invents printed gun, fucks 16 year old, flees to thailand......


Well-Known Member
A 30 YO who paid to have sex with a 16 YO in Texas is why he's up on charges. It doesn't matter what the laws are elsewhere.

I notice that Oregon is not on your list and am glad to know that he would have been charged for the same crime in my state.
A 30 year old having sex with a 16 year old is why the thread hates him.

the list is not mine, its obviously pasted from wikipedia.


Well-Known Member
The law is the law. Doesn't matter, break it you go by by.

Guess he can room up with the guys serving 20 years for having one plant.

Plenty of evidence drug use is bad and hurts society as a whole.
Your analogy is false.

Smoking a joint is not the same as a 30 YO man having sex with a 16 YO girl.

Agree that the law is the law and we went about changing that law in Oregon, didn't we? We kept the one where when you act on your desires to fuck underage girls, we will publicly shame you, put you away for years and then hound you mercilessly when you get out.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
The law is the law. Doesn't matter, break it you go by by.

Guess he can room up with the guys serving 20 years for having one plant.

Plenty of evidence drug use is bad and hurts society as a whole.
why are you on a pot website? you clearly are anti drug....this seems like an odd place for someone like you to hang out.
no one here shares your ideology, philosophy, or seems the only possible reason you could have for coming here is starting shit with people. what kind of life do you lead that this is the high point of the day for you? you look forward to coming to a place daily where you know that no one agrees with you, no one respects you, no one likes you, and no one believes the bullshit that flows from you like sewage from a storm drain....¿


Well-Known Member
When are you going to not be a piece of trash?

I wonder which state would lock you up for threatening my wife. Screen shot saved.
After I rape your wife, if she says she was raped I will just say she’s lying and that will be that

You seem offended, snowflake. Are you crying?


Well-Known Member
it doesn't matter what other states do, it matters what Texas does, because that's where it happened. if this perverted fuck had the sense to go to one of the states you listed, he wouldn't be in trouble. he would still be a sick pedophile fucking pervert, but he wouldn't be in jail.
so, not only is he a fucking pedo perv, he's a stupid one.......
defend him some more
wow? project much?
so please do tell me at what age could he have sex with a 16 year old and not be considered a perverted fuck, by your law?
you should review the definition of pedophile too, just saying, your use makes you look ignorant and I know you are not.


Well-Known Member
why are you on a pot website? you clearly are anti drug....this seems like an odd place for someone like you to hang out.
no one here shares your ideology, philosophy, or seems the only possible reason you could have for coming here is starting shit with people. what kind of life do you lead that this is the high point of the day for you? you look forward to coming to a place daily where you know that no one agrees with you, no one respects you, no one likes you, and no one believes the bullshit that flows from you like sewage from a storm drain....¿
Some say he's a narc


Well-Known Member

He was the adult and made the wrong decision. He's going to face the music. I'm perfectly good with your not liking me because I think justice is being served.
I believe justice is indeed being served and he deserves jail time. dont be confused mate.


Well-Known Member
wow? project much?
so please do tell me at what age could he have sex with a 16 year old and not be considered a perverted fuck, by your law?
you should review the definition of pedophile too, just saying, your use makes you look ignorant and I know you are not.
Please stop defending pedohilia and child sex trafficking


Well-Known Member
Please stop defending pedohilia and child sex trafficking

thats not at all what I am doing. I am pointing out the hypocrisy in our country, do you sense it now?
The leaders of more than half the country keep it legal to have sex with 16 year olds while the subjects want those fucker adults in jail. what gives?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
wow? project much?
so please do tell me at what age could he have sex with a 16 year old and not be considered a perverted fuck, by your law?
you should review the definition of pedophile too, just saying, your use makes you look ignorant and I know you are not.
a pedophile is a person that want to fuck children. no room for ambiguity....period.
if children within a couple of years of each other decide to have sex, that's stupidity, but it's not rape, statutory or otherwise.
if someone over 21 has sex with someone under 18, that's fucking wrong, whether the state allows it or not.
kids are already dealing with enough shit, they do not need this kind of thing on top of their daily lives. they aren't equipped to make rational decisions, they don't have any life experience to draw on, they haven't had the time to develop defense short, they're CHILDREN....don't try to stick your dick in them....
i can't believe this even needs to be said


Well-Known Member
a pedophile is a person that want to fuck children. no room for ambiguity....period.
if children within a couple of years of each other decide to have sex, that's stupidity, but it's not rape, statutory or otherwise.
if someone over 21 has sex with someone under 18, that's fucking wrong, whether the state allows it or not.
kids are already dealing with enough shit, they do not need this kind of thing on top of their daily lives. they aren't equipped to make rational decisions, they don't have any life experience to draw on, they haven't had the time to develop defense short, they're CHILDREN....don't try to stick your dick in them....
i can't believe this even needs to be said
sorry this happened to you. you did forget to mention the "prepubescent" part conveniently.
fucking a 16 year old does not make anyone a pedophile btw amirite? it does make them a pervert if the girl is on the day before her 18th birthday and the man is the day after his 21 st of course I concur lol wow


Well-Known Member
thats not at all what I am doing. I am pointing out the hypocrisy in our country, do you sense it now?
The leaders of more than half the country keep it legal to have sex with 16 year olds while the subjects want those fucker adults in jail. what gives?
Obviously, there is disagreement over this. The science of human development and studies in psychology show significant risk if the kid is younger than 18. Some states set their laws down with less concern about the long term health of the kid. Some states are backward. Why are you making such a big deal over this?

The gun nut was 30 YO, he fucked a 16 YO and did it in Texas. He's going to jail if he's convicted in a trial by jury of his peers. There are a lot of crappy things about to happen. The defense is definitely going to go after the character of the girl because some jurors may be swayed by the "she's a whore so her risk is not important" argument. Why are you so concerned about the man and not the girl? Is it because she was a sex worker?
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