awesome, dude!

hell yeah man! Thanks for stoppin through! Means a lot from someone who grows plants as beautifully as you!

Just so rewarding when you achieve even plethora of tops like that, ideal conditions or not!!
What did you do differently, training wise..
I'm always torn between training more and less, lol.. Love seeing plants un cut, but love a row of colas.. I went thru a mainlining phase, but now I prefer a single topping, with a bit of fim / supercrop / lst to turn all arms into tops.. About a branch, or top per gallon.. Then leave a good one plant uncut so I can enjoy the natural state, haha. Great work though, man, wow..can't wait for your facil to get it poppin, gonna be a treat for the greater good ! No doubt!

Glad you enjoyed that canopy as much as I enjoyed posting it :) So what did I do differently?? ummm I ran out of room in the flower room, and had to hold these back in veg for a long ass fuckin time, and topped them like 3 or 4 times across multiple branches LOL. I'll take rows of colas over uncut plants any day. Just comes down to being efficient for me. Different strains need different techniques... but sometimes happy accidents happen (like this one) and you just get a solid canopy of colas. I do appreciate the look of the natural state of the plant... but I drool for canopies that look like this run of brainwreck. :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:

As for the facility... I hope to be able to accomplish it by mid 2020 or early 2021. I have a couple very close people to me who want to invest. Just waiting for finish up school (this is my last semester). In the latter half of this year I'm gonna start building a business plan, talking to some cannabis law firms to help streamline the process, and start looking into what kinda property I can do this on. Gonna be a hell of a battle/journey if it comes to fruition I know that for sure! But no doubt, that bitch will be 100% organic no-till... the way it should be done! Hopefully they don't cause too many issues with microbial tests. Idiots need to figure out what the good and bad microbes are and test accordingly (which I'm sure they won't lol... fuckin red tape). The one thing I'm worried about is how quickly everyone is ready to move on licenses already. I just don't have my ducks in a row to jump the gun. But I do know that I'll be hitting that niche market. I don't need a 2000 plant operation right out of the gate. I'll expand as I see fit. No sense in growing a shit ton of weed if you're not even sure you have enough people to distribute it all too (the dispensaries or whatever they're gonna call them, hell I don't know lol).

anyway, rant over. back to physics.... :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:
Gorilla Glue #4 ready to hit the cure... perfect moisture content as of now! Smokes like a dream even without a cure... the beauty of the highest quality flowers from a water only garden...



The Texas Butter pheno hunt from a 10 pk continues (7 total females). Week 4 of flower. They're slightly behind looking to me. We had a few issues early in flower with the lights. I'm thinking they just got delayed a little bit. Also running with an unknown well water at this spot so that's a new one for me. I try and bring RO with me when I can to try and not use the well all the time. The well tastes great... some of the best I've had in MI, but I know it's got the minerals! Anyway... a couple good smells showing up so far. Lots of sativa looking strains. Only one OG dom. Not sure If I'm gonna find what I'm looking for out of this pack. I'm real interested to do a clone run of these though before throwing any of them to the curb unless they perform really poorly in the seed run.


(front right plant is not part of the TB run)

Brainwreck comes down this weekend! Can't wait!
Stunning work Jahbrother. Looking just righteous and arie. If you ever sneak into Canada..come by and blaze some glue eh lol!

The people will eventually rush in waves to get that quality tho. Regardless of state. and laws. Once introduced to it, they will stop smoking shatter and all that shit again. For sure. That's what I love about insane hi quality. It just makes all these extracts pointless.. Except for a little rosin of course!!

Throwback memory..I remember when I veg'd the black Forrest for a hella long time, pulling down three foot colas, out of a small pot, man, just loved it! wider than my stove! Longer than my arm.. Sativa bliss.. Gotta run that again

But yea man, aim high, start small, and if you ever need a big investor, hmu, my people are your people.. But shareholders come first once you have them behind you, that's the only thing!!

Either way tho, excited for your team.

You got any awesome classes to finish the last leg off!?
Stunning work Jahbrother. Looking just righteous and arie. If you ever sneak into Canada..come by and blaze some glue eh lol!

The people will eventually rush in waves to get that quality tho. Regardless of state. and laws. Once introduced to it, they will stop smoking shatter and all that shit again. For sure. That's what I love about insane hi quality. It just makes all these extracts pointless.. Except for a little rosin of course!!

Throwback memory..I remember when I veg'd the black Forrest for a hella long time, pulling down three foot colas, out of a small pot, man, just loved it! wider than my stove! Longer than my arm.. Sativa bliss.. Gotta run that again

But yea man, aim high, start small, and if you ever need a big investor, hmu, my people are your people.. But shareholders come first once you have them behind you, that's the only thing!!

Either way tho, excited for your team.

You got any awesome classes to finish the last leg off!?

appreciate it mang.

umm the coolest class I have this semester is called Current Topics in Biology. It's basically a class that teaches you how to read scientific literature (primary literature), and write secondary literature (reviews, summaries, etc.). Kinda stupid that they don't introduce this incrementally rather than just hitting you all in one semester. It's the "capstone" class you take before you graduate (400 level class) This is a hard thing to do, and multiple semesters would help students actually glean more from the scientific process rather than just 16 weeks of pounding out work. One thing I will say... we need a new education system here in the US. School is like endless work that isn't fun and you don't get paid for (in fact, the opposite; you pay). They do a horrible job of captivating student interest. It's more like, we'll teach you the basics and ship you off and who gives a fuck what you do or like. There are a few exceptional professors I've had that really try and make it interesting and get involved with student learning.... but much of it is just so dry and boring, and the labs are from like 1940-1975 experiments. Like, c'mon really? Yeah we get this was a foundational experiment but my goodness, give us something that excites us, not something that makes us feel like we're wasting our time.
It's called paying your dues. Wait until you see what the working world is like. Starting your own farm is a great idea.

dues can still be paid while relating the foundations to current real world applications :) but I get what you are saying. Maybe Im just being unrealistic/too idealistic. I am totally on board with starting the farm though haha. Don't even care what I farm... produce, mushrooms, cannabis... all are viable options at this point haha.
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Veg room is on point! It all starts here... must have great health to start before you can get to a great finish!
  • in the back and center is the next run of Shangri-la (which got put in on sunday). Little smaller than I'd like but hey, gotta gem em in there!
  • The larger plant on the right side is the Greenpoint Cookies N Chem #1 (only female of 4 plants) which also got put into flower on sunday.
  • Front middle is Greenpoint Texas Butter #1, #5, #8 (four more phenos coming soon: #7, #9, #10, #3, the ones I have were the only duplicate clones from the seed run, need the others to veg more to get clones off them).
  • front left is some GG#4 and a single Brainwreck I'm using to take clones off of.
  • cloner has Confidential Cheese and Cookies N Chem #1 cuts.

Back row and right column are the Con Cheese, the rest are the CNC#1

CNC#1 roots in 6 days! New record for meCookNChem.jpg
Con Cheese ready for planting... extreme health! Note the two techniques, left side is split stem, right side is typical notch and angle cut. Both are effective.


I feel like my cloning game has never been better as of late. I must admit... the only bottle of nutrients I buy is the clonex cloning solution. It just keeps clones growing while they're in the clone. No def. No slowing of growth... just power right through like nothing happened. The only non-organic portion of my grow is my cloning :) . I hate fussing with the cloning domes... these aeroponic buckets are the only way to go imo.
Hi man, you have some wonderful info and experience here, producing some excellent weed and mushrooms.

I have grown outside since the early eighties, guerrilla style in the UK, before emigrating to Canada 13 years ago. Started to grow indoors 2 and a half years ago, after a bad accident, got me a medical weed licence :) trying to get to grips with the no till the last 7 months. I think I shall get a lot of answers to my questions reading your thread. Cheers.
Hey AB, sorry to jump into the thread but in a similar situation with a Canadian med license and learning the no till after years of growing from a bottle. ShLUbY is a cool dude and shared some good stuff with me. Please let me know if you find a reasonable source for soil testing as I have secured an awesome supplier of organics and amendments but nor sure what province your in? Regards
I am in Nova Scotia Northern Boxer, I haven't looked into soil testing atm. My soil is still developing seems to be getting better with each grow so far.

Clones are looking really good Shluby, I built an aero cloner 3 weeks ago, I have 18 out of 24 rooted in 10 days, which is great for me, my cloning was very hit and miss.

Just using water, and Aloe juice on the stems. Mine look really hungry though. I have been misting them the last 3 days with low dose of bloom ferts.
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I am in Nova Scotia Northern Boxer, I haven't looked into soil testing atm. My soil is still developing seems to be getting better with each grow so far.

Clones are looking really good Shluby, I built an aero cloner 3 weeks ago, I have 18 out of 24 rooted in 10 days, which is great for me, my cloning was very hit and miss.

Just using water, and Aloe juice on the stems. Mine look really hungry though. I have been misting them the last 3 days with low dose of bloom ferts.

thanks dude. yeah you gotta get nutrition to the clones in the aero cloners or they just go deficient. Then your recovery time on transplant just takes forever. When done properly, they never miss a beat!
Popping some Jelly Pie, 1/2 the pack.


These just showed up! Bring on the fuckin CBD Jam. 14%CBD:7%THC. SOOOOOO looking forward to this pack. Feminized so I hope that there is not much difference from the description! Also got the Blue Mystic and Papaya from Nirvana (regs). Freebie of Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk (fem), and a Sensi Durban Poison (reg).

Screen Shot 2019-03-09 at 12.54.04 AM.png
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Durban poison is one of my favourites!
I'm interested to see how the CBD jam turns out.
I’ve never had Durban before. Hoping I get lucky with the single freebie. I’m most excited about the CBD Jam. Pineapple terps and 1:1-1:2 thc to cbd ratios... should be sweet! I’ll have them all lab tested before I pick a winner. Kinda necessary with cbd strains lol.
You can be the tester. The terpene smell profile and body feel will tell you everything.
yeah terps are definitely top on my priority list. So I have a new vision for my garden... I want a broad spectrum of terps around. I’m gonna get all my strains profiled later this year and just see what I have.... and what I’m lacking. I don’t care about thc potency. I was a good full spectrum garden!
Veg room is on point! It all starts here... must have great health to start before you can get to a great finish!
  • in the back and center is the next run of Shangri-la (which got put in on sunday). Little smaller than I'd like but hey, gotta gem em in there!
  • The larger plant on the right side is the Greenpoint Cookies N Chem #1 (only female of 4 plants) which also got put into flower on sunday.
  • Front middle is Greenpoint Texas Butter #1, #5, #8 (four more phenos coming soon: #7, #9, #10, #3, the ones I have were the only duplicate clones from the seed run, need the others to veg more to get clones off them).
  • front left is some GG#4 and a single Brainwreck I'm using to take clones off of.
  • cloner has Confidential Cheese and Cookies N Chem #1 cuts.
View attachment 4295282

Back row and right column are the Con Cheese, the rest are the CNC#1
View attachment 4295283

CNC#1 roots in 6 days! New record for meView attachment 4295284
Con Cheese ready for planting... extreme health! Note the two techniques, left side is split stem, right side is typical notch and angle cut. Both are effective.
View attachment 4295286

ConCheeseView attachment 4295287

I feel like my cloning game has never been better as of late. I must admit... the only bottle of nutrients I buy is the clonex cloning solution. It just keeps clones growing while they're in the clone. No def. No slowing of growth... just power right through like nothing happened. The only non-organic portion of my grow is my cloning :) . I hate fussing with the cloning domes... these aeroponic buckets are the only way to go imo.
The split stem I understand but I want to make sure I understand the"typical notch and angle cut"...
I'm getting ready to take five cuttings and want to give them the best chance possible. Thanks in advance!