The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


trump praised neo-nazis. you praise trump

it's straightforward
Hillary Clinton referred to black people as super predators and that they must be brought to heel. She said something racist.

Pretty straightforward.

Buck supported Hillary. UncleBuck is a racist.


post the speech where you think that happened, semen drinker

that is, if you are not too busy drinking the semen of homosexual men you have had sex with
After all your lies that you told without posting any evidence to back it up... you now demand that I support my claim? Sheeeit. You're a special kind of entitled stupid, aren't you UncleCuck, you dickriding, cum on the face taking, bbc loving racist.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, well. Your mother's a whore and your father's probably dead. Fuck both of em for creating the pile of shit that is you.

On a kinder note: welcome, e-gang fag train member #6
So I’m guessing you’re about to turn 16 and you’re mad because none of your uncles will buy you a scooter. Am I close? Huh? Huh?


Well-Known Member
You actually hadn't ever said anything intelligent. Anybody scrolling up can see that. Calling me stupid over and over again doesn't mean you did anything right, it means that you have no creativity. As far as prison gang rape goes... I jumped out of line when I realized that it was you that was at the receiving end. Legend has it that you're still limping to this very day from all that big black cock you took that night.
translation: I am stupid


Well-Known Member
You actually hadn't ever said anything intelligent. Anybody scrolling up can see that. Calling me stupid over and over again doesn't mean you did anything right, it means that you have no creativity. As far as prison gang rape goes... I jumped out of line when I realized that it was you that was at the receiving end. Legend has it that you're still limping to this very day from all that big black cock you took that night.
A phallic hang up. Apparently he’s an expert who judges by quality and color etc. I guess you can only suck or take so many before it happens judging by remarks from flotsam like you.