What did you accomplish today?

Other than having to listen to my Noles beat Georgia Tech on the radio, yesterday's b-day party was about as much fun as any 82 year old's party can be. Saw some of the wife's kin folk I hadn't seen in a long time. Ate too many wings.

Had to run by Sister's to see the niece when we got in. She is expanding her wedding hair and makeup biz to Florida, and was in for a quick job. She headed back to Denver early this morning.
I am compelled to ask: who turned 82?
Oh, you said "fishing", never mind
littorally a biathlon

I camped last night. I got in 3-4 miles hiking in light rain. Was really warm when I laid down. I covered with a sheet and used the sleeping bag like a blanket. About 0300 the cold front blew through, and I had to get in the sleeping bag.

Didn't do shit at the house today other than take a nap after lunch. Came into work an hour early to set up our new printer. Got that done. And the wife called about my Federal Grand Jury Duty. Recording said I didn't have to report in the morning or check back in next week. Might get something done this week now.
too bad, actually, i was hoping for first person reports from some good criminal trial....(insert Perry Mason theme here)
ok i accomplished not see the back of my eyelids....morning everyone hope everyone is having a decent day of it......

it's 45F and a wake up here.....got light misty crappy rain going on this fine morning......

glad the rest of the week isn't gonna be like this....

anywho, get my 3 S's done, and then off to work.....why...well gotta make that evil $$$$ to keep the power on.......
State tax return went to pay for new shoes for my car. They are getting to the point I don't trust them anymore. They should last quite awhile with the little amount of driving I do now.
I need new tires and I want to buy good ones. Only 52K on them {and the car}, but I'm hard on tires. I'm going to see how much it will cost to cut down on road noise.