The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Pot Growers.


Junior Creatologist
Wuddup everyone, me again, lol

Beware of short cuts and quick fixes that minimize the hard work and focus required to prosper. An effective cannabis garden always rewards the grower who practices the following seven important rules of conduct.
(ive taken some excerpts of an article by danny danko to help me with this one)

Cleanliness -

Proactivity isnt just a boardroom cliche. Simpletasks suchas picking up dead leaves and sweeping up debris shouldnt wait until piles have accumulated. Its a daily process that requires due dilligence and leaves no time for bullshitting around.
Never allow pools of water to collect on the floor or under your plants. Check all surfaces daily for telltale signs of pests or molds, including the tops and bottoms of leaves, the surface of your growing medium, and the growroom, ESPECIALLY if youve been outdoors recently. Apparently some growers are anal enough to have set aside a special outfit that they put on before every single time theyenter their grow, a sort of "clean room suit", if you will.
Above all, make it your mission to keep things clean. Your indoor garden is your laboratory as well as your income provider(potentially) and it will benefit tremendously when its kept habitually spotless.Putdown the bong,lol, and get off the couch and clean your shit up. the work you do now will pay offin the long run...

Stealth -

When it comes to your garden, whether medical or not, silence is always golden.Its tempting to brag and show off your hard work, but that can only lead to problems down the road. Growers who live "outin the open" tend to be the ones easily targeted by police, or theives.
Never throw big parties or let people hang out all day smokin weed, and dont have foot traffic coming in and out all the time. Suspicious stuff like thsi had been the downfall of many a pot prospector. Creat the illusion that your invisible and harmless to neigbors-simplyanother citizen going about your life. Whether purchasing lighting, moving equipment into your chosen space, or interacting with locals, it always helps to keep a low profile.
By the same token, dont allow yourself to become too paranoid. Freaky behaviour, such as blocking off all your windows or aboiding interaction with neighbors, is a tipoff that something wierd is goin on with your ass. Be friendly. Never panic or antagonize those around you-keeping the peace is always in your best interests if you wanna have success harvest after harvest.

Realistic Expectations -

Of course its important to be goal oriented, but never count your oz's before theyre harvested. Too many farmers spend time guessing the final weight of their crops, only to be disappointed when the real tally doesnt match their hopes.try to ignore this tempting impulse and set your golas wisely and realistically. Your not gonna get 4 pounds per 1000 watt lamp out of the gate every single time, no matter how great you grow. Youll need to lower those kinds of outlandish expectations in order to maintain your motivation at all times, good and bad. A realistic grower considers many factors and weighs the pros and cons of all decisions and possible outcomes.
Rent, electricity and various equipment costs must be aknowledged and accounted for before embarking on a serious growing project. Unforseen costs and glitches in scheduling an timing can quickly add up to thousands of dollars in expenses and months lost in unanticipated delay. Knowing and properly anticipating these type of events can make the difference between long term success and season after season of frustration.

Attentiveness to Plant Needs -

Cannabis as a cultivar isnt all that hard to please: Ask an orchid or African Violet grower if you want a better understanding of fussy plants and how frustrating it can be to provide tem with everything they need. Youll find there is a good reason that people call cannabis a Weed.
Pot plants WANT to grow, and will do just about anything to survive harsh environments. The idea is to prvide the proper atmosphere at all times and severely limit fluctuations in temp, feeding, and airflow. In this way, youll avoid the stress that can cause devastating delays in growth or worse.Be METICULOUS!!
READ BOOKS ON CULTIVATION (NOT JUST OF CANNABIS), and pay attention to the theory as well as the execution. Understanding all the various elements of plant growth is an absolutely necessary skill that cant be faked for too long without problems arising. Pay attention to nutritional requirements during the various stages of and act accordingly. Your final results will amaze you.

Curiosity -

NEVER decide that your way is the best or only way to grow great buds. You should always stay on the lookout for new techniques and new strains to satisfy your inquisitive nature and expand your pot pallette. Too many growers get bogged down in their own stubbornness and decide to stick to their guns reguarding everything theyve learned up to that point when the idea is always to challenge yourself and keep your ear to the ground for new ideas.
This means experimenting from time to time. If something new can raise your yield by even 5%, thats a substantial increase in efficiency that you can continue to build upon and tweak. The curious grower never discounts new ideas, equipment or techniques without proper analyses first.
A good experiment wont endanger your whole grow. Try a new nutrient on one plant and see how it responds. Always be measured and patient. Dont allow yourself to become wary of new techniques. Expert growers learn something new with every harvest. The key to staying ahead of the curve is to allow your curiousity to flourish.


Many a promising garden has been torn down prematurely due to financial troubles, paranoia, or family obligations. Sometimes greed can rear its ugly head, causing profit margins to become more important than pot perfection. Plants must complete their life cycle to fulfill their true destiny, and its your responsibility as a cannabis grower, to do everything in your power to make that happen.
Dont let impatience cloud your vision. You didnt expend all that energy only to jump the gun and harvest a crop that never got the chance to reach its true potential. Sure, it ight still get you high, but did you really need that dough or vacaton bad enough to yank your harvest too soon??
Patience means youre in this thing for the long haul, not for the quick score. Plant a few long flowering sativas once in a while and youll find that the extra time spent results in more complex flavors and highs.
Same thing goes for drying and curing.. Freshly chopped pot plants are about 70 percent liquid, and it will take some time to properly remove that water weight. Quickly dried buds taste poorly and smoke even worse. Take your time and youll be rewarded with a final product worthy of your efforts. Something youll be proud to put your name on.

My favorite -- HUMILITY. -

Remember, its not a contest. We all love the same plant, and theres hundreds of ways to grow her right. Arrogant growers love to put down other peoples nugs and argue for days about why nobody can produce better pot than you can. These types actually end up infusing some negative and competitive energy into their plants.
If you love what your dong, your already winning. Take pride in your agricultural accomplishments, but never become the "HUMAN BUZZ KILL" personality, always seeking to one up allcomers. Its boring, and your just compromising the integrity of other peoples high. Let your buds speak for themselves and the company you enjoy will enjoy themselves too. Above all, remember that fame is fleeting and thatr real cannabis aficionados show enthusiasm and encouragement to ANYONE that shares our beloved hobby with us.

Overgrow America.


Well-Known Member
lol i have all expect patience, and thats the hardest part, everything gravy. and i 198583% agree that u should experiment with all types of ways to grow ur plants, cuz you never know, u mite findout something that would double the size and potency of ur plants...or somethin like that. good post


Well-Known Member
Rep............................................................................................................... :)


Junior Creatologist
Don't you mean Danko?

As in Johnny Danko, the guy who originally wrote this?

No. the guy that wrote this is named DONNY DANKO. this piece is material. I do not take credit in any way for the idea to post this. but thanks for the +rep everyone :D

and i said Danke' - as in, Dankeshern, or however the fuck you say it. DUTCH FOR THANK YOU, lol. Amsterdamien ;)

No worries though, its good to be cyniccal every now n then bart. where would everyone else be, if there was noone there to try and catch someone doin somethin wrong???