Manafort gets another 43 months.

blaze 57

Well-Known Member
CNN narrative 24/7 for two yrs...

"Oh they really got Trump this time"

"Feds are going to flip Manafort"

"Which leads to Trump and Russian collusion".

but the judge today totally ruined the CNN narrative and said Manaforts sentencing has nothing to do with Russian collusion. NONE of the sentencing had anything to do when Manafort worked for Trump.


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
CNN narrative 24/7 for two yrs...

"Oh they really got Trump this time"

"Feds are going to flip Manafort"

"Which leads to Trump and Russian collusion".

but the judge today totally ruined the CNN narrative and said Manaforts sentencing has nothing to do with Russian collusion.

Great that they didn't if he is innocent , but I don't see an innocent man in Trumps actions to the investigation
Now about all those redactions and have you noticed Mueller has yet to interview a single Trump?
My bet when Trump lose in 2020 Mueller will make sure Trump is hung out to dry for American values
This ride isn't over , no matter how badly the Trump clan wants it to be


Well-Known Member
Cthe judge today said Manaforts sentencing has nothing to do with Russian collusion.
manafort lied about sharing internal polling data from the trump campaign with russian spy konstant kilimnik. manafort and trump then changed their campaigning strategy based off of that.

this is a fact that was proven in court and which you will never, ever acknowledge because you are the whiniest pussy in the entire world.

MAGA! denying reality


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to think Trumps cult watch more CNN than anyone else :wall:
Me too. I never watch it. I don't watch any news. I do read a lot. I'm watching The Evolution of Us. Great documentary. A good one out to watch is about quatum mechanics with Dr. Jim Al-Khalili. Amazing series. It seems some here could put down the door and watch some real television once in a while.