Brett Support Therad.

If you vote based on emotions, I hope you stay home instead.

If you vote to use the force of government to benefit yourself over someone else (while calling your opponents "fascists"), I hope you stay home instead.

If you are a typical public educated younger person with no interest in current events, you are probably (not always) a default democrat socialist because of your school teachers, and i probably hope you stay home and read the US constitution and the federalist papers, and study the history of Marxism and socialism instead.

That last run on sentence makes no sense... "... and i probably hope you stay home and read US constitution and the federalist papers, and study the history of Marxism and socialism instead." Huh?

You probably hope?

And that probable hope is i read the constitution and federalist papers and study marxism and socialism instead? Instead of what? You hope the person reads them both It says, so whats the instead?

In a statement knocking education! Lol

Nearer My God To Thee...folks... Nearer My God To Thee...
A constitutionalist would say that the federal government has no authority to regulate marijuana.

A liberal activist would rule however the party in power wanted at the time.
Spin much. The Supremes will sort this out once the far right has their boy installed. I think the conservative christian coalition don't like smot pokers. I'm old you young guys will enjoy the fruits of your votes. Knock em out.
If you vote based on emotions, I hope you stay home instead.

If you vote to use the force of government to benefit yourself over someone else (while calling your opponents "fascists"), I hope you stay home instead.

If you are a typical public educated younger person with no interest in current events, you are probably (not always) a default democrat socialist because of your school teachers, and i probably hope you stay home and read the US constitution and the federalist papers, and study the history of Marxism and socialism instead.
You must have went to Yale. I wasn't accepted myself. I had to go to a lesser college for my electrical engineering degree. We're not worthy......
Ya, steamroll. Y'all don't even vote. This is because most democrats are emotional and ignorant and have always just gone along to get along. Ya don't even have any guns. You're all competing to be the biggest victim or biggest sympathizer.

Killing unborn children is sacred to you, got it.
I like the most comments. Was Kav a bit emotional? You are hilarious.
Wow you can paste a doctered photo. Your parents must be proud.
Also, kinda oddd that Matt, who was excellent as BK on SNL is a closeup picture with Harvey having a good laugh. Alas, I could not c/p

maybe somebody can
You haven't even made half my age. Come back when you have a bit more experience in life...

I know, right? He's evidently proud that he is 30 years old, and does not realize that many people are much smarter than he is, and have much more experience in life.

All of these uneducated, low-IQ people who are easily duped by the right-wing bullshit, spout their crap like they are the smart ones! It's actually pathetic.

So spindoctor, I know it's a tough life-lesson that you have not learned yet, and I am just wasting my time to try to educate you.

Probably got you aroused.

Since you can't grow any weed, why do you post on weed forums? Sad...
Buck is the one who helped me get on the right track growing indoors way back when. I only knew outdoor. I had a fucked up setup going inside and he told me what I needed to get it right. After seeing his grows at the time I followed his advice and haven't had an issue since
Buck is the one who helped me get on the right track growing indoors way back when. I only knew outdoor. I had a fucked up setup going inside and he told me what I needed to get it right. After seeing his grows at the time I followed his advice and haven't had an issue since
Oh good. I stand corrected and I apologize.

I thought he just called people Nazis all day.
Buck is the one who helped me get on the right track growing indoors way back when. I only knew outdoor. I had a fucked up setup going inside and he told me what I needed to get it right. After seeing his grows at the time I followed his advice and haven't had an issue since
you were apparently the last one.....i've never seen a single pic of a plant he has grown.
or is the pic that keeps coming up with the cat shit weed drying his plant? i can't remember?