Anyone know a good deer repellent?


Well-Known Member
As the title suggests, wild deer are starting to make an appearance and I need the best deer repellent money can buy or that man can make. I'm currently relying on bullets, which although the best deer repellent in existence is quite labor intensive as it involves sitting there all night. I have tried chopped onions and chilli powder mixed, not sure if it's making much difference. Any tips?
Liquid fence.Garlic and eggs are the main ingredients. I live in woods,lots of wildlife and have had good results using this.I've also used it on annuals in a even more deer infested spot and also had no problems.Spray twice a week(or after rain) around your plants,plant containers,on your plants(I'd give em all a little squirt during veg,but not much.stuff smells horrible first applied) Buy the concentrated bottle and mix it yourself to save a little coin.
I've been lucky,never had problems with deer,but I have had nosey black bears berserk through the garden:shock:
Liquid fence.Garlic and eggs are the main ingredients. I live in woods,lots of wildlife and have had good results using this.I've also used it on annuals in a even more deer infested spot and also had no problems.Spray twice a week(or after rain) around your plants,plant containers,on your plants(I'd give em all a little squirt during veg,but not much.stuff smells horrible first applied) Buy the concentrated bottle and mix it yourself to save a little coin.
I've been lucky,never had problems with deer,but I have had nosey black bears berserk through the garden:shock:
That sounds like the good stuff. There's only one retailer in my country and they are drop shipping from the USA for $115 for 5lbs. Goddamned expensive. good news is like you said the manufacturers website says it's all just eggs and garlic with a bit of surfactant and some DE in the granular product. I'm going to make up a batch. thanks for the help.
That sounds like the good stuff. There's only one retailer in my country and they are drop shipping from the USA for $115 for 5lbs. Goddamned expensive. good news is like you said the manufacturers website says it's all just eggs and garlic with a bit of surfactant and some DE in the granular product. I'm going to make up a batch. thanks for the help.
You're on to it man.Making it yourself reminded me of a guy I talked to years ago who grows lillies outdoors.He makes something similiar using eggs and garlic mixed right up in a pump sprayer.Gl
As the title suggests, wild deer are starting to make an appearance and I need the best deer repellent money can buy or that man can make. I'm currently relying on bullets, which although the best deer repellent in existence is quite labor intensive as it involves sitting there all night. I have tried chopped onions and chilli powder mixed, not sure if it's making much difference. Any tips?

Bullets? Seriously? Whatever happened to live and let live? Call me naive, but in my part of the universe no one would think of such an extreme measure.

Try growing a ring of Gorse around your plants, unless u have a large area to cover; always worked for me when Guerilla growing. Other than that, buy a deer fence, or use a liquid fence - both are silent and don’t kill innocent animals. Better still, buy a greenhouse-it offers protection from prying eyes and deer.

Now put down your weapon, my gun toting friend!

Soz about my rant, but I’ve been a Vegetarian for over 30 years and care about my environment (including animals).
I understand that you are trying to protect ur crop, but shedding blood for weed...? Maybe you should kill a dealer-there are less of them compared to deer :-) and you’re guaranteed a good smoke!

No hard feelings, I offer u a ceremonial peace pipe bongsmilie

YUP ^ what Midwest said. If I put plants outside my fenced backyard then I will piss in a gallon jug till about full and spread it bout 10 feet or so all around them. My property is surrounded by trees and deer, rabbits, etc. I have lost to many young ones to hungry deer in my lower feild.
Empty plastic bottle with cling free dryer sheet put inside. Perforate the bottle hang from your plants. The nice smell is a deterant for most big game we don't hunt them wearing gear out of the dryer unless huge amount of scent cover are applied. Won't help with rabbits and small animals but it's been effective in keeping the bear population away from my outdoor herb. The bottle blowing in wind makes small noise which keeps animals away as well. Good luck with it
Are the deer eating your plants? I have more if an issue with raccoons and skunks digging my plants up when they are small... Not so much of a problem with anything eating them...
This is Diesel.....Cana Corso, he loves chasing and catching things. He has run down and caught several deer. He won't harm them, just hold them down until u get there. They were originally bread by the Romans for hunting down slaves....the deer are wary of our farm...
View attachment 4312065
That's awesome, yea ya would think if a deer saw that guy coming they would run outta the county and never come back. LOL funny that he holds them till ya get there, my big Dog does the same with the chickens when they escape. He pins them and never hurts them though. :bigjoint:
This is Diesel.....Cana Corso, he loves chasing and catching things. He has run down and caught several deer. He won't harm them, just hold them down until u get there. They were originally bread by the Romans for hunting down slaves....the deer are wary of our farm...
View attachment 4312065

Gotta show those deer who's boss!
