Do these looking ok for 3 weeks 5 days off flower? (First Grow)


Well-Known Member
Oh ya I've heard when running higher co2 levels you want higher humidity. I'm not running co2 though. I probably would of if I understood how to use it but I dont lol. I currently keep my day temps at around 75-78f and night at 62-65f. My humidity with lights on is 45-55 and lights off about the same.

Thanks I would really appreciate that link! Never can learn too much.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Well, that's not the only reason they say to avoid high humidity.....higher humidity prevents your plant from transpiring water as quickly. But I'm doubting that's relative to your problem here. Do you by chance have a 30x power microscope that you could check the color of your trich's with? Without seeing pics of your plants I can't really guage if it's too soon for your plant to be yellowing. If you can check the color of your trichs, that can sort of tell you how far along it is in the flowering process, or by guaging how many hairs are white/fluffed out vs dark and curled inwards.Which will help in determining if it's too soon to be yellowing. :) I always get yellowing towards the end of bloom even if I haven't reduced nutrients, almost like the plant knows 'Welp, this is it, lets suck everything dry for the final push!'. Being indica dominant, this is what I'm placing my chips on being the culprit. Probably just your babies making their final push to bulk up their buds! But I know how hard it is not to overreact and be overprotective...they really do become your children in a strange way!


Well-Known Member
Well, that's not the only reason they say to avoid high humidity.....higher humidity prevents your plant from transpiring water as quickly. But I'm doubting that's relative to your problem here. Do you by chance have a 30x power microscope that you could check the color of your trich's with? Without seeing pics of your plants I can't really guage if it's too soon for your plant to be yellowing. If you can check the color of your trichs, that can sort of tell you how far along it is in the flowering process, or by guaging how many hairs are white/fluffed out vs dark and curled inwards.Which will help in determining if it's too soon to be yellowing. :) I always get yellowing towards the end of bloom even if I haven't reduced nutrients, almost like the plant knows 'Welp, this is it, lets suck everything dry for the final push!'. Being indica dominant, this is what I'm placing my chips on being the culprit. Probably just your babies making their final push to bulk up their buds! But I know how hard it is not to overreact and be overprotective...they really do become your children in a strange way!
well thats the point im trying to get accross, there is no such thing as "high humidity". @ 85F, the air is way less dense than at 75F, so at 80% humidity @ 85F, is the same as 55% humidity @ 75F.

in reverse:

20% humidity @ 65f would probably be similar too 75F @ 50%...something like that.

So ye, thats my point:)
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Active Member
well thats the point im trying to get accross, there is no such thing as "high humidity". @ 85F, the air is way less dense than at 75F, so at 80% humidity @ 85F, is the same as 55% humidity @ 75F.

in reverse:

20% humidity @ 65f would probably be similar too 75F @ 50%...something like that.

So ye, thats my point:)
Thanks for the link! I checked it out and it makes a lot of sense. I saved the charts they will come in handy for sure.


Active Member
Well, it being the plants that are seemingly getting the most intense light, it leads me to believe that they need more bloom nutrients, as the leaves that are producing the most energy are the ones yellowing. Do you have a thermometer that you could hang at the canopy level to check the temps? The leaves in that very last pic are really dark green, which can be a sign of nitrogen toxicity, if you are giving them their bloom phase nutrients than there should be no need for the grow nutes...I'd totally cut them out, especially at this stage, N toxicity can really hurt yields. With those leaves not getting dry and crunchy, I'm really leaning towards not having too much Nitrogen and not enough PK. I could be totally wrong here, but that's just my take. How long have you had them on this dose of nutrients?...Has it been a while since you've increased their bloom nutrients? I'd start there, maybe increase the bloom nutrients by about 15-25% and see if they perk up. The leaves might not recover, however, the new growth will be green and normal again, and that's how you'll know you fixed the problem :) We'll figure it out! You're almost to the finish line!
So I figured out what the problem was, at least I think I did. It was light burn. I have two 1000 watt hps and two 2000 watt full spectrum LEDs.

The lights were to close at around 21-22 inches so I raised them to 25-26 inches. I did add more bloom nutrients the other day but that didn't seem to help because the leaves were curling down even more after I did that. I guess having that many lights so close, they are really close together they need to be raised a bit higher.

It makes sense because when they first started flowering the lights were about 25-26 inches away and I had no problems, it wasn't until they got a bit closer that the yellowing started.

Let me know what you think, thanks.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
That would make sense, and giving more nutrients would cause it to get worse like you said since the closest leaves to the lights get the most nutrients passing through them. Has it stopped getting any worse since? Stretch can definitely make heigth a problem with 1000ws, I have one and it's hard enough.


Active Member
That would make sense, and giving more nutrients would cause it to get worse like you said since the closest leaves to the lights get the most nutrients passing through them. Has it stopped getting any worse since? Stretch can definitely make heigth a problem with 1000ws, I have one and it's hard enough.
Well I just raised the lights yesterday so it's a bit too early to tell but the leaves stopped curling down so that's a good sign. I hear about some people running their 1000 watt hps 16 inches or even a foot away. I don't know how they do that without bleaching their buds. I dont know maybe they're growing sativas or something because I think indicas are more sensitive to light. My temps were never a problem being too high it was just too intense of light running all of them together.

I'm not worried about them getting too tall since I'm growing in a room with tall ceilings not a grow tent.

Another thing is I had my dark period temps at around 62f which probably didn't help taking in nutrients. I raised that to 68f yesterday also. I just wanted the purple to come out since I heard that lower temps bring out the purple but that's for later in the flowering stage, like the last week or two. But I heard lower temps can affect yields and nutrient intake so I stopped that for now.

I think raising the lights is going to work though. Another reason I feel it was the light distance is that the leaves weren't falling off just yellowing and the veins were still green.


Active Member
Here are some pics off my girls outside, They are showing loads of white pistols but no forming buds yet which concerns me because it's September here in the UK and frost will kick in this time next month, Ill just finish them inside they look really good to I think, Nice and green and healthy one looks droopy buts it's getting plenty off feed, I don't know if you can see the pics well I took them on my ipad, Ill take some pics off my I door girls soon for you buddy.
Hey Smithy, haven't heard any updates from you in awhile. How are your plants doing? Did you fix the leaf issues you were having?


Well-Known Member
Hey Smithy, haven't heard any updates from you in awhile. How are your plants doing? Did you fix the leaf issues you were having?
Hey Steve7878 hope your well buddy, I've flushed the 2 plants in question for a straight week and let them drain out for 15-20 mins in the bath lol I just picked all the leaves off that where curling up and dying off 2 plants look a bit bare now compared to the others, Ill put a few pics up in about half hour to show you by my calculations they they should be ready to harvest on 30th September they are 6 weeks bang on in flower today, Will this slow down flowering with me taking the leaves off?


Well-Known Member
Your first ~20 days after flip are primarily just stretching, they look good for 26 days, in comparison heres my ninja fruits at 35 days under a HLG 600


Well-Known Member
Hey Smithy, haven't heard any updates from you in awhile. How are your plants doing? Did you fix the leaf issues you were having?
Hey Steve here a few pics as promised off 2 different plants and a third from 12/12 from seed I thought I would just put it in there while I’m flowering these lol


Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Hey Steve7878 hope your well buddy, I've flushed the 2 plants in question for a straight week and let them drain out for 15-20 mins in the bath lol I just picked all the leaves off that where curling up and dying off 2 plants look a bit bare now compared to the others, Ill put a few pics up in about half hour to show you by my calculations they they should be ready to harvest on 30th September they are 6 weeks bang on in flower today, Will this slow down flowering with me taking the leaves off?
Sure won't long as you aren't plucking off leaves that are still over 50% green, you're doing your plant more of a service than anything. :)

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Hey Steve here a few pics as promised off 2 different plants and a third from 12/12 from seed I thought I would just put it in there while I’m flowering these lol
Im seeing some raised edges on your leaves there. It usually means that things are getting a bit too hot, just keep an eye on temps and I'm sure they'll be fine. :)


Well-Known Member
Sure won't long as you aren't plucking off leaves that are still over 50% green, you're doing your plant more of a service than anything. :)
Yoooo Logan Burke, Cheers for your advice buddy, I though I might off been doing it a bit more harm with me plucking the leaves off that where burnt I was a bit heavy with the feeding I was giving them 5mls off A+B each so 10mls all together in a 2 litre bottle so I think thats where my problems stemmed from to be honest anyway they are still being flushed and I'm going to give them another week or 2 off feeding before harvest then flush everyday for a week.


Active Member
Hey Steve7878 hope your well buddy, I've flushed the 2 plants in question for a straight week and let them drain out for 15-20 mins in the bath lol I just picked all the leaves off that where curling up and dying off 2 plants look a bit bare now compared to the others, Ill put a few pics up in about half hour to show you by my calculations they they should be ready to harvest on 30th September they are 6 weeks bang on in flower today, Will this slow down flowering with me taking the leaves off?
Hey Smithy, your buds look good man. I can see where you had nute burn but it looks like you've taken care of that now. It looks like the buds are starting to really fill out, good job!

Your almost there, they should start to swell up the last 2 weeks. I think that's smart to flush a week or two before harvest. Your soo close I bet you can almost taste it lol.

You know it might be a bit longer than the 8 week mark, you have to go by trichomes not necessarily the breeders flower time. Some of it comes down to your personal preference of what type of high you want. Do you have a jeweler's loupe or anything to check trichomes?


Well-Known Member
Hey Smithy, your buds look good man. I can see where you had nute burn but it looks like you've taken care of that now. It looks like the buds are starting to really fill out, good job!

Your almost there, they should start to swell up the last 2 weeks. I think that's smart to flush a week or two before harvest. Your soo close I bet you can almost taste it lol.

You know it might be a bit longer than the 8 week mark, you have to go by trichomes not necessarily the breeders flower time. Some of it comes down to your personal preference of what type of high you want. Do you have a jeweler's loupe or anything to check trichomes?
Hey steve, Good to hear back from you buddy, Yeah I had some nute burn and a issue with a fair amount off leaves dying to so i had to snip loads off them off which i think it was from me over feeding anyway you live and learn don't you, I wont make the same mistakes on my second run.

Yeah I've read that they should start to swell up the last few weeks off flower I can't wait until they start to swell up, You hit the nail on the head i can nearly taste them lol! I can't wait to smoke my first home grown, The only thing i have to check the trichomes is a magnifying glass, But I've been looking on AmaZon at the loupes and i think ill invest in one on payday next week I have nothing left this week my rent and other bills where due, Cheers for your advice buddy ill hit you up when I pull them and show you the final product see what you think.:D


Well-Known Member
Update since yesterday folks, I checked these this tea time and I noticed that the buds where starting to bend over is this because they are putting on weight? I've put a bamboo stick in the soil and a tie wrap round the branches to hold them up.


Active Member
Update since yesterday folks, I checked these this tea time and I noticed that the buds where starting to bend over is this because they are putting on weight? I've put a bamboo stick in the soil and a tie wrap round the branches to hold them up.
Yep! They're putting on weight bro! I'm having the same problem. You did the right thing by tying them with bamboo sticks.

Mine are a little trickier since I have a scrog and it's hard to get in there.Your almost there!
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Active Member
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That would make sense, and giving more nutrients would cause it to get worse like you said since the closest leaves to the lights get the most nutrients passing through them. Has it stopped getting any worse since? Stretch can definitely make heigth a problem with 1000ws, I have one and it's hard enough.
Hey Logan I just wanted to know what you thought of how they're coming along for there age. They are going to be 6 weeks or 43 days from flip startingi tommorow. Please Let me know what you think and if you see any problems that I need to catch, honest opinion please, thanks!20180917_190008.jpg 20180917_190022.jpg 20180917_185932.jpg 20180917_185819.jpg20180917_185802.jpg
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