Alaskan Ice x1

mr west

Well-Known Member
i also germed two cheese seeds and planted them 1 from ghs the other from bb, hoping to get a cut of ukcheese this week or so too lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
well im gettig a ukcheese cutting so i wanna do a side by side by side grow of the three cheese lol. Just took a tester bud off my 8 week old G-Force, It smells very lemony and yummy scrummy


Well-Known Member
for now they will have to share with everything else in the veg room lol
. . . . I'll tag along, subscribed :-)

so I just read through this and I believe the Alaskan Ice is at 19 days now?

Have good day Mr West. Good growing to you, plants look fine. bongsmilie

mr west

Well-Known Member
finaly threw that ww clone away :( nothing was hapening, she had roots but not many and v thin so i binned her . everyone else is doing fine. The ghs cheese is up and going now but the bbcheese is still under ground at the min lol. The church and big bang are doing fine on there 3 set of leaves now. I just give them all a bit of water so ill take a pic wen its a bit drier lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Oh right yeah lol. Im saving my trim till after xmass lol, maybe someoe will get me a honey oil thingy for a presant at yuel