What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Dude, get off your ass and cut those clones.

:lol: Thanks for the reminder!
Actually I have about 3 weeks before I take cuts. I do need to take the babies out of the tray and get them in cups. Before that I need to finish mixing some coco. I'm also preparing for harvest on Monday, so I'm in final stages of flushing. I have to drain my reservoir and refill for final flush...
Damn you for reminding me.



Well-Known Member
Made some progress today and not just watching movies all day either.
Went to the hydro store yesterday and I needed to empty the suv. Bag of perelite and bag of hydroton. 2 gallons of ph down, 1 gal of dr. Md., quart of ph up, bag of plugs, some clonex gel and a bottle of rapid root, all put away; oh new 16" wall fan also brought in.

Oscillating fan that stopped oscillating, mounted in veg area that desperately needed a fan, check.
New fan mounted in flower room, check.
Finished mixing my coco, check. Emptied, and refilled res for flush, check. Switched timer for flush cycle, check.
Up potted from cups to #1s, check.
And the cuts that rooted, well they can wait until tomorrow. I need new cups.

Ok so now I continue my purge process on my wax, smoke some weed, and listen to some reggae music.

Btw, @Grandpapy taught me how to clone.

Cut the leaves so they fit in the bag.

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Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Come on, who you really mad at?
View attachment 4275166
Wow that was a good one, thank you! I finally had time to look deeper (ditching morning chores):

Philip Morris used this lifestyle research to chart value systems for young adult smokers all over the world. For example, a report written for Philip Morris by Research International contains a pie chart of the young adult male smoker (YAMS) value system (fig 1), and also contains a table of YAMS responses to sponsorship activities in Taiwan. It also contains an analysis of value trends. “Value trends that appear to be developing are: retention of some traditional values related to family…weakening of chauvinistic and conservative values towards women…extension of individual identity into more individualistic concerns…continued development of more materialistic values…”.25 These value systems allowed Philip Morris to identify common values held by young adults across different markets.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Wow that was a good one, thank you! I finally had time to look deeper (ditching morning chores):

Philip Morris used this lifestyle research to chart value systems for young adult smokers all over the world. For example, a report written for Philip Morris by Research International contains a pie chart of the young adult male smoker (YAMS) value system (fig 1), and also contains a table of YAMS responses to sponsorship activities in Taiwan. It also contains an analysis of value trends. “Value trends that appear to be developing are: retention of some traditional values related to family…weakening of chauvinistic and conservative values towards women…extension of individual identity into more individualistic concerns…continued development of more materialistic values…”.25 These value systems allowed Philip Morris to identify common values held by young adults across different markets.
i agree with you, to a point. all businesses try to target their largest markets. i don't blame them for doing that. they try to tailor products to fit the niches in their target market, and i don't blame them for trying to do that. i do blame them for lying to their customers for years, and for marketing to younger potential customers.
mostly, i blame the people stupid enough to use their products. i'm 53 and all i can ever remember is people telling you smoking is bad....ads about the dangers of smoking.....warnings right on the packages that tell you 'this shit will make you sick"....it was effective enough to get me to stop smoking after ten years...and i have a terrible addictive personality....if you live in this time, and aren't blind, deaf, and illiterate....you should know that smoking is bad for you. if you choose to do something bad for you, that's your business, but you can't blame the fucking twinky factory for being a fat fuck....and you can't blame marlboro for being stupid enough to smoke, when we've all been bombarded with the evils of tobacco for decades.....


Well-Known Member
Ugh, I feel like shit. My wife had some coworkers over for drinks last night. We cannot keep up with 20 year olds anymore. My sis also called and said all her flights back to central WI are canceled because of the weather so she has to fly into Green Bay and I need to pick her up later. Not looking forward to that drive.


Well-Known Member
50's today and showers/drizzle and a breeze. I think chili and corn bread would be a good dinner I won't have to mess with while the game is on. Figured out how to make smaller bags from big ones with the vacuum sealer yesterday for my sous vide decarb experiment. Might try that today, or a nap...lol


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
i agree with you, to a point. all businesses try to target their largest markets. i don't blame them for doing that. they try to tailor products to fit the niches in their target market, and i don't blame them for trying to do that. i do blame them for lying to their customers for years, and for marketing to younger potential customers.
mostly, i blame the people stupid enough to use their products. i'm 53 and all i can ever remember is people telling you smoking is bad....ads about the dangers of smoking.....warnings right on the packages that tell you 'this shit will make you sick"....it was effective enough to get me to stop smoking after ten years...and i have a terrible addictive personality....if you live in this time, and aren't blind, deaf, and illiterate....you should know that smoking is bad for you. if you choose to do something bad for you, that's your business, but you can't blame the fucking twinky factory for being a fat fuck....and you can't blame marlboro for being stupid enough to smoke, when we've all been bombarded with the evils of tobacco for decades.....
I suggest you actually read the article. It was from the image Grandpapy posted. It's an epidemiological study about the origination and perpetuation of an international health problem.

You agree with me? o_O I was quoting the BMJ about a meta analysis I found interesting. If you wish to disagree you need to address the BMJ in an editorial opinion discussing your feelings about their research or the National Cancer Institute about your feelings about their funding of this research: National Cancer Institute, grant #R25CA78583 and National Cancer Institute Grant number CA-87472.
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