The Day of Days

How will you vote tommorrow?

  • Republican

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Democratic

    Votes: 14 73.7%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 3 15.8%

  • Total voters

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
The economy is doing well now (for a select few), but soon the piper has to be paid.
The deficit is huge, and growing daily under Republicans and their tax cuts, and income inequality has only grown worse.
Plus the trade war will make all products more expensive, plus the reinstitution of sanctions on Iran are going to play havoc with oil prices, and gas and fuel oil are going to probably increase.
I think reality will soon kick in, and I don't think it will be pretty.
Yes yes yes, the bills are coming due , my taxes went up not down, I had to change my W-2 to have more taxes taken out, and my retirement is under attack by the gop, I have worked and paid into it all my life ,


Well-Known Member
America is begging to pass the torch to a new generation. Whether there is a chance of that or not is going to be apparent in 24-36 hours. Bernie is a fucking corpse. The door is open for a white horse.
Vote Ravenclaw to get rid of the Dark Lord!


Well-Known Member
Over the weekend, Poland held local elections. The Trumpian populists followed the same strategy as Trump has here, outright lies, stoking immigrant fear, gratuitous promises and threats, etc.. They got killed. Support for the populists stayed strong among the undereducated rural voters (sound familiar?) but anything bigger than a small town dealt a strong blow to the right-wing.

Maybe the tide is turning.


Well-Known Member
Canadians shouldn't laugh at anybody.

Q: Why is Canada always cold?
ba ha ha....

A: It's always in America's shadow.
How can others not laugh. What a mess.....

I would add our politics are pretty much just as fucked up but no one has nuke codes that i know of and we don't work that way. But the bipartisan populist shit is EVERYWHERE.

I might shift liberal because it is crazytrain.
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