Riot seeds. Roadkill Afghani

Not that I want to recommend spending $500.00 for 6 beans, but the more people that have it, the more likely someone who isn't a money hungry whore will share it. Appears they are back in stock:
I will belive him when a few people grow out the beans.Seeing the old rks grown again would be great.If its the real deal old RKS beans 500.00 bucks would be CHEEP to have her back again.
For everyone not sure if these are worth buying, especially for the high dollar?
I would say no!
Don't buy these, not worth it. Go somewhere else. Complete junk here!
Worst strain I've ever grown! 0 skunk! No resin! Low yield junk! All hermaphrodites!......hmmmm what else...!!??!!

I would try Dominion, Farm, Shoreline or Master Thai.
Oh, or those $1000 seeds from SBSkunk
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For everyone not sure if these are worth buying, especially for the high dollar?
I would say no!
Don't buy these, not worth it. Go somewhere else. Complete junk here!
Worst strain I've ever grown! 0 skunk! No resin! Low yield junk! All hermaphrodites!......hmmmm what else...!!??!!

I would try Dominion, Farm, Shoreline or Master Thai.
Oh, or those $1000 seeds from SBSkunk
That master thai has the roadkill phenos like crazy, lol
I remember smoking a joint of skunk between lunch in high school and sitting in the auditorium. A teacher walk past me and sent me to the principal for stinking like skunk. Luckily I didn't get in trouble. But you definitely stunk at the tire shop and so did the truck
riot and subcool should holds hands together and step in front of a train.

I'm usually a person that, "doesn't judge a book by it's cover", but subcool looks like such a douchebag I could never buy seeds from him.

I remember smoking a joint of skunk between lunch in high school and sitting in the auditorium. A teacher walk past me and sent me to the principal for stinking like skunk. Luckily I didn't get in trouble. But you definitely stunk at the tire shop and so did the truck

After 0 hour and before most kids would arrive at my high school, I smoked 2 hits of skunk behind the bleachers in the gymnasium with my buddy. He ended up double bagging it and put it in a empty gatorade bottle inside his gym locker. After 1st hour, I starting hearing whispers of "that smell" and "skunk" and began getting nervous. I went back to the gym, and entire gym complex smelled like a skunk died and emptied its scent glands. My friend was able to get it off the premises before the dogs arrived. Police went classroom to classroom and had kids take their shoes and backpacks off and place them outside but never searched anyone. Luckily for me I didn't have anything that day, but still almost shit a brick when it all went down.
I'm usually a person that, "doesn't judge a book by it's cover", but subcool looks like such a douchebag I could never buy seeds from him.

totally agree. You can listen to most these breeders on youtube. subcool has his head so far up his own ass, and jill can hardly create a sentence. fat riot is just a shit talker with no friends. I really don't care to give any of them money.

I love smoking weed and getting high, but people like these make me really dislike it sometimes.
totally agree. You can listen to most these breeders on youtube. subcool has his head so far up his own ass, and jill can hardly create a sentence. fat riot is just a shit talker with no friends. I really don't care to give any of them money.

I love smoking weed and getting high, but people like these make me really dislike it sometimes.
subcool is no breader I tried his stuff lots of times on hipe but his shit is not worth growing if it was free.sub is a pure bread prick in my book.
Just bought a pack. Thank you, Kona for documenting this. Hate to pay that price but if it is what you say it is, its probably worth it. Won't be able to grow these till next spring tho =/

Want to try one of his strawberry strains but his prices need to drop a lot

Awesome bro!!!
Now I am even more stoked!!
I am praying that you find the even better ones that I know are in those packs!?!
But either way I know you will be happy!!

The high price fades away when you do your first run, and realize everyone is a keeper. So take clones of every one.

I was actually thinking about grabbing another pack to find the ultimate one! But I just can't swing it now.
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A fool and his money are soon parted.
Yes, but a fool thinking about my money needs his own business to mind.

Awesome bro!!!
Now I am even more stoked!!
I am praying that you find the even better ones that I know are in those packs!?!
But either way I know you will be happy!!

The high price fades away when you do your first run, and realize everyone is a keeper. So take clones of every one.

I was actually thinking about grabbing another pack to find the ultimate one! But I just can't swing it now.
Thank you. I'm sure whatever I get will be killer. I want to try to get rks in seed form thru cubing.