What age did u start


Active Member
smoking weed if you smoke weed. Ive been smoking for about a year (average 4-5 days a week) andim 14 lmfao


Well-Known Member
Started at 12. (Thanks to my older sister)
18 now and i smoke atleast 3 times a day. Atleast.


Well-Known Member
I smoked out of Hand carved Mexican bowl that i bought while i was down there. The dragons nostril was the carb. ;)


Well-Known Member
the first thing i smoked out of was a hand crafted bowl made from an empty pen with a jello top bowl head:hump: lol


Well-Known Member
i was 14... or wait.. maybe i was 13. uh not sure. i smoked out of an old pepsi can!
-the dude
I was 6! ha ha! found me dear ol dad's pipe above the bathroom sink...hit it twice then laid on the floor for like an hour. goin on 14 years now.
-the chick

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
LOL 2 qts low! I was givin 'er a go at about the same time (I was 13)...but our weapon of choice was a toilet paper/paper towel cardboard tube w/tinfoil bowl...

ah...the 70's (early 70's at that!)

bt dt

LiL VT369

Active Member
Started at 11 im 14 now lol and i smoke about 3 times on the week day and about 5 on the weekend first time was in a blunt i dont remember what kind of weed it was