Do bloom boosters make your bud taste like shit?

why i use to flush with molasses & water the last 10 days i noticed the plants yellowing faster. was that attributed to molasses kicking out the last bits of nitrogen ?

While N is a mobile nutrient. You can't remove it from a plant in that manor.
The plant has to use it.
High P levels will over ripen or speed a ripening up........Plant yellows quicker.

Why many nutrient lines that drop the N and raise the P. Have problems with yellowing plants from the bottom up, way to early in bloom....
I'm not 16. I've been growing for decades. I don't flush. My weed is great.

I've been growing plants for decades. All kinds. Flushing does not remove salts from plants.

Answer this question. When you flush and the plant takes in all this water that is supposed to flush stuff out of the plant where does that stuff go?

Plants do not take up salts the way you make it seem.

I'm not even going to bother getting in to the science of nutrient uptake. Not worth the time.

Flush away.

And who cares what some marketing/nutrient company says anyway? They exist to take money from gullible cannabis growers that have no problem paying $20 for a bottle water with a few pennies worth of MKP because it has a fancy label and cool name. Cannabis specific nutrient companies are the last place I would get growing advice from. They want to sell you more products. That's what they do and that's how they stay in business. I put them in the same category as a sleazy used car dealership.
yea ill flush im not into smoking all kinds of weird shit
I'm not 16. I've been growing for decades. I don't flush. My weed is great.

I've been growing plants for decades. All kinds. Flushing does not remove salts from plants.

Answer this question. When you flush and the plant takes in all this water that is supposed to flush stuff out of the plant where does that stuff go?

Plants do not take up salts the way you make it seem.

I'm not even going to bother getting in to the science of nutrient uptake. Not worth the time.

Flush away.

And who cares what some marketing/nutrient company says anyway? They exist to take money from gullible cannabis growers that have no problem paying $20 for a bottle water with a few pennies worth of MKP because it has a fancy label and cool name. Cannabis specific nutrient companies are the last place I would get growing advice from. They want to sell you more products. That's what they do and that's how they stay in business. I put them in the same category as a sleazy used car dealership.
ofcoures your not 16 and ofcourse u have been growing for decades lol
Not into botany either, eh bobby?


You know you people are raising your hand to the "who's a retard" question is all you are doing. I and EVERY vape user I know can categorize about 50% of store-bought bud by the ferts used, with 100% accuracy. The rest can be categorized by the pesticides and fake terps used, a big indicator of how out of their element these chemmy growers are regarding production and evaluation of quality.

I guess the difference is, we all grew up tasting pot, not ferts, were never able to sell pot with even moderate pot taste because no one wants moderate pot, and we had a long held understanding that the molecules responsible for flavor/cottonmouth are indeed medicinal, having personally cured many stomach and issues and treated endless respiratory problems with Cannabis synthesized alpha-linolenic acid derivatives which are not produced by npk, but by microbes, not found or replicated in any other way than by the microbes passed down from the seed feeding off sugars produced by the plant a natural symbiosis yo internet growers have been fucking up since the 70s.
You know you people are raising your hand to the "who's a retard" question is all you are doing. I and EVERY vape user I know can categorize about 50% of store-bought bud by the ferts used, with 100% accuracy. The rest can be categorized by the pesticides and fake terps used, a big indicator of how out of their element these chemmy growers are regarding production and evaluation of quality.

I guess the difference is, we all grew up tasting pot, not ferts, were never able to sell pot with even moderate pot taste because no one wants moderate pot, and we had a long held understanding that the molecules responsible for flavor/cottonmouth are indeed medicinal, having personally cured many stomach and issues and treated endless respiratory problems with Cannabis synthesized alpha-linolenic acid derivatives which are not produced by npk, but by microbes, not found or replicated in any other way than by the microbes passed down from the seed feeding off sugars produced by the plant a natural symbiosis yo internet growers have been fucking up since the 70s.

I stopped reading at vape user

Little off topic @ Dr. Who, I have some living soil no till beds 4+ years i was thinking about using some big n sticky right now at transition and maybe once more closer to harvest, as well as maybe some potassium sulfate at the end. I don't really do any "flush" just water and some homemade LAB from unpasteurized goat milk, for the last week before harvest. Do you think this would do more harm than good?
@Dr. Who I have some living soil no till beds 4+ years i was thinking about using some big n sticky right now at transition and maybe once more closer to harvest, as well as maybe some potassium sulfate at the end. I don't really do any "flush" just water and some homemade LAB from unpasteurized goat milk, for the last week before harvest. Do you think this would do more harm than good?
"Flush": I guess my idea of "flush" really only refers to growing in some bagged, probably peat or coco based medium,(almost no bagged mixes are mineral based) the plant doesn't really stop metabolisingy, but there may be unchelated salts or nutrient imbalances remaining in the grow medium. In a living soil in native "dirt" you can't really shut down nutrient uptake, so really you just try not to add anything too undesirable in the first place. So, my question is really like the subject of the thread says, will bloom boosters make my bud taste like shit? Or do I stay the course 110% organic, knf, no till, permaculture, yah dah, yah dah, ya...

My big concern in the end is having the best tasting meds i can get..!?
Also does anyone have a say on kushie kush, sour-dee or similar products? I get that they are all potassium sulfate, CHO and some terps\esters. They all still need proper amounts of manganese (which, I am pretty sure I get enough of from my BAS Big 6/tm-7 no-iron.) Can I replicate these in a more natural way or just save the time and buy the bottle?
Is potassium sulfate far superior to potassium derived from kelp with potassium hydroxide. Kelp, fe\mn, thc\cbd production is there a relatively simple way to tell what is ideal pheno or chemo expressions? I take brix readings but don't fully understand if getting the brix higher means healthier...
Also does anyone have a say on kushie kush, sour-dee or similar products? I get that they are all potassium sulfate, CHO and some terps\esters. They all still need proper amounts of manganese (which, I am pretty sure I get enough of from my BAS Big 6/tm-7 no-iron.) Can I replicate these in a more natural way or just save the time and buy the bottle?
Is potassium sulfate far superior to potassium derived from kelp with potassium hydroxide. Kelp, fe\mn, thc\cbd production is there a relatively simple way to tell what is ideal pheno or chemo expressions? I take brix readings but don't fully understand if getting the brix higher means healthier...
kinda out of my leage but i believe the higher the brix the healthier the plant. im trying to recall shit from the early 2000's , sorry if im wrong.

"Flushing" , I figured by now they would have changed that word. Guess not. I have a high level palate and starving the plant does not help with taste. AT ALL. "Wait till it fades" HAHAHHA "right when its about to die pick it" That shit was made up by dummies in the 80's to "prove hydro is better" . 90% of the stuff we taste is in the genetics and/or cure.
kinda out of my leage but i believe the higher the brix the healthier the plant. im trying to recall shit from the early 2000's , sorry if im wrong.

"Flushing" , I figured by now they would have changed that word. Guess not. I have a high level palate and starving the plant does not help with taste. AT ALL. "Wait till it fades" HAHAHHA "right when its about to die pick it" That shit was made up by dummies in the 80's to "prove hydro is better" . 90% of the stuff we taste is in the genetics and/or cure.

But hydro is better 8-)
"Flush": I guess my idea of "flush" really only refers to growing in some bagged, probably peat or coco based medium,(almost no bagged mixes are mineral based) the plant doesn't really stop metabolisingy, but there may be unchelated salts or nutrient imbalances remaining in the grow medium. In a living soil in native "dirt" you can't really shut down nutrient uptake, so really you just try not to add anything too undesirable in the first place. So, my question is really like the subject of the thread says, will bloom boosters make my bud taste like shit? Or do I stay the course 110% organic, knf, no till, permaculture, yah dah, yah dah, ya...

My big concern in the end is having the best tasting meds i can get..!?

Also does anyone have a say on kushie kush, sour-dee or similar products? I get that they are all potassium sulfate, CHO and some terps\esters. They all still need proper amounts of manganese (which, I am pretty sure I get enough of from my BAS Big 6/tm-7 no-iron.) Can I replicate these in a more natural way or just save the time and buy the bottle?
Is potassium sulfate far superior to potassium derived from kelp with potassium hydroxide. Kelp, fe\mn, thc\cbd production is there a relatively simple way to tell what is ideal pheno or chemo expressions? I take brix readings but don't fully understand if getting the brix higher means healthier...

I've used AN nutes for almost 20 years and the supplements like Kushie Kush are scams IMO. Big Bud is what you want for a decent bloom booster and stop using at the end of week 5. Very little nutes are needed after that and a slo-dry with a month of burping in jars will give you smooth smoking, great tasting pot.

All I've used is the 3-part, Big Bud and some Rhino Skin for silica. Epsom salts are cheap and any old Calmag will do. After the stretch I would switch to feeding Lucas Formula style to reduce the N in later flower.

I never flush.

I started using Mega Crop the last couple months and now the AN nutes sit on the shelf except for the Big Bud powder which I'm using for the bloom booster so it doesn't go to waste. The nutes are good for a few years yet. Growing in ProMix HP with some organics and myco added for a semi-organic kind of grow experiment that seems to be working really well.

I'm not positive about the best source of potassium but the sulfate form is the most common as in mono-potassium sulfate.


I've used AN nutes for almost 20 years and the supplements like Kushie Kush are scams IMO. Big Bud is what you want for a decent bloom booster and stop using at the end of week 5. Very little nutes are needed after that and a slo-dry with a month of burping in jars will give you smooth smoking, great tasting pot.

All I've used is the 3-part, Big Bud and some Rhino Skin for silica. Epsom salts are cheap and any old Calmag will do. After the stretch I would switch to feeding Lucas Formula style to reduce the N in later flower.

I never flush.

I started using Mega Crop the last couple months and now the AN nutes sit on the shelf except for the Big Bud powder which I'm using for the bloom booster so it doesn't go to waste. The nutes are good for a few years yet. Growing in ProMix HP with some organics and myco added for a semi-organic kind of grow experiment that seems to be working really well.

I'm not positive about the best source of potassium but the sulfate form is the most common as in mono-potassium sulfate.


I add small amounts of greensand each time I re-amend a soil with slow release K. I ran out of kelp meal and plan on getting a 50 lb bag that should last years and is also a source of K. Kelp meal and EWC are my favorite top dressings when I'm not sure what to feed my plants. A safe and healthy combo.