Democrats vote to nominate Nancy Pelosi for House speaker

The Senate is still firmly in Republican hands. Trump is a masterful player of the mass media, distracting the gullible from the work being done to dismantle our democracy and shovel favors into the pockets of elite donors. No way they'll dump him; he's way too good at his job.

The very fact that he's an acknowledged criminal and yet has remained in office for 2 years and counting is itself incontrovertible evidence that our government is completely broken and utterly fails to represent We the People- and in fact no longer even bothers to keep up the act of trying.

If Bob Woodward and the rest of the Pentagon Papers crowd tried the same thing today, our country would use the 'Just Us' system to do the same thing to them as we're currently doing to Julian Assange, a man who has broken no laws.

You have no fucking idea what the political landscape will be in 6 months.

Compare February 1974 to August 1974.

And republicans will bail fast as soon as it influences their reelection chances.

Did you see that 63-37 vote last week?

There is definitely hope. There's always hope, but you are somewhat negative about the future.

I see the glass as half full.
The Senate is still firmly in Republican hands. Trump is a masterful player of the mass media, distracting the gullible from the work being done to dismantle our democracy and shovel favors into the pockets of elite donors. No way they'll dump him; he's way too good at his job.

The very fact that he's an acknowledged criminal and yet has remained in office for 2 years and counting is itself incontrovertible evidence that our government is completely broken and utterly fails to represent We the People- and in fact no longer even bothers to keep up the act of trying.

If Bob Woodward and the rest of the Pentagon Papers crowd tried the same thing today, our country would use the 'Just Us' system to do the same thing to them as we're currently doing to Julian Assange, a man who has broken no laws.
GOP lawmakers are scared to death of Fox News. I forget the numbers, but a crazy amount of folks who vote in GOP primaries get all their news from Fox. If they go against 45, Fox will jump on them, and they will get primaried next election. They won't move on 45 until their own jobs are at risk.
GOP lawmakers are scared to death of Fox News. I forget the numbers, but a crazy amount of folks who vote in GOP primaries get all their news from Fox. If they go against 45, Fox will jump on them, and they will get primaried next election. They won't move on 45 until their own jobs are at risk.
Look who you are talking to... Mr. Official Novichok Dissent Thread!


He's as bad as any Trumper. Maybe even worse.
Love how you're so bereft of a clue you have to resort to personal attacks.

Maybe you should try running your mouth less and doing more homework.
Lol. "Why haven't we heard from the SCIENTISTS?"

Sorry Tty, I am criticizing your politics. A personal attack would be your breath stinks or you live in squalor. Pointing out that the weed you grow is sub-mid shit might be a personal attack but I think it is just a statement of fact.

Hey Tty, remember that time you sort of heard a story on NPR and spent a bunch of time typing up paragraphs railing against what you had imagined it said? You laid out a whole conspiracy where the military was being vetted for personal loyalty to Trump and then cashiered if they weren't sufficiently loyal? Remember how you at first refused to name your source and just said "do your own homework?" And remember how I found the story and it didn't say anything like what you wrote about? And remember how you decided to lie about it and say you heard "an early version of the story" but there wasn't one?

That was cool.

Good homework there, mountain man.

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Lol. "Why haven't we heard from the SCIENTISTS?"

Sorry Tty, I am criticizing your politics. A personal attack would be your breath stinks or you live in squalor. Pointing out that the weed you grow is sub-mid shit might be a personal attack but I think it is just a statement of fact.

Hey Tty, remember that time you sort of heard a story on NPR and spent a bunch of time typing up paragraphs railing against what you had imagined it said? You laid out a whole conspiracy where the military was being vetted for personal loyalty to Trump and then cashiered if they weren't sufficiently loyal? Remember how you at first refused to name your source and just said "do your own homework?" And remember how I found the story and it didn't say anything like what you wrote about? And remember how you decided to lie about it and say you heard "an early version of the story" but there wasn't one?

That was cool.

Good homework there, mountain man.

All that screaming and still no impeachment.

Keep changing the subject, clown shoes.
All that screaming and still no impeachment.

Keep changing the subject, clown shoes.
trying to impeach now would be a mistake....wait till 2020 & after thump is out of office we can convict him for his crimes, and he will die in prison...
GOP lawmakers are scared to death of Fox News. I forget the numbers, but a crazy amount of folks who vote in GOP primaries get all their news from Fox. If they go against 45, Fox will jump on them, and they will get primaried next election. They won't move on 45 until their own jobs are at risk.
Oprah should just buy Fox News and end all the put Obama back in the White House
You ever notice all the media is owned by the biggest scum bags . Media is nothing but propaganda they don’t care about any one . democrat ,republican ,black,white,gay or straight. Fuckin vampires
You ever notice all the media is owned by the biggest scum bags . Media is nothing but propaganda they don’t care about any one . democrat ,republican ,black,white,gay or straight. Fuckin vampires
These days media is so fragmented, it's hard to make a living at it. The folks staying in are doing it because they want to be in the business. Lots of good media outlets out there. Including PBS and Voice of America.

But back in the day when Rupert got started with The Sun, he made his money with Page Three girls. Semi nudes models will increase readership.
All that screaming and still no impeachment.

Keep changing the subject, clown shoes.
Actually Tty, the subject was that you are a know-nothing hack with a distorted view of reality no better than a typical Trumper. I proved this adequately by pointing out two of your epic conspiracy theory threads where you proved this. Three times if you include the fact that you can't grow weed worth smoking but are so deluded that you hold yourself out as an indoor cultivation consultant - unless you mean mold and funk which you seem to be quite gifted at from the look of your home.
You ever notice all the media is owned by the biggest scum bags . Media is nothing but propaganda they don’t care about any one . democrat ,republican ,black,white,gay or straight. Fuckin vampires
I’ve noticed nazis don’t like news organizations