Trump will kill us all

bought gasoline the other day...paid a tax

enjoyed the view from my property....paid a tax

Saw some poor kids get hauled off to a government indoctrination center in a yellow bus...paid a tax

Took a shit yesterday using a government mandated size toilet...paid a tax

It rained in New Jersey...those slaves paid a tax

I could go on.

The people you call your leaders (they're really your masters) scheme all day to think of new ways to tax you....slave.
Thank you for paying your taxes...and remember your 3 educated sons also rode that yellow bus, in which you put them on.
Thank you for paying your taxes...and remember your 3 educated sons also rode that yellow bus, in which you put them on.

A wise man knows once light is shed on his ignorance, not to repeat errors. That's why he's a wise man.

A fool defends and repeats his errors, puts his vanity on display, thus cementing his fool status. That's why he's a fool.

A service to be a service, must have the option of choice from both the buyer and seller.

Now that you're enlightened and I've given you the tools to shed your ignorance, tell me where I'm in error....or pay me the million dollars for the paint job you never asked for.
A wise man knows once light is shed on his ignorance, not to repeat errors. That's why he's a wise man.

A fool defends and repeats his errors, puts his vanity on display, thus cementing his fool status. That's why he's a fool.

A service to be a service, must have the option of choice from both the buyer and seller.

Now that you're enlightened and I've given you the tools to shed your ignorance, tell me where I'm in error....or pay me the million dollars for the paint job you never asked for.
I'm glad that you wised up and stop having children for other to teach. Very happy that you are paying your debt to society.

Paint my home...why thank you. I never used your service. Thanks for making yourself my slave. Shall we call this " self-slavery "?? will this be included in your utopia ?
You on the other hand used every bit of service you never asked for but use o_O. Public school being one that you use for your 3 boys for twelve years EACH. Did they also ride on that yellow bus on a public street ? Did you tell that nice driver thank you for taking care of your KIDSSSS while you ran naked in the woods chasing rabbits ? What about the cafeteria lady when you " forgot " lunch money ? Did you thank her for assuring your BOYS ate. Were all 3 of your young men well-behaved ? Did they take to learning or did you have to force a teacher to teach your unruly child ?
I'm glad that you wised up and stop having children for other to teach. Very happy that you are paying your debt to society.

Paint my home...why thank you. I never used your service. Thanks for making yourself my slave. Shall we call this " self-slavery "?? will this be included in your utopia ?
You on the other hand used every bit of service you never asked for but use o_O. Public school being one that you use for your 3 boys for twelve years EACH. Did they also ride on that yellow bus on a public street ? Did you tell that nice driver thank you for taking care of your KIDSSSS while you ran naked in the woods chasing rabbits ? What about the cafeteria lady when you " forgot " lunch money ? Did you thank her for assuring your BOYS ate. Were all 3 of your young men well-behaved ? Did they take to learning or did you have to force a teacher to teach your unruly child ?

So, you are or you aren't going to send me the million dollars I decided you owed me for the paint job you didn't ask for but makes your laundromat look so much better?
So, you are or you aren't going to send me the million dollars I decided you owed me for the paint job you didn't ask for but makes your laundromat look so much better?
he didn't sign an agreement to pay you

you did sign an agreement to pay when you bought your house

your arguments are the stupidest fucking arguments i have ever seen in my life, ever. you are probably mentally retarded and definitely got raped in prison then joined a white power gang to lessen the rapings
So, you are or you aren't going to send me the million dollars I decided you owed me for the paint job you didn't ask for but makes your laundromat look so much better?
I don't use your service, so sorry slave. Now we can write out a contract for any other agreements. Hey who signed the agreement on your mortgage ? Winning is spelled winning aka conquering ska defeating or annihilating.
he didn't sign an agreement to pay you

you did sign an agreement to pay when you bought your house

your arguments are the stupidest fucking arguments i have ever seen in my life, ever. you are probably mentally retarded and definitely got raped in prison then joined a white power gang to lessen the rapings

So if I told you, in order to feed and shelter yourself, you MUST pay me money or I'll steal your house and kill you if you resist, that is an agreement made without any duress present ? How so?

I'm not sure if I should be concerned or flattered by your rape fantasies about me.

Gangs? Nope. I'm not much of a joiner, but you nailed it, I'm a retard. How does it feel to always lose to a retard, Numb nuts ?
So if I told you, in order to feed and shelter yourself, you MUST pay me money or I'll steal your house and kill you if you resist, that is an agreement made without any duress present ? How so?

I'm not sure if I should be concerned or flattered by your rape fantasies about me.

Gangs? Nope. I'm not much of a joiner, but you nailed it, I'm a retard. How does it feel to always lose to a retard, Numb nuts ?
no one forced you to sign an agreement in which you agreed to pay property taxes you dumbass

accept responsibility for your actions and stop being a fucking mooch
I don't use your service, so sorry slave. Now we can write out a contract for any other agreements. Hey who signed the agreement on your mortgage ? Winning is spelled winning aka conquering ska defeating or annihilating.

I panhandled for $37 and built my house from old tarps, cardboard and debris. I thought you knew?

no one forced you to sign an agreement in which you agreed to pay property taxes you dumbass

accept responsibility for your actions and stop being a fucking mooch

So what you're really saying is, any person who builds or buys shelter is now responsible for paying to send your children to an indoctrination center where they will be taught bullying is wrong ? Isn't that a bit...ironic ?
you sent your kids to public schools you fucking mooch

I easily paid for that many times over. The point is, people are charged whether they agree to it or not and many people are charged who never use the so called "service".

If you were going to be charged $150 per week from a grocery store, whether you agreed or not ...or lose your house, would you be okay with that service ?
I easily paid for that many times over. The point is, people are charged whether they agree to it or not and many people are charged who never use the so called "service".

If you were going to be charged $150 per week from a grocery store, whether you agreed or not ...or lose your house, would you be okay with that service ?
London did the math and there’s no way you’re even close to paying for what you used, mooch
@Rob Roy quick refresher.
average public school cost for one child is 4000 ( low balling...some can be much higher ) Catholic or private is 6000 +
you kids went public for 12 multiplied by three for the 3 educated men you have is 144,000 low balled.
property tax rate is as high as 2.38% in New Jersey, and as low as 0.28% in Hawaii. Lets put you somewhere in the middle @ 1.144% with the value of your home being 500,000. meaning 5,720 yearly for your property tax
Total coming in at 143,000 if you paid for 25 years ( 1000 dollars still owed after 25 ).
That is a break down cost of your public school versus what property tax you paid. Do we need to add the other things your property tax covers ? Again thanks for paying your taxes for the service you used.
Question just for curiosity. How many time have you or your sons used a public library ?