What did you accomplish today?

i voted today, straight democratic ticket. i was prepared to vote for at least one republican, as it's a rare thing for me to like all of any parties candidates, but there was no real contest today. every republican on the ballot is a trump toadie, and that shit has to go

why is it that EVERY time i've ever voted, there's been a 50ish white guy wearing jeans and a button down shirt, sometimes with a neatly trimmed beard, but ALWAYS with a pony tail.....doing something...leading people around, handing out "i voted stickers"....

Yeah! that guy......EVERY TIME.....like he never ages, or they just keep cloning new ones as the old ones fall apart...
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i voted today, straight democratic ticket. i was prepared to vote for at least one republican, as it's a rare thing for me to like all of any parties candidates, but there was no real contest today. every republican on the ballot is a trump toadie, and that shit has to go

why is it that EVERY time i've ever voted, there's been a 50ish white guy wearing jeans and a button down shirt, sometimes with a neatly trimmed beard, but ALWAYS with a pony tail.....doing something...leading people around, handing out "i voted stickers"....

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Yeah! that guy......EVERY TIME.....like he never ages, or they just keep cloning new ones as the old ones fall apart...
I've seen that guy at the polls too. Just without the pony tail.
Get rid of that flex, at least where it enters and go rigid with a flange to help with sealing that entry. You need to seal that entry or bugs will be an issue. All you need is to get the air in there positioning your outlet opposite and high will pull the cool air through and out. Your exhaust fan should pull your intake air and should be placed right at exit, sealed and filtered so you don't get bugs around your exhaust or when the system is off, hth.

PS sealing the room will allow you to pull from the filtered house, reducing insects and allow you to use CO2, eventually, which means you can work with higher temps.
Oh believe me I wasnt happy when I saw the amount of flex he wanted to use for noise reduction reasons.

And yes I still have to seal the entry point and filter the entry too. The extraction is on the same wall as the intake at the other end of the room and up high. It’s a 25cm **exhaust and 20cm intake.

Back to the flex, those black patches along the long section are slits for more even air distribution (the end is sealed shut). I was busy still whinging when he switched it on and I was like “ooooh that’s nice thank you honey”. Lol. But that was still without lights on so we’ll see how it goes..

Edit: I’ll be swapping the 12/12 to lights on at night this time too so that should help with the heat of the day as well.

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---It took all day, but I have now convinced my sweet wife that I am afflicted with the dreaded SODS...That's _"Sack of dookie syndrome...She now sees me as worthless as a bucket of warm spit....Hahaha!!!
The nomination of Joe Biden was fucking awesome. I cried a little bit.
Yup--The DumboRats paraded out hookers and porn stars to smear Trump...If touchy-feely Uncle Joe runs, we're gonna see SOOOOO many children come forth that he has "loved on"....BLETCHHHH!!!!...He will be a bound goat in a lion's den.