What did you accomplish today?

Late dinner the wife made. I had been doing all the cooking the last two weeks since her mom was in the hospital and she was down there every day.

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Meatloaf and one of my favorites, potato eggs!
I opened and finished off a bag of kettle chips in like 10 min. piftf $4 gone.
but I want more!
(blame it on the wax)
Posting my shortcoming completes the accomplishment.
I'm not planning on anything else today.
kettle chips are the ones that fall out of the oil onto the floor, and after they've had a couple of days to get stale, the sweep them up and bag them....
Howdy everyone hope everyone had a productive weekend....i know i did......weedeating and cleaning up trees so i can mow under them....

Sunday me and the wife kicked up the smoker, wild pig sauage with jalopenos and cheese, and some cheese stuff burgers

Also had 2 calves coming in this weekend, friends herd just got a little bigger...good for him

Mixed soil, so that ready...

Coffee is up, nice and hot, it's 51F here this morning......of to work for bit to get stock orders in, or at least worked up and ready....
I guess I get to play honey bee... the unidentified pepper plant that I put out in my grow room is blooming. I think it might be a Korean pepper from some ancient seeds that were laying around here that my sun put into a pot for grins. I guess I'll find out if I get peppers off it. I have never seen a pepper plant get flowers all over the top and nowhere else.
Guys - you are not going to believe this -

I got into Apex Legends (a video game) because - you know boredom. ON PC with a gamepad (can't do KB/M - long story) but I was on that struggle bus for 20 hours. Only 3 kills and couldn't for the life of me do well, a lot of games wth little to no damage, deadweighting every squad I went near. I was so frustrated.....

So I got a freeware aim trainer on Steam and sat for 5 hours this weekend just practicing my flicks to aim, practice practice practice.

Sat in the game for 30 minutes last night and racked 5 more kills in less than 10 games. It's still kind of sad- but I revived squadmates in clutch situations, landed killshots we needed and actually helped get a damn team win... FINALLY!! I can say I now found the exit to the struggle bus, I'm still on it- but now I need to work on my positioning and fight picking, and I'll be able to hang with the PC boysss...

I'm never going to be a ranked dude, never top tier, always casual - but screw it now I'm learning to pull my own - it's happening FINALLY boooyaaaa

But the team win felt goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood....