Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

I remember once when someone decided to make a batch of brownies with their lid....ground it all to powder and mixed it directly into the batter! The brownies turned out rather chewy! There just wasn't a whole lot of information on how to do stuff....until High Times magazine came out! That's when we all started to become more "worldly" about stuff! Of course, IF you got caught with a High Times magazine by your parents in those days, then you were as good as busted.

Speaking of....Does anyone remember the ads in High Times for those "Isolator" hash making machines? I always wondered what was on the inside of those things.
If you got caught by the police with even a joint and a high times, it was PARPHANEILLA . I don't know if that's spelled right?
Just turned 50 in August. This thread is taking me back. Toilet paper tube steamrollers, buying stemmy, beany bags in dark cars(seems like we spent more time finding weed than we did smoking it), "the red hairs get you high"(zero idea how anything worked), and lots of good acid around. Embarrassing, awesome and hilarious looking back.
We took Pringles backpacking with us (Note: NEVER smoke Thai stick before traversing a bunch of rocks with a backpack on!) and a bong stem, so we could use the tube as a bong after eating the chips. We sealed the stem to the tube with candle wax. Worked well.
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Just turned 50 in August. This thread is taking me back. Toilet paper tube steamrollers, buying stemmy, beany bags in dark cars(seems like we spent more time finding weed than we did smoking it), "the red hairs get you high"(zero idea how anything worked), and lots of good acid around. Embarrassing, awesome and hilarious looking back.
I once took 12 hits of 4 way on a bet. I was 16, and had one hell of a night. The guy next door to us, we lived in an apartment, looked like a Mexican Lou ferringo, a bounty hunter by trade. At like 3 in the morning I kept seeing him stick his head up over the news broadcast that they replay at that time, he would point at me and start laughing. Even though I probably weighed about 130lbs at the time, I wasn't having that.... oh no, not at all. So my skinny little ass goes banging on his door and when this hulking ass dude answer it in his house coat, sleepy as fuck, I proceed to dog cuss him. He told me 2 days later that the only thing that saved me from the beating of a lifetime, was that between cuss words, I kept saying " stay the hell out of my TV".
Dam I Miss those days!
Anyone else married to a dumb women? I thought I was, never give my wife due credit, until one night we were getting onto the interstate, and there's a hot young blond walking down the shoulder of the ramp, so I tell my wife, we should stop and pick her up, why,she asked me, (told you I thought she was dumb) I said to her, because I bet she gives good head, she don't, my wife tells me, without even looking up, how do you know I ask,...
.......... if she did, she wouldn't be walking. I realized then, she was smarter than I thought.
Unless I eat it, I personally don't get any medical benefits from it. Strictly recreational.
I, also eat it and definitely feel it. Am hoping for the effect smoking it, which I've not done yet. The seeds were hard to find. I got some strongish seeds, should be around 1 to 1 or 1.5 to 1, so if it works, this WILL do it.

I have a nug smasher, and a decarboxilator, so it can be made into resin or butter or candy. But am hoping smoking does it.

(I love the Wana brand gummies sold at Liv Well, strawberry/watermelon, they are 20/20 and I definitely feel those)
I, also eat it and definitely feel it. Am hoping for the effect smoking it, which I've not done yet. The seeds were hard to find. I got some strongish seeds, should be around 1 to 1 or 1.5 to 1, so if it works, this WILL do it.

I have a nug smasher, and a decarboxilator, so it can be made into resin or butter or candy. But am hoping smoking does it.

(I love the Wana brand gummies sold at Liv Well, strawberry/watermelon, they are 20/20 and I definitely feel those)
Ahh to live in a legal state, where I live my girls are still jailbait.
I once took 12 hits of 4 way on a bet. I was 16, and had one hell of a night. The guy next door to us, we lived in an apartment, looked like a Mexican Lou ferringo, a bounty hunter by trade. At like 3 in the morning I kept seeing him stick his head up over the news broadcast that they replay at that time, he would point at me and start laughing. Even though I probably weighed about 130lbs at the time, I wasn't having that.... oh no, not at all. So my skinny little ass goes banging on his door and when this hulking ass dude answer it in his house coat, sleepy as fuck, I proceed to dog cuss him. He told me 2 days later that the only thing that saved me from the beating of a lifetime, was that between cuss words, I kept saying " stay the hell out of my TV".
Dam I Miss those days!


I'm 60. I got acid stories.... Driving through the middle of town.. dude in the back seat jumps forward in the middle of downtown and yell's "DEER!" Driver stomped on the brakes.....I said we had better get moving......Makes you understand the bumper sticker "I brake for hallucinations"
I did give that to the driver too...

Riding a bike back from a dealers house. All the sewer/man hole covers were green crowns and I was afraid of punchering my tires. Later on, the little tin soldiers on my bathroom wall paper. All came together and attacked me.

Turns out the guy gave me a whole 4 way windowpane. was supposed to get a 1/4..My older sister wanted to kill the guy.
Today, we ride Harley's together..

plenty of others

Acid opens doors
Mushrooms you talk to god
Cacti, You walk with god, and he likes to play with you.
I hate it when the lemon tree your are hiding under from the imaginary cops has the leaves that melt and drip on your face. Sugar cube, couldn't figure out how to split it, so I ate the whole thing. Luckily someone gave me a ride home from the put put golf course (pretty lights) after my friends bailed on me. Made it into the house and turned on Floyd and the blacklight. The E kept falling off of my peace poster and hanging on the wall. I thought I was able to bend out the wall by pushing at it with my foot when I was laying on the bed 4 feet away.
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I'm 60. I got acid stories.... Driving through the middle of town.. dude in the back seat jumps forward in the middle of downtown and yell's "DEER!" Driver stomped on the brakes.....I said we had better get moving......Makes you understand the bumper sticker "I brake for hallucinations"
I did give that to the driver too...

Riding a bike back from a dealers house. All the sewer/man hole covers were green crowns and I was afraid of punchering my tires. Later on, the little tin soldiers on my bathroom wall paper. All came together and attacked me.

Turns out the guy gave me a whole 4 way windowpane. was supposed to get a 1/4..My older sister wanted to kill the guy.
Today, we ride Harley's together..

plenty of others

Acid opens doors
Mushrooms you talk to god
Cacti, You walk with god, and he likes to play with you.
the only real "hallucinations" i ever had was on fresh peyote buttons. i can remember learning things that changed my mind, but i forgot them all the next day....
I still have 2 lava lamps. I have a blacklight, but no posters.
i had a lot of stuff i wish i still had. i had 2 whole sets of Kiss collector cards, when you lined them up in order they made a big poster of Kiss on stage.
G.I. Joe stuff, loads of it, the big stuff, when they were still like a foot tall. jeeps, boats, motorcycles, tents, i could have invaded afghanistan with all the g.i. joe stuff.
4 banana boxes full of erector set pieces, motors, gears, pulleys. built bases for g.i. joe.......
don't even wanna talk about the comic books that my mom gave to all my nieces and nephews when she got tired of them being in the upstairs closet......