Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

It broke surface on Saturday so roughly 48 hours. When I removed it from the coco in the net pot last night it had already started branching just a bit and when I dropped it into the new net pot with hydroton I hung like 1/2 of root out the bottom so the roots were about 1/4 inch in the water. I kinda forced the roots hitting the water phase.

you’ll use the steps and their times in the future if you do dwc,

Seed to germ
Germ to roots in water
In water to netlike root branches
Total time germ to 6 true nodes
How's your hempy setup doing? Did you rock those pipes, or no?
I sure did lol they have taken off growing really fast right now. Here’s the set up from mid week last week. I bent the plant in half and all my lowers are almost as tall as my main cola now . Gonna tie them off to the outside of my tub and let them start growing vertically.
Word! I’m assuming it when it will explode in growth? Kinda like when the root hits the reservoir in hempys? It’s night and day growth speed when the root finally hits the reservoir.

Once you see em start making these lattices of roots, they can’t make nodes fast enuff, new one every 3-5 days...
Once you see em start making these lattices of roots, they can’t make nodes fast enuff, new one every 3-5 days...

Man I really like the sound of that lol.

I’m going to run a nebulas manifold on it I think. But from the sound of how quickly
It will grow I may as well just do mug buckets and run an 8 topper.
Really proud of this. My first cross. Not a f74 r2bx4sqaure double blah blah.

It’s two plants, I made one make pollen on purpose, and I gave another plant that pollen and it seeded. I grew that seed. And I have this.

Mephisto deez nugs x Mephisto unreleased sour stomper x fantasmo express.

Moab’s Strain.

I sure did lol they have taken off growing really fast right now. Here’s the set up from mid week last week. I bent the plant in half and all my lowers are almost as tall as my main cola now . Gonna tie them off to the outside of my tub and let them start growing vertically.
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I feel so bad for honestly not knowing what this gorgeous setup is :/

Interested to know though. Looks nice.