Well-Known Member
awesome, dude!
hell yeah man! Thanks for stoppin through! Means a lot from someone who grows plants as beautifully as you!
Just so rewarding when you achieve even plethora of tops like that, ideal conditions or not!!
What did you do differently, training wise..
I'm always torn between training more and less, lol.. Love seeing plants un cut, but love a row of colas.. I went thru a mainlining phase, but now I prefer a single topping, with a bit of fim / supercrop / lst to turn all arms into tops.. About a branch, or top per gallon.. Then leave a good one plant uncut so I can enjoy the natural state, haha. Great work though, man, wow..can't wait for your facil to get it poppin, gonna be a treat for the greater good ! No doubt!
Glad you enjoyed that canopy as much as I enjoyed posting it

As for the facility... I hope to be able to accomplish it by mid 2020 or early 2021. I have a couple very close people to me who want to invest. Just waiting for finish up school (this is my last semester). In the latter half of this year I'm gonna start building a business plan, talking to some cannabis law firms to help streamline the process, and start looking into what kinda property I can do this on. Gonna be a hell of a battle/journey if it comes to fruition I know that for sure! But no doubt, that bitch will be 100% organic no-till... the way it should be done! Hopefully they don't cause too many issues with microbial tests. Idiots need to figure out what the good and bad microbes are and test accordingly (which I'm sure they won't lol... fuckin red tape). The one thing I'm worried about is how quickly everyone is ready to move on licenses already. I just don't have my ducks in a row to jump the gun. But I do know that I'll be hitting that niche market. I don't need a 2000 plant operation right out of the gate. I'll expand as I see fit. No sense in growing a shit ton of weed if you're not even sure you have enough people to distribute it all too (the dispensaries or whatever they're gonna call them, hell I don't know lol).
anyway, rant over. back to physics....