The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
I wonder how long it will be before Donald goes through the DOJ and fires everybody in sight including Mueller. There are a lot of vulnerable GOP senators running in 2020 and that election will be different than the uphill senate battle of 2018. The fight is on and Donald is not gonna be standing still between now and January, he's gonna do everything he can to stop not just Mueller, but all the many DOJ investigations into him and his family. I don't know why he bothers, he could just admit it and say "fuck you", the idiots who support him and voted for the GOP wouldn't care anyway, he could sell their asses to Putin (probably already did) and they wouldn't give a shit.

America is in deep trouble and the fight is about to get real nasty, the shit storm will begin soon.
Jerry Nadler Warns Trump Against Firing Mueller As Democrats Win House In Blue Wave | MSNBC

Ranking Member and likely incoming Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee tells Ari Melber “all options are on the table” if Trump tries to “sabotage” the probe, or fires “key people,” or abuses the pardon power, laying down a firm marker on protecting Bob Mueller.

Steve Schmidt: 'The Unchecked Corruption Is At Its End' | MSNBC
Steve Schmidt remarks on the major headlines from election night, the first being that Donald Trump now has a check on his power, having lost permission Republican control in the House, and the other being that divisions over Trump in American politics were deepened.
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Well-Known Member
I wonder how long it will be before Donald goes through the DOJ and fires everybody in sight including Mueller. There are a lot of vulnerable GOP senators running in 2020 and that election will be different than the uphill senate battle of 2018. The fight is on and Donald is not gonna be standing still between now and January, he's gonna do everything he can to stop not just Mueller, but all the many DOJ investigations into him and his family. I don't know why he bothers, he could just admit it and say "fuck you", the idiots who support him and voted for the GOP wouldn't care anyway, he could sell their asses to Putin (probably already did) and they wouldn't give a shit.

America is in deep trouble and the fight is about to get real nasty, the shit storm will begin soon.
Jerry Nadler Warns Trump Against Firing Mueller As Democrats Win House In Blue Wave | MSNBC

Ranking Member and likely incoming Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee tells Ari Melber “all options are on the table” if Trump tries to “sabotage” the probe, or fires “key people,” or abuses the pardon power, laying down a firm marker on protecting Bob Mueller.
Mueller is done..he was just waiting for mid-terms to be over and not pull a comey..i still don't get why he did that to clinton.


Well-Known Member
I think we're gonna keep him around until 2024, ymmv
we're three steps ahead comrade..


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Well-Known Member
It's gonna be a long time until Jan 03/2019, before Rosenstein allows Whitaker to take over the Mueller investigation, he needs to be confirmed by congress, even to have that temporary authority. Rosenstein has been confirmed, Matthew Whitaker has not been and the ethics branch of the DOJ would strongly recommend recusal anyway. Whitaker has been warned and will be repeatedly about spending serious prison time if he obstructs justice, like two of Nixon's attorney generals and they were confirmed by congress, Whitaker could not be confirmed even by the current senate.

It might be a good time for a few GOP senators to take a little revenge on Donald and keep Mueller's investigation alive until Jan. As long as they can slide it by the base and blame Mueller and the democrats I think many in the GOP leadership want Mueller and the democrats to do the dirty work of doing Donald. Now that his utility is almost over it's time to feed him to the Democrats, Pense has been patient and wants his turn as POTUS...
Joe: President Donald Trump Was Freaked Out Yesterday | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Democrats had the biggest House gains in the 2018 midterms since Watergate, but Donald Trump appeared to be in denial about those wins. The Morning Joe panel recaps the midterms and the president's Wednesday news conference.
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scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
It's gonna be a long time until Jan 03/2019, before Rosenstein allows Whitaker to take over the Mueller investigation, he needs to be confirmed by congress, even to have that temporary authority. Rosenstein has been confirmed, Matthew Whitaker has not been and the ethics branch of the DOJ would strongly recommend recusal anyway. Whitaker has been warned and will be repeatedly about spending serious prison time if he obstructs justice, like two of Nixon's attorney generals and they were confirmed by congress, Whitaker could not be confirmed even by the current senate.
Joe: President Donald Trump Was Freaked Out Yesterday | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Democrats had the biggest House gains in the 2018 midterms since Watergate, but Donald Trump appeared to be in denial about those wins. The Morning Joe panel recaps the midterms and the president's Wednesday news conference.
Unfortunately, I have been been programmed by the liberal media to find your screen name extremely offensive. Sorry, but you have to go.