Once upon a time I almost did. I shop at the commissary and my hub had just got off work and was wearing his Class A uniform. Most of the guys in the commissary were also in Class A too, but I never gave that much thought prior to this.
I was looking for something on the aisle and out of my peripheral vision I identified what looked the size and shape and correct attire for hub. I sidled up and pressed full length up against him while still visually searching for the elusive item.
A moment later I realized the guy wasn't hugging me instead he was stiff as a board. At that point I looked up and realized that this wasn't my hub. He smiled tentatively and asked if I'd like to go out for a drink.
At that point my hub came back around from the other aisle after realizing I was still on a previous aisle, to this little vignette. Come to think of it hub didn't speed ahead anymore LOL
LOL ouch, actually for me it was the feminine products aisle.
You have something to look forward to in your mid 30's. As you age your give a shit factor increases in direct proportion, enjoy it. You will also need less time to dress as you realize the enemy of good is better.