dominion seed company duke diamond

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both of my dominion skunk pheno’s are hanging. The first is smelling very skunky....I will say if you want skunk, buy this shit now, while you can, and keep an eye on Dominion seed C.O. The second that I cut down today is similar, but not as skunky. I got more onion and garlic while in flower, but near the end, the skunk was there for sure. I have a third in flower that is very fruity, so I doubt there will be skunk in that one, but the frost was ther from the start of flower. The stinky pheno’s don’t show too much frost early, but it’s there. They don’t look like much with lights on, but turn off the lights and they glisten like diamonds.
Oh, I decided I'm gonna take a clone, and clone one of all the fems I got, and do a "mini" open pollination from my Helena Male to the others. Make myself some seeds!
Im myself wouldn't use Feminized seeds for breeding. Many times Fem brings out recessives, and also passes Hermi on, but they can often do ok, but we did it a few times with the same strain, and it ended up totally fucking the genes, and turned it into hay.
Im myself wouldn't use Feminized seeds for breeding. Many times Fem brings out recessives, and also passes Hermi on, but they can often do ok, but we did it a few times with the same strain, and it ended up totally fucking the genes, and turned it into hay.
Thats a very fair point Jimi, Thank you. The only reason I was gonna use the Straw99 is because she's simply there, and Its my first time trying to make them, so I mostly wanted to see if I could do it correctly or get seeds to grow. I'm in a wierd "transition" period where I THINK I'm done having inspectors in my home for mortgage refinancing, but not positive yet so I want to wait a month until i'm in full gear, so I've been just tooling around with keeping some clones alive and multiplying so when i AM ready I got a bunch of small stuff to throw into flower.

I agree with you wholeheartedly, and that If i was to try chucking (I wouldnt even call what I wanted to do that, simply amateur seed recreation at its most basic level) I'd use really anything else.

matter of fact I got a real nice HAOGxSSDD clone I can donate to mating with the Helena clone I took. They're same size and age, I think I could just put them together in my 3rd space in flower for like a month, then take the lady and put her in the regular flower tent with everything else?
As long as the pollen is dead, you can put it back in. Id give it 3-7 days after pollination before reintroducing into main garden.

I myself would use The Nature Farm Genetics Red Eye Skunk for the males. This is a cross of original Super Sativa Seed Club Sk1 from the mid 80s, and a cross of the original sk, before it was Sk1.
I would use more than 1 male. 5 is better. Will give a lot more diversity, which will also help keep Vigor.

Sk18 was stolen by Sam the Skunkman/RATMAN in the 70s when he was an apprentice breeder for them. He got into trouble, and worked with the Feds, and had them busted. They left over 20lbs of seeds unguarded in the trash, as well as whole plants with intact rootballs. He bred the Skunk out of it for the most part.

Sacred Seeds had been around since 1938, had genetics going back to 1915, and the fucking RAT, had them busted, and stole their genetics.

But the Nature Farm Sk18 is the ORIGINAL SKUNK stuff before it was taken to Holland in the early 80s after it had been reworked for less REEK.

Real Skunk brings with it stability, vigor, potency, and consistency, and theres a reason it was used so much in breeding programs. It makes everything more uniform, and consistent.

The Super Sativa Seed Club stuff is what RATMAN reworked, and took to Holland.

Duke Diamond VA also has the Original SSSC Sk1, and uses it extensively.
Not from my experience. In the end it turned ours to hay.
Some were still good, but the consistency was 100% GONE. Every plant used to be a keeper. Not so after a couple breedings with itself, and no other outcrosses. Turned to mostly junk.
Do you have a Duke Diamond recommendation, something close to old school AK47...
AK was/is Columbian, Thai, Acapulco Gold, and Afghan.

I don't know really of any genetics he has available with those. But the old AK47 was wicked stuff.
But Id recommend the upcoming drops of Polecat, Capital G, and a couple others.

I would also suggest the Dominion Skunk.
Dominion dominion skunk #3 with that perfect fade. This one is the fruitiest, but that rotten skunky funk is present. It definitely seems to come out more once cured. I’m in Coco, and all three pheno’s responded exactly the same, cut the nutes and they look like this in a week. They look much prettier in person, purple strains usually have the nicest fade, but these are pretty close as far as I’m concerned.
207A800D-7E35-4B99-86D7-1774820C05DA.jpeg 5147F9FF-57EA-47F5-B724-372E74BD638E.jpeg
There was a roadkill skunk made by a BC company smells like idk lol mild citris and some shit but I'd bet you seen that one. So odd they say it smells nothing like dead Skunk and never explained why its called that.....ever ever has a story of rks but it's a broad term to describe exactly what it says. I grew up on Mass super skunk and other extreme buds like that and not once do I remember anyone saying rks at the time. Also that smell and terp were worked out of the line amd suprise suprise not many people have their skunk plants from the 80s still. Umderstandable!! Is Duke gonna packs of MSS no but that type bud death skunk..yes there some in there but he's a world great breeder and has lots of rare plants going on never in seed like this or xs..I ran original testers years ago and trust me or him more like that it's in there and gonna get bread not chucked plants from a cannabis great. And more to me it's incredible
Supposedly from shoe/headiegardens. Does anyone have his email or a way to contact him that isn’t IG? Thanks
Idk I've sent him a friend request twice on Instagram cause I wanted to see his selection but he won't accept or respond so I guess he already has all the customers he wants.
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