What did you accomplish today?

If it's older then 2008 stay the fuck away. The Northstar motors in the older models WILL blow a head gasket, they did a redesign around 2006, I think, that took care of that issue. If you blow a headgasket the motor has to come out, through the bottom of the car, to get fixed... If it even can be fixed, usually they need a full rebuild. You're looking at a few grand for just a headgasket job done right, closer to 8-9000 if it needs a basic rebuild. My father had a 99 that we kept pouring bottles of head gasket sealer just to keep it running, I would've burned the fucking thing if it was mine. I fucking love Cadillacs, but you couldn't give me one that's fwd with a Northstar motor. I had a 2009 DTS level 4+, every available option except for power window curtains. It was a nice car, but i started having issues with the HID headlamps and a JUNKYARD replacement was going to be around $800 for ONE headlight assembly. I unloaded that thing quick. If you want a caddy look for one with a LS based motor or the DI V6 and still be prepared to pay Cadillac prices for repairs.

yea i was reading about the northstar people were posting "NOT NORTHSTAR" then i read on like car shows how some people will convert the motors cause it was northstar and how people frown upon that cause they are not greatful for what the car had in it originally i guess this is mostly for people that claim "stock" at car shows. i was just looking at it for fun remembered about that brand as i usually dont looking into caddy's in general but i seen how cheap and low mileage they were so i got excited until i started to do a little more research. likely gonna stay away from it on this website i looked up says it was #3 in cost of maintenance in a 10 year span off the lot i suppose.
" a beer"


My daughter has thornless plants in her yard. She gave me a cane that broke off to root, I cut it into a few pieces and stuffed it into a bucket. I'm trying to figure out how I can grow them without them spreading everywhere.
Try container gardening with them. It’s what I did for a couple years, just became a pain because I’d have to still bury them for our winters. Many times I’d lose plants because of the root ball freezing.
Yuba County Sheriff's Office Press Release: Illegal Cannabis Cultivation – Dixon Hill Rd, Dobbins

At approximately 8:00 a.m. on 7/5/19, the YCSO Marijuana Enforcement Team (METYU) with the assistance of Yuba County Code Enforcement officers executed a search warrant in the 13000 block of Dixon Hill Rd in Dobbins. During the search, Deputies located and eradicated approximately 1,224 marijuana plants at an outdoor grow in an non-permitted temporary greenhouse structure. No suspects were located at the site during the search.

Deputies conducted an approximate one-month long investigation of the site which investigators first became aware of following a fire at a related grow in Forbestown in May, 2019. The Dixon Hill Rd grow location was then confirmed by overflights of the area.

Ruined these peoples day.
These people too. Smh.

Deputies take down 21 illegal weed greenhouses and rooms on Merced County property | Merced Sun-Star

Deputies take down 21 illegal weed greenhouses and rooms on Merced County property

JULY 04, 2019 04:48 PM
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The largest illegal marijuana cultivation site of the year so far was busted up on Thursday in Merced County in a former tow yard, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Merced County deputies served a search warrant in the 27000 block of Ingomar Grade in Gustine, detained 12 people and confiscated 8,086 plants growing in makeshift greenhouses, Sgt. Ray Framstad said.

On the property were 21 greenhouses and rooms for growing that were full of plants and dry products worth at least $2 million to $3 million on the street, Framstad said. The greenhouses were inside trailers and storage containers.

“It’s the biggest this year and it’s the biggest outdoor nursery that we’ve seen,” he said. “This is a facility from start to finish.”

Deputies regularly break up illegal cannabis sites in rural parts of the county, like the 12,040 marijuana plants confiscated in May.

The property was reported to the Sheriff’s Office because it was an eyesore and residents were tired of seeing all the trash that collected and chemicals drained into the creek, according to Framstad.

“When we passed the ordinance in Merced (County), that was our biggest concern, keeping people from out of the area setting up shop in Merced County,” Framstad said. “Many of the people we contacted today are from out of the area, out of the state.”

Merced County Board of Supervisors voted in 2017 to push all growing inside and reduce the number of legal plants to six, which is also the state standard.

Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke has been an outspoken opponent of cannabis cultivation, saying it attracts violent crime and funds cartels and other organized crime.

Using the techniques and types of plants used at upscale indoor cannabis growers, Framstad said, outdoor growers can harvest three to four times a year rather than the traditional annual harvest.

None of the workers were armed but deputies found four firearms on site, according to deputies. Workers may have also been at risk of industrial injuries as chemicals, pesticides and exposed wires were found all over the property.

The Sheriff’s Office suspects the site was being grown by organized crime, Framstad said. A relatively new team from the Sheriff’s Office is targeting “quality of life issues,” he said.

Information collected on Thursday may lead to other illegal sites or rooms holding product, Framstad said
Possibly looking for a new job. I think this jerky place might go out of business. i think they are heavily relying on this co packer to turn a HUGE.. profit by getting into bigger name stores like target/walmart and trader joes. i personally seen the demand of our product locally i don't have high hopes though. not sure why they turned down safeway when they got offered i mean they could have done X amount of stores instead of all the stores until they started turning a reliable profit then expand. i low key pay attention to this stuff though despite i am out of the dark cause of course you don't want your workers snooping around but i do pay attention to these things because i do eventually want to start my own business and so i learn from other peoples businesses that i work for.

i just looked up a company but idk what year this company actually was founded it's fairly new from my understanding but they are doing it big here got recognized for an award already, multiple stores in waikiki, been featured on tv, etc.. then there is us been open for 3 years no notable mentions. 2 totally different products but in the same sub category i would say as both deal with food items.