$$$$$$$$!!!Best cash cropp!!!!!$$$$$$


Well-Known Member
Im wondering what some good cash croppers would be that still retain the conniseurs quality in taste smell smoke and appearance??? please help me chose some as my diesels and super kush are nearly done!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
looking for cash crops eh? most of us here, grow for ourselves only. but, everyone has got to make that money right?... the way i see it. when people buy bags they generally like to see big fluffy nugs, so anything homegrown is going to have that characteristic. so if your looking just to make money. get some huge colas and people will pay even more for them.


Well-Known Member
well i know that but i need some specific strains!!!!!!!! I have right now some sour d, super kush, purple star, sweet island skunk, martian mean green, anunakki, chocolope, super silver haze, and some sweet god. are any of those good for cash croppers even though they are mostly sativas


Well-Known Member
lol.. sounds like you got it taken care of buddy. those are all great strains.lol
i dont see what your asking. do you want a strain you can sell more for. like by the sack or what you mean?


Junior Creatologist
I say get yourself some of that new Mexican "dirt weed" I here it's the bomb dank ass shit. God damn you're fucking moron!:roll:

:wall:n who the fuck are you?! man, just do yourself a favor n shut the fuck up. The dude is asking a viable question. Let somebody answer it. Just because you dont know dick about strains and cant answer the kid for shit, dont mean you gotta fuckin start spittin out offensive jibberish.

Take that shit somewhere else.:finger:


Well-Known Member
well im glad someone said it before i did. i hate people who are such asses on this place.yeah you sound real cool bringing someones thread down.and your the ones who make weed look bad by saying dumb shit like that.
look into white rhino its got medicinal properties with high yields and its in the white family so people like how its from white widow.


Well-Known Member
If I were growing for cash I would just choose a good yielding top of the line strain, not just big bud.

Jack Herer

A premium strain grown and cured with care that can command more than typical prices. Something that's not readily available in your area and smells and tastes great. Big bud is just your everyday stuff.


Well-Known Member
How many dollar signs in your thread topic does it take to get across that you are motivated by greed?

Oh, about that many.

Get a real job if you're in it for the money.


Well-Known Member
why are people so against those selling weed??? what you think they jsut drive to a gas station and walk up to a counter to buy a bag? are oyu fucking stupid? like all the weed has to come from somewhere.i mean yous houldnt grow and worry about nothing but the money i do agree with that but damn man what if you couldnt buy bud before you grew it you wouldnt even be on this damn forum!


Well-Known Member
Amen. I grow for personal too but I typically have WAY more than I can smoke before the next harvest. I don't try to make much though. I sell to fmily and very very very close friends only. I pretty much give my dro away at 200 an oz. I'm not a drug dealer really, just interested in sharing the finest shit with those I love. The money is just for my effort. I've seen good dro go for 600 an Oz. though. I'd say choose a stain with GREAT weed not yeilds. Everyone will pay more for better shit if they can. Try any of the white strains at Nirvana Seeds. VERY POTENT shit. I had some White Rhino of a friend and it was AWESOME!!! Taste great, I WAS FUCKING STONED!!! You give someone green like that and they'll be back. So, yeah, just sell great green at high prices if money is your goal. High yeilding plants don't always command high prices.

Big bud is good for yeilds, but not anything great as far as potency, taste good though. I'd suggest just staying with your Deisel and savy the seed money. If you don't already have a co2 system, spend the seed money on that. That will absolutley increase, yeild, potency, taste, and accelerate growth. Or, if your set on something new, try out some white stains.

Hope I helped somewhat. Good luck, and stay safe everybody.

-The Dude


Well-Known Member
try thc bomb great yeilds:D
but potency is better than yield bra. You want a strain thats strong and can yield.

Big bud can go for like 300-400(max) a ounce.
While a great white strain like WW can go for 500+ cause it's good weed and people can make 840 off of it.