I believe the one i linked might be too long for your setup. That puck i thought was only a far red initiator, does it have red and deep red diodes too, you need them for emerson?
I’d go with 15 mins, won’t do anything negative if other lights are out. The story (anecdotal as best i can tell) is that you can go upto 2 hours longer lights off (10:14) to get some additional flowers, and that the get closer to 12:12, the extra sleepytime helps shorten the duration of flowering period.
I’m running both full lightson emerson and 15 min lightsoff far red (12:12), my feeling is that the emerson is doing way more than the lightsout far red, but i have no evidence to present.
I trust @Randomblame ’s opinion, maybe he’ll chime in.
One suggestion, don’t start emerson or initiator until after stretch, inkess your trying to boost internode length..
oh super interesting that you're mentioning that OK!
So don't start the far red regime until the initial stretch upon flowering
Thanks for the tips! <3
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