
Well-Known Member
See above, no real diff at this point.
I mean I see the numbers and comparison to the last grow under the 288s... I just don't see height numbers of 96 vs 288 so far. (I can see the tick marks on the corner bars in your tents but no numbers on there)... Sorry if I'm missing the post with the numbers...
Looks like the 288s are marginally taller if the blue tape is at the same height on both?


Well-Known Member
I mean I see the numbers and comparison to the last grow under the 288s... I just don't see height numbers of 96 vs 288 so far. (I can see the tick marks on the corner bars in your tents but no numbers on there)... Sorry if I'm missing the post with the numbers...
Looks like the 288s are marginally taller if the blue tape is at the same height on both?
Both tents currently 12-14” (very difficult to get precise height pics, sideview pics are really about flat tops, not ht measurement); all four strains are slightly diff heights in each tent, tallest to shortest: trainwreck (back left), jack herer (front left), original glue (back right), green crack...

They went 12:12 (10-12”) with same height diffs they have now, with similar extension so far....

prob would all be 3-4” taller had i not focused on pulling mains, laterals to perimeter. Really only started growing up (slightly) in past couple of days.

If there is some meaningful diff at this stage, 96 vs 288, i haven’t seen it yet....

Whatever stretch that will happen with 40+ tops/plant [(2 node pairs + main) x 8 mains], each currently with 7 node pairs (if you don’t count the bottom 2 node pairs/main that are counted as tops), should become evident in the coming week...that will show if there are light quality diffs in pre-pistil ball stage, and possibly for overall height devel for grow...

Main stems 1-1.25” diam, mains from 1st and 2nd toppings about 1/2” diam, mains from 3rd (final) topping about 1/3” diam...slightly larger, at this point, than previous 8x288 grow...expecting an explosion of growth beginning any day now...
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Active Member
As far a defol times. I do my first defol the first day of 12-12. And then again 15 days later, beginning of week 3 when the budlets have formed. Weeks 3-4 the plant will gain all its leafs back.
I didnt have a pic of defol the day of 12-12 but here are pics of day 15 in flower and pics of the plant 13 days later in the 4th week of flower under two 28820180903_190709.jpg 20180903_190703.jpg 20180916_213244.jpg 20180916_213213.jpg20180916_213226.jpg


Well-Known Member

My previous 8x288 grow is documented here. Defol’d 9 days before 12:12, then at least 3 major strips afterwards; 4 plants in a 4x4, 3.8 lbs, 2.2g/w, 3.8oz/sq ft...

Among other things, i’m interested in seeing what defol and perimeter tie-out do this time...should reduce internode length and final height, main interest is what it does for yield...diff strains may confound that, but hopefully not much...


Well-Known Member
You can tell you put in lots of training time man. Perfect canopy, depending on my new setup I might not be able to let my girls get as tall. I’ll have to start Training better.
You’re a pro, you’ll nail whatever it is you have to deal with...

I’ll do one other cycle this year, it will likely be a smackdown with one of these setups vs a set of flowering boards designed by some of our grower friends here (can’t discuss at this point)...

after that i wanna get back to my real interest, learning more about how to grow this weed efficiently for home growers....part of that will be an uncle ben’s vs nugbucket’s manifold smackdown, maybe with a nebula haze manifold thrown in... trying to understand how much the time to build a manifold matters vs topping...

Maybe combine both things in next grow, tho secret board makers will get a say in that decision....
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Well-Known Member
Water and nute useage up significantly, hints of things to come:

Have been adjusting pH daily, adding 2qts water every other day. This morning had to add 3 qts...when it’s at 4qts, i’ll switch to topping daily.

Yesterday took nutes from 0.8 ec up to 1.2, today ec back down to 0.8. I’ll double bump nutes on thursday w/ topping water...
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Well-Known Member
Tomorrow, the on again/off again uvb saga ends. I’ll install two 4’ t5 nano reflector fixtures in each of the smackdown tents, with Arcadia 14% UVB 30% UVA D3 Dragon reptile lights.

View attachment 4298570 View attachment 4298571

Will start with 1 hr/day, ramping to 6 hrs/day, as quickly as possible, with minimal damage to plants.

These strains showed ridiculous frostiness in the pics posted earlier...gonna be a sight to see, if these lights add
Installed uv lights, set timer for six evenly spread 15 minute bursts over 6 hour period. If no adverse effects, will bump by another six 15 min bursts next week.




Well-Known Member
Too effing funny dude!

It’s just
View attachment 4299198

I was inspired by @Steakbomb 's hilarious version and dead on description of you monologue of the original Star Trek intro. THAT was a work of epic stoner proportions. (:

He's right. You bring the grow to a new level. I like your scientific approach to it. Proving and disproving methods of growing. It's hard to argue with documented results. That's what the hobby needs. Real testing. I like growing in soil. I may never get to the point where you are but its interesting as hell to watch your results nonetheless.


Well-Known Member

I was inspired by @Steakbomb 's hilarious version and dead on description of you monologue of the original Star Trek intro. THAT was a work of epic stoner proportions. (:

He's right. You bring the grow to a new level. I like your scientific approach to it. Proving and disproving methods of growing. It's hard to argue with documented results. That's what the hobby needs. Real testing. I like growing in soil. I may never get to the point where you are but its interesting as hell to watch your results nonetheless.
Thanks man, but your results speak for themselves...

Keep up the good work...

yummy fur

Well-Known Member
...If there is some meaningful diff at this stage, 96 vs 288, i haven’t seen it yet....
Would you expect to see any difference? For me it's mainly about whether one prefers the ugly cumbersome flat panels, or the sleek cob like 96's with their drivers isolated.