Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Sounds sketchy lol. I’ll give it a whirl!

It's not as bad as it sounds. Right now, the roots aren't wrapped in the net cup, just that tap root. Put the stem between your pointer and middle finger, tip it over, give it a squeeze, and it should pop right out.

I do it a lot lol.
It's not as bad as it sounds. Right now, the roots aren't wrapped in the net cup, just that tap root. Put the stem between your pointer and middle finger, tip it over, give it a squeeze, and it should pop right out.

I do it a lot lol.
Word I’ve transplanted from solos sounds eerily similar.
It's not as bad as it sounds. Right now, the roots aren't wrapped in the net cup, just that tap root. Put the stem between your pointer and middle finger, tip it over, give it a squeeze, and it should pop right out.

I do it a lot lol.
Should I put some coco in before as a base layer or just straight into the cup and fill the sides up?
It’s gunna be a good day :)

View attachment 4327722

Looking forward to these 2 samples in particular

I really want to get that stuff you guys keep talking about..

Garden friendly fungicide?!?! Right? Better than hydrogaurd? I need it in my life.

I’ve got EVERYTHING I need to finish off this whole run at MAXIMUM capacity ^_^
I dunno about better than - it's the same bacteria. Way the fuck cheaper though!
Word I’ve transplanted from solos sounds eerily similar.

I'm transplanting these day old autos from solos to 3 gal hempys right now. The drier the medium the better, but if you have to do it wet, compacting it a little bit helps to hold it together in my opinion.

I’d really like to incorporate a “clean root stuff” into my soil grow. Can I put hydroguard in soil water mix?
GFF works for soil - if I were so inclined I could mix it in a tank sprayer & use it as a lawn fungicide or in my veggie garden. I believe the label has instructions on use in outdoor applications...

Another really solid beneficial bacteria & organic matter product for soil is real grower's recharge. I tried it for hydro and had difficulty, so I used the rest on tomato and pepper plants. That coldwater kelp stuff makes roots go insane!
Haven't had a sticky husk in a while. This one, the shell came off but that clear inner liner stayed on. Had to break out the Vaseline.
