I never said anything about her being insincere, I like Harris and would be very proud to have her as our president. I am just not going to agree that Biden saying he is against busing is racially insensitive. You don't know anything about what I've seen in life, and keep calling me gringo which is very funny to me. People get caught up in hearing things that are said online about this topic for sure, the shame is people pushing that what was said is more extreme than it was.
I did listen to what she said and believe it was brilliant. I am saying that there is nothing factually inaccurate about what she said, and further more when she later said she didn't think Biden was a racist was good too. Harris is my favorite since watching her in senate hearings, but I would be just as happy with Biden for the next 4 years to expose all of the election interference.
I am not saying not to talk about racial issues, I am saying we should be really accurate when we do though because this is what is being used to tear apart our electoral process. Understanding that with people using small soundbites and taking things out of context it confuses the situation. And that confusion is used by a very sophisticated trolling campaign to provide cover for Trump and other horrible candidates that foreign governments would find useful in further sowing chaos in our future democratic elections.
A good conversation can be had about the effectiveness of busing through the years and how hard it would be to know the positives and negatives before you had 30 years of hindsight.