What did you accomplish today?

too larry

Well-Known Member
I was looking for the classic "BassOmatic", NBC apparently licensed all the old full SNL clips that used to be available on Youtube, onto their own site which won't play on RIU. It looks like they missed this one. All I could find of the Bassomatic were short ones.
I run into that with sports clips for my "how 'bout them Noles" thread. I would never advise anyone to look for workarounds. But if you were to paste the address into the comment box as is, not going through the media thingie, it might just work.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I was off yesterday. Event was scheduled, but no deposit paid, so I didn't come in to work. The wife and did a quick trip to town and had lunch. {I was out of soybeans, and can't breakfast without them} Nap in the afternoon.

Stayed at the pond camp last night. The moon got under the tarp about 0330 and woke me up. I did get back to sleep, but rolled out at 0530 and was home by 0600. Did some light chainsawing and brush piling, picked over the garden, had lunch, napped in the afternoon, and now I'm at work. I have a pretty big event tonight for a Monday night. BBQ is being served. I hope they read the fine print. The part about having to feed the office staff.


Well-Known Member
Are you throwing away your hugo blocks for tonka toys?

I haven’t done much “hydro” in a minute even before the fire. I’ve been in 10gal pots of soil(treated as dirt) for a minute. 4-10gal pots per 4x4 area.

Honestly though, i’ve had allot of fun growing big ass trees outdoor too over the years, but when prices dropped so low i got out. I need the money now. My shop is still a few months from being online :-(


Well-Known Member
I figured, the chain link fence installers out on base charged double because it took at least twice the time to dig the post holes.
Remember when i told you i had to demo the old septic tank out? I bought a new one as soon as i could but it took a month until the old hole was dry lol. All that fucking rain we kept getting and pretty much solid rock, or whatever you call the shit up here.

You run into decomposing granite, that’s the easy shit, there’s the green country rock and also regular granite not quite decomposed but does fracture with enough force.

Only about 1.5’ of topsoil