Pure Sativa Thread

...Mine last Destroyer pics were from the date of 3-September...
Destroyer (nacida el 20-Julio), (Cannabiogen), tira como un cañón: ya tiene hojas mayores que mis manos:



...how my little n late borned (20-July) Destroyer have continued growing; on 30-September:

Destroyer [Meao Thai x (Michoacana Verde Limón x Punto Rojo Colombiana)] (Cannabiogen), nacida el 20-Julio/borned in July-20; on 30-September:





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(...more pics from October-13):

Its preflowers n pistils were n are very long:


Sus preflores y pistilos son larguísim@s...


Esta Destroyer nacida el 20-Julio medirá 1'60 metros de altura, siendo muchísimo mas alta que dos Outlaw (Amnesia Haze x SuperHaze; Duth Passion) que nacieron un dia después:

This Destroyer born on 20-July will measure 1'60 meters high, being much higher than two Outlaw (Amnesia Haze x SuperHaze, Duth Passion) that were borned between the 21/22-July, only a day later (October-13 pic):



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Looking great Montuno..!!

Here's my Destroyer x Zamaldelica(Thai Pheno) Male.. Had to bring in couple of weeks ago as occasional freezing temps have arrived.. Enjoy that weather in DR brother...

View attachment 4231920
View attachment 4231925

Hey, looks fine!!

...btw, I cant understand what DR means, but the weather here isent nice right now: since the Leslie Hurracane arrived several weeks ago, it is the most cold, wet n rainny Autumn that I never have lived...
What week is that? I've got some golden tiger seedlings and in wondering what the average flowering time is.

I have no clue what week it is, I've run too many different genetics with varied bloom cycles and lost track. GT flowers 10 - 14 weeks.. I'm just watching the pistals/bracts as an indictor..Sone of the Thai leaners go the longest.. I have one lanky girl that almost vine like and looks like she'll be going longer than the one pictured above.. You're in for a treat Shua1991..!!

Sampled a smaller damaged limb a geezzzuss to the moon..!

The Destroyer Zam cross pictured above got a good dusting of my GT male, should be an interesting cross.. I can't say enough about the Destroyer, which I thought was a little pricey but after growing it it was money well spent ..
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