like he is better than everyone else and thinks he can tell me how to use my venaculer

anyway after hanging out a few times with mutual friends this prick coward comes at me by surprise while im sittin down and punches at my head. he got in a right to my face then a left then a right then a left as i was standing up out of my chair, I threw his ass ontop of the glass coffee table before everyone pulled us apart. it was mess

thats a racist, and a hypocrate for this guy was truley racist against white folks. he was just a dumb fuck but things are never as people make them out to be.

things like that make me stand up for what i believe and say,

and I would never back down from somthing i truly know is not wrong just to satify some ignorent person

not sayin you are doc, just saying that guy that attacked me was

ironically after a couple of weeks that stupid big mouth fucker was sent by my friend to the coke dealers house to pick some coke for him,

well there he goes with his big mouth again talkin smack and the coke dealer pistol whipped his ass unconcious and tossed him out of his house

once my other freind found out what he did and his dealers house he flipped his lid and beat that fuckers ass and even knocked his teeth out

things escelate, after that my friend had to get carry a gun on him at all times awaiting possible retaliation

luckly it never happend,

anyway a little of topic but an interesting story non the less:weed:


Well-Known Member
you wish,

how am i proven lier? you know nothing about me and where I was born and in which countries I have lived and walked the walk instead of sitting in one little town thinking i know everything like you, when in fact you know very little. just like me, except i know more than you:blsmoke:

I was born in Jordan, Lived in Saudi Arabia, lived in Iraq, lived in Lebanon, lived in the united states of america

so pls you and ****** think u can dismiss me and my views with your dribble but never the less i remain as a pain in your brain, you can never be rid of me just like you can never be rid of your own ignorence:mrgreen: atleast without my helpbongsmilie

you need me

you need me, just like you need bush

and just like you need the boogy man,

so you can have somthing to whine about, somthing to rebel against like a child trying to find thier authority, sombody to blame for your own problems and deficits.

very similar in the way arab leaders blame the jews for everything to divert thier peoples attention from their own oppression and corruption :blsmoke:

tips are you a guy or a gurl really you should let a nigga know, after all Im not into bashing women too hard as they are more sensitive and delicate than men should be
wrong again inflated self value the problem i have is the repeating of offencive hate speech w/ no regard for proven fact , it's not u that is wrong its every one else . if i am attacking any one here that dont have it coming just by the way u theat others im sorry , u still haven't addressed ur inconsistant self promotion