Greenpoint seeds!!


Well-Known Member
im a troll?lol
There are a multitude of ways to disagree with someone on the internet without being seen as a troll. Composing a well thought out post detailing why you might be in the right is a tried and true method.

I know nothing of your dispute but I'd assume that heisen isn't lying or spreading mere rumors. Heisen seems to attract his fair share of negative attention from people I see as trolls.

Just because something isn't written in stone as fact doesn't make something untrue. Hulk Hogan could say he didn't do steroids. There could be no evidence that he did steroids. Fact is, he did steroids. You could be right, idk.

Talking about someone's lack of intelligence when you display the written communication skills of the average 5th grader just screams troll to me. If you're not a troll, at the least you're handicapped by your inability to control your emotions over trivial matters.


Well-Known Member
ill answer any way i 54,im too old for class in a classless world.

u dont like what i say too bad
How you craft your message is equally as important as the content of it. I have no issue with you at all. Just understand that the optics don't favor your style of communication.
u talk shit/lies about my friend and im the troll....
im merely defending a good man and great breeder
Obviously you're passionate about defending this guy. I know nothing about the matter.

I've seen heisen around for about a decade. Some people might have ill to say about him but that's because of who he associates with imo.

Probably the wrong way to approach things but he's given me no reason to doubt his words if he's willing to type them.


Well-Known Member
i just want him to show proof if hes going to accuse.PERIOD!
Sometimes hearsay is as good as the evidence gets.

With genetics plenty of people have lied about what they have or where it came from. IE Dr. Greenthumb's g13. They also could be mistaken about what they've got, clone trading is like a game of telephone at times.


Well-Known Member
stop talking shit and show me this proof......we both know you cant
He admitted it on the thread.Said he took an s1 and got the clone and made mob seeds with it.not much else to say about that.
think there both clowns and openly said it on the forum.i was the first one that said it.i dont ever take sides in nothing I just tell it the way I see it.


Well-Known Member
u talk shit/lies about my friend and im the troll....
im merely defending a good man and great breeder
Naw your just a nut swinger.that mob cut is garbage.i can imagine the pollen chuck your pappy is doing with the s1s are worse.
The closest representation to get to a clone only is with f1s or s1s of the cut.alot of good breeders will not sell f1 seeds because of think gu would reverse his male stardawg and sell s1s of it.hell no.
This why alot of people want s1s from clone only plants.the first generation plants will be close to the mom but there might 1 out of 10 real close.1 out of 200 will be like a twin in there somewhere.
Your buddy selected an s1 from mob.grew it out and reversed it and sold the s1s as mob s1s.thats bullshit.
These are wifi43 s1s from the actual wifi43.
As far as I would take it.s2s and s3s are a waste unless your trying to select and work your own line.and someone doing that with less than a 10k setup is a chucker takes alot of space and plants to select a line.