First DWC LED auto

Well it was a busy period and went on a vacation after my exams so had to pauze this.
Cleaned everything with chlorine & pythoff.
Bought a propagator (heated) with root riot plugs. ( already wet )
Since i think the problem just happens at the start (germination process).

Anyway when comming back from vacation i've put 24seeds in the root riots.
Some were very very fast. A bit to fast because i wasn't home for a weekend.

So i ended up going home with 10 stretched sprouts who weren't getting light -_-
Stupid stupid mistake.
Transplanted them asap in my small tent.
Gave them light and potted them over in soil. ( yes no water anymore)
Since i was able to grow in the past i want to test that again and see what it gives.

They are getting light now for 4days and it seems they are growing.
Also putted a small fan on them to establish a stronger stem.

1 seedling is showing same disease as before. ( a place where stem is getting tighter with the day ) . So pretty sure that one will die. Anyway i tried to treat him with a pythoff solution. Shall see what it gives.
I try to give them not much water.
Tent is 24°C , 40-50 % humidity.

My 450w led is currently on veg + early bloom. ( bloom is for the heating of the tent)
Also have another smaller led to cover the right side of the tent. (150w or so )
I will buy 2 stronger leds when i see they are getting trough.

What i see now is ;
Some seedlings are showing yellow-ing of the small leaves.
Might be light burn so i've put the leds a bit higher and see how that develops.
Stems are all purple again. Not sure if good or bad.



These are pictures of 2days ago. Will update tomorrow with newer ones. Just watered them a bit and will let them just go for a while without opening the tent.

I try to refresh the air in the growing room where the tents are in. Might do them good.
Also trying it in my small tent to be sure no diseases are present.
Altough this last picture looks like hes dying and i might be better throwing it out before infecting others. ( But read that infection isn't really fast like in dwc )
It's still growing but i think it will block absorption of nutrients & water after a while like my other did.

Still wondering though..
I'm using normal water now from the tap. High ppm and only lowered ph to about 6.
NO nutrients will be given. Soil is universal seedling soil for 1y plants.
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Awesome bro. Im So happy to see you post again.
I also use Pythoff by fairform Its great at keeping your Res sterile at very low concentrations. Be careful not to use this in small applications or soil treatment as it is intended for use in sterile resivouirs at a rate of .2ml per gal.
If you're going soil the don't use Pythoff as it will kill your beneficial bacteria in the soil. And will cause more problems down the track as your growing medium becomes unbalanced.

Hey man, anyway it as great to see you back at it and I wish you the best of luck.
Keep us updated.
Well it was a busy period and went on a vacation after my exams so had to pauze this.
Cleaned everything with chlorine & pythoff.
Bought a propagator (heated) with root riot plugs. ( already wet )
Since i think the problem just happens at the start (germination process).

Anyway when comming back from vacation i've put 24seeds in the root riots.
Some were very very fast. A bit to fast because i wasn't home for a weekend.

So i ended up going home with 10 stretched sprouts who weren't getting light -_-
Stupid stupid mistake.
Transplanted them asap in my small tent.
Gave them light and potted them over in soil. ( yes no water anymore)
Since i was able to grow in the past i want to test that again and see what it gives.

They are getting light now for 4days and it seems they are growing.
Also putted a small fan on them to establish a stronger stem.

1 seedling is showing same disease as before. ( a place where stem is getting tighter with the day ) . So pretty sure that one will die. Anyway i tried to treat him with a pythoff solution. Shall see what it gives.
I try to give them not much water.
Tent is 24°C , 40-50 % humidity.

My 450w led is currently on veg + early bloom. ( bloom is for the heating of the tent)
Also have another smaller led to cover the right side of the tent. (150w or so )
I will buy 2 stronger leds when i see they are getting trough.

What i see now is ;
Some seedlings are showing yellow-ing of the small leaves.
Might be light burn so i've put the leds a bit higher and see how that develops.
Stems are all purple again. Not sure if good or bad.



These are pictures of 2days ago. Will update tomorrow with newer ones. Just watered them a bit and will let them just go for a while without opening the tent.

I try to refresh the air in the growing room where the tents are in. Might do them good.
Also trying it in my small tent to be sure no diseases are present.
Altough this last picture looks like hes dying and i might be better throwing it out before infecting others. ( But read that infection isn't really fast like in dwc )
It's still growing but i think it will block absorption of nutrients & water after a while like my other did.

Still wondering though..
I'm using normal water now from the tap. High ppm and only lowered ph to about 6.
NO nutrients will be given. Soil is universal seedling soil for 1y plants.
From memory your tap water ppm was high, around 150? it will pay to still RO your water and feed at a pH that suits your medium if you want a better control.
Out of your 24 seedlings.... Are they all female? Once again is this too many to look after at once?
So far all seems working.
2 Died along the way, or were dying so i threw them away.

PPM is very high indeed, but i know i used this in the past and it was succesfull so that's why i'm trying it again with all things i used before. ( only LED now and no HPS)
When this works i'll try it next time with the RO water system i bought. And maybe then again the RDWC i made.
Just thought it would be better to test it without now. Since i also got the feeling the filtered water had a smell. ( could be from resting in the container for some days also)

I only buy feminised autoflowers so hopefully it's like that:)
Currently thinking on buying a new batch of seeds in case they die again or just to have them already.

Anyway i already get a better feeling / satisfaction to see that only 2died. I had such a hassle last attempts. So i think i'm on the right way. It's such a nice hobby :D

I also do always alot of seeds because i have the space for them.
1 tent that's 1x1m & another one 1.5x1.5m

Still trying to figure out what's the best for watering.
Now i water them almost each day a bit.
Since the soil is drying out so fast on top.
I know to feel always on the bottom but that's drying out also reasonably fast.
I don't water them until WET , more a bit moisty.
And i try to not water the root riot plug. Only around so that the roots look for water.
Is it better to fully wet them and let them dry out to rewet them again ? Or like what i do.

They are both 70cm above the ground
Pots are abot 10cm high so Light is about 55-60 above the plants.
Not sure if i should put it even higher ..
Some leaves are curly like you can see in the pictures. ( and yellow )

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Small update :

3 are drooping.
Must say i thought this time it would be easier.
I remarked a slower growth last days. They are now day 11 already.
Some are doing great but other not apparantly.

Still feel the troubles come from the watering.
My pots dry out very fast because of the 24°C in the tent & air flow.
So last days i sprayed water on the top EACH day. The excess of water would go out trough holes in my pots on the bottom & some holes on the side ( my rdwc pots)
However each day i saw that the bottom earth was really dry. Which means i should give more water ?
Anyway i saw that the bottom not really gets wet when watering above. So today i started watering them from under.
This by placing them in a scale of ph'ed water. Let it absorp for some seconds and so further until all was done.

If this works and plants grow better next days.. I think i found the way to do it.
I think watering them each day a bit of water is not good. Instead FULL watering each x days..

Ordered a viparspectra R900 & another decent real wattage 348W led that came in already today.

Picture 1 is from yesterday when i watered them in 'their' morning.
Picture 3 is 10hours later where you can see that the topsoil is already very dry ..


Small update :

3 are drooping.
Must say i thought this time it would be easier.
I remarked a slower growth last days. They are now day 11 already.
Some are doing great but other not apparantly.

Still feel the troubles come from the watering.
My pots dry out very fast because of the 24°C in the tent & air flow.
So last days i sprayed water on the top EACH day. The excess of water would go out trough holes in my pots on the bottom & some holes on the side ( my rdwc pots)
However each day i saw that the bottom earth was really dry. Which means i should give more water ?
Anyway i saw that the bottom not really gets wet when watering above. So today i started watering them from under.
This by placing them in a scale of ph'ed water. Let it absorp for some seconds and so further until all was done.

If this works and plants grow better next days.. I think i found the way to do it.
I think watering them each day a bit of water is not good. Instead FULL watering each x days..

Ordered a viparspectra R900 & another decent real wattage 348W led that came in already today.

Picture 1 is from yesterday when i watered them in 'their' morning.
Picture 3 is 10hours later where you can see that the topsoil is already very dry ..


You could have probably avoided the difficulty watering if you had started in smaller pots... What is in your water? You can add nutrients at about 200ppm now. Looking good though mate. Hope it goes well
Yeah indeed ,think i'll use those party cups next time. And just weigh them.
These were the pots i had in my home so that seemed the logic thing to do.
There is nothing in my water. It's just hard water from the tap.
No nutrients ..

Only one thing i changed and that's the watering from beneath.
And opening a small vent thing on the tent.
Humidity is now i the 40s where it was 40-70 before that.
Temperature always 22-24°C
PH 6.0
Enough light.

I'll let them just go for some hours and see what it gives. I still got the feeling to give them more water and completely soak them. But will wait
Day 16 since they came out
Seems they are showing signs of growth finally :)
Some are going fast after i did the big watering.
Went away for 2days and came back like this ;


Funny thing is , the ones with the best growth , are the ones that sprouted later then the others.
On the right there are 5 suckers. those were the first one who sprouted and got no light for 2days.
Seems they locked out water input so guess they will dy.
The ones above are not doing great nor doing bad but they are very slow it seems. I hope they get a grow sprint too and that they don't follow the same path as the right ones.

So now for the watering ; Pour them fully wet and let them dry out almost completely.
Still no nutrients.
Bought some universal soil because these week they probably need to get transplanted to my bigger boxes.

I'll just use the boxes of my rdwc since they are still in the bigger tent. ( cleaned afcorse)
But those don't have drainage holes. Can this form a problem ?

Some are really mongol plants also. Not sure how this comes but leaves are strange and ugly. More rounded then sharp ganja leaves.

Can't wait for the next germination ! If these ones are transplanted and i get my other seeds i'll probably start with 6new ones with direct light in germination and better watering technique.
You could have probably avoided the difficulty watering if you had started in smaller pots... What is in your water? You can add nutrients at about 200ppm now. Looking good though mate. Hope it goes well
I had more problems with the smaller pots to be honest. Then dry out way faster
But now i know to fully soak them + from beneath untill they feel heavy.
Day 16 since they came out
Seems they are showing signs of growth finally :)
Some are going fast after i did the big watering.
Went away for 2days and came back like this ;


Funny thing is , the ones with the best growth , are the ones that sprouted later then the others.
On the right there are 5 suckers. those were the first one who sprouted and got no light for 2days.
Seems they locked out water input so guess they will dy.
The ones above are not doing great nor doing bad but they are very slow it seems. I hope they get a grow sprint too and that they don't follow the same path as the right ones.

So now for the watering ; Pour them fully wet and let them dry out almost completely.
Still no nutrients.
Bought some universal soil because these week they probably need to get transplanted to my bigger boxes.

I'll just use the boxes of my rdwc since they are still in the bigger tent. ( cleaned afcorse)
But those don't have drainage holes. Can this form a problem ?

Some are really mongol plants also. Not sure how this comes but leaves are strange and ugly. More rounded then sharp ganja leaves.

Can't wait for the next germination ! If these ones are transplanted and i get my other seeds i'll probably start with 6new ones with direct light in germination and better watering technique.
Well done mate, you'll get a couple going off this run. Throw away the runts now, they're not worth your time.
As mellow says, you could try take clones later on and fire up the dwc again...
Do not use your dwc totes to plant in, yes it is a major problem if your plant pot has no holes. For the sake of 5bux go to your garden store and buy some 3gal plant pots with saucers or a drip tray.
Sure it's hard-work keeping small pots wet, that's why we design hydro systems and leave playing around in the dirt to the other peasants.........
Glad you are finally seeing results.
I just today got in the mail my new 6" fan. It's one of those plastic ones that's kinda like a hyper fan. Black with red blades.
I will NEVER use a centrifugal fan ever again. I'll be upgrading all my fans to these. They're UNBELIEVABLY more quiet than those stupid centrifugal fans. Good riddance to em.
What kind is it? I've been looking at the hyperfan and the vortex ones,they soundawesome but very spendy.
19 days

Seems that they all are on the doing-good train.
Everyone showed significant growth last days.
I also did a new watering which they seem to love.
Even the 2 smaller ones are showing some signs of life :p Alltough the one on the right has yellow leaves so still could die.

Yesterday i placed 10 other seeds in my sprouting cabine.
Goal is to get 8 decent ones from those 10.

Today or tomorrow i'll transplant the girls into the other tent.
Still thinking on how i should do that.
Because i don't want to TEAR my rdwc system apart for that. ( can't get it out of the tent , all is glued together lol)
So that was the reason why i was opting to grow in those rdwc boxes.
But yes i can feel it would not be good for areation (oxygen of the roots) because no holes in them.

So i'm thinking on just placing a level above the rdwc. ( wooden plates)
And plant the girls in other boxes on top of that plate.
Today i'll be looking to fix this.

I WOULD LOVE to try the dwc again. But as i said , that system is in my big tent where these girlies need to go now.
So can't use it again since they are already used to soil.
So it will be after this grow.
In about 3-4 months i'm going to travel again for 2months. So making clones won't fit the case.
Cool idea though !! I might just give it a try for fun :) Seems really neat. And maybe i can give them away to friends then.

And then something else.
My leds :
viparspectra r900 400w real output
spectrabox 540w real output
another 300w real output led
100 w flower led
120w combined led

Still not sure if this is enough for a 1.5x1.5 + 1x1 tent
I still need to figure out how to hang them.

So today was the day
Transplanted everything. And didn't used my dwc system for it ;)
Just made in on top of it lol. No problem since the tent is high & those auto's won't become very big i think.
Used my old buckets that i still had laying around.
Made holes on the bottom & some have holes on the side as you can see.

Hope they recover good from it and won't stress to much.
Also made a place in the tent for the new seedlings , ( now the small ones are standing there)
I know you said to throw them away but they show some growth so and i only can learn from it i guess.

My vipar is only on veg status
My spectrabox (yellow) , should i place it already on flower to give more light ? Or won't it matter now. Now it's on only veg but that has already some red leds in it.
I have the feeling the viparspectra is much better. Gives way more light. That's why i placed the other white led close to the plants on the right.

10 new seeds are in my propagator since 2days now :)

Still got the problem that my tent becomes vacuum when i set on my sucking system( air ventilation thing.
Not sure if that's good for the plants.
So for now it's off.
But i think it will get very hot in the tent. ( I estimate 29°C )
So the water will evaporate quickly & it will become very humid.
So one way or another i have to fix this because they need to get fresh air afcorse.
And i don't want my housego smelling like crazy in some weeks.

There's about 30L soil in each box. Which gives the plants 15l each
And i placed reflective tape on the empty space + underneath the mongols.


So today was the day
Transplanted everything. And didn't used my dwc system for it ;)
Just made in on top of it lol. No problem since the tent is high & those auto's won't become very big i think.
Used my old buckets that i still had laying around.
Made holes on the bottom & some have holes on the side as you can see.

Hope they recover good from it and won't stress to much.
Also made a place in the tent for the new seedlings , ( now the small ones are standing there)
I know you said to throw them away but they show some growth so and i only can learn from it i guess.

My vipar is only on veg status
My spectrabox (yellow) , should i place it already on flower to give more light ? Or won't it matter now. Now it's on only veg but that has already some red leds in it.
I have the feeling the viparspectra is much better. Gives way more light. That's why i placed the other white led close to the plants on the right.

10 new seeds are in my propagator since 2days now :)

Still got the problem that my tent becomes vacuum when i set on my sucking system( air ventilation thing.
Not sure if that's good for the plants.
So for now it's off.
But i think it will get very hot in the tent. ( I estimate 29°C )
So the water will evaporate quickly & it will become very humid.
So one way or another i have to fix this because they need to get fresh air afcorse.
And i don't want my housego smelling like crazy in some weeks.

There's about 30L soil in each box. Which gives the plants 15l each
And i placed reflective tape on the empty space + underneath the mongols.


Negative pressure on your tent is exactly what you want when you're pulling through a carbon filter. It ensures every ounce of air that goes in to that tent, exits through that exhaust.
Yes i get that negative pressure is the principle.
But i don't like that the tent goes vacuum. I see it really sucking together. Imo that is because there is to little air inlet.
I Can make the air inlet bigger. (now tent stays open a bit and i seems fine ..)
But my clothes are in the same room so i'm timing that i don't need to go in the room when they are sleeping because that would be bad. ( waking them up because light)

SO still need to figure that out because when leaving the tent open it will smell hard in a while.

Day 26 now ;
DAy 5 for the newlings since sprouting ;

So what i do.
I have 3 screens so i open previous pictures and place them next to the newer ones.
On a 6day note ,since going into the boxes. They flourished :)
Many became twice as big. The ones on the left under the vipar are doing the best.
So next time .. Buying another viparspectra R900 :)

On a 3day note ( didn't posted those pics)
Also nice growth. They all seem to follow up nicely and none are leaving behind.
Also my sprouts are seeming more healthy then my last attempt.
Now they got directly the light when they showed there leaves. As where previous time they got light to late because not home.



The mongol on the left is showing as first it's a female lol. ( altough they all are )
Just watered the sprouts fully. So on the bottom & on top. First watering they get. Hope its not too much for them.
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I just wonder why they still are so small in height.
Gonna give it some researching on those auto's. Altough i remember my last ones where also not very high.

I also didn't watered the plants in the boxes since they got transplanted. The earth is still feeling a bit moisty and i see water on the inside of the boxes. So i think i'll still wait a bit.

Also the newer sprouts are being watered with RO water to see is they react better on it like you guys always mentioned.
Just a bit sucky for PH'ing that water. I mixed it with a small bit of normal water to get some ppm in it. ( 30ppm) Then its a bit better to PH it down without going directly to PH 3 or something lol.

Also wondering when i'll switch the bloom switch on. Will look that up too.