What is your favorite strain at the moment (growing & smoking)?

In doing some research I discovered that there is a high content of THCV in bubblegum.
Here is a chart someone cobbled that shows some, not all, of the strains, with content as far has been researched. There are other studies that detail scientific details in great detail.


The BBG they tested was about a 15% THC. Mine is in the 23% compared to some SSH I bought which was tested at 21%. Mysteries are one of the things I really enjoy about this.
Growing/cloning: Nycd x gelato - gg#4 - Banana OG - Blueberry - all Fem queens at 10 months, giving healthy cuttings weekly but becoming a bit much to manage when coupled with their cuttings & clones...
Growing/breeding: DeathBreath, my own baby, only a foot tall, stinking worse than the entire grow room combined, it's borderline nauseating & literally knee buckling.
Growing/Journal: Skullcap by Karma genetics, only seedlings yet but I'm crazy excited to grow, mad scientist & smoke this! Plan on mixing it up with Malawi gold, Swazi gold, DeathBreath & some of the other genetics it's never met before!!
I've had a cut of the "clone only" Blue Dream that is both a favorite to grow and smoke. Robust plant with big dense buds, finishes in 8-9 weeks, great smell and taste, and amazing bag appeal. The buzz is what I consider the perfect high.

The only downside is that one builds a tolerance to it after smoking an ounce or so.....so you have to switch it up with other strains......and come back to it in about a month or so.